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The advantage atm is that valves privately owned. The moment they go public, be very wary.

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Shareholders prefer constant steady income over one time purchases. Hence why they prefer subscriptions and ads.

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Pretty much the biggest mistake made due to greed is the decision to retroactively apply thr deals to already existing titles. Its one thing to neuter titles in the future, but another to fuck over everyone whose already committed to using it on a different TOS

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Things like reshade and controller api modifcations redirect dll functions. The line is kind of vague about the specifics.

Should people on steamdeck ironically be banned for how proton changes how the DX11 is read and converts it to vulkan?

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If theyre in the apple ecosystem, they already have apple products that charge with USB-C.

not an apple user myself, by my cousin is stoked he doesnt have to carry extra cables to charge his phone as he already carries his Macbook charger with him. Doesnt apply to magsafe ones for obvious reasons

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Cause thinkpads are cheap and easy to come by

Source: i work in ewaste

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competition only lowers prices if supply isn't limited sadly. And due to how the housing system works, that would virtually never happen.


More people die due to things like selfies, falling out of your bed, tipped vending machines and heck, even balloons, then to a shark.

Just because something can kill you doesnt mean it will, more often than not, it actually wont.

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I mean id argue Skyrim isnt that great to look at either, given its a continent full of tombs and snow due to its climate. Its just gray and white.

Both Morrowwind and Oblivion had more interesting places to look at than skyrim did.

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I mean there are definately people who havent been canceled. Reminder that Chris Brown is probably bigger than he once was and everyone knows hes actually beaten up people

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I mean if the research a few months ago in japan that detailed the ability to introduce a drug to allow teeth growth beyond the second pair has good results, things are getting places.

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Best has a lot of sub requirements, and cheap goes against that notion. Need to be specific about use cases. No one has the best everything because there are always cuts on design.

If you want the most generic answer, an arbitrary lenovo thinkpad

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Its not exactly, its a dll conversion. You overtake the dll the game uses and replace it with a different library. Same idea with reshade. You bypass the dll given by the game to use your own.

Game dependent. Some games can via port fowarding, some by abusing space wars server, some incable.of multiplayer at all.

Probably took a while unless trained speed eater.

I personally attempted the 100 nugget challenge and the bottleneck for me actually wasn't getting full, it was that your jaw hurts a lot chewing through a shit ton of nuggets. I couldnt even imagine doing over 4x that amount in a sitting

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It didnt open the parts of the driver that mattered

Bottom, better for one handed navigation.

Imo the best example of an underpriced game is Terraria. The game stayed 10$ for the longest time, had a decade of updates(not just tiny ones), ridiculous hours of playtime and people even complained the devs were "greedy" when they increased the price of a steam sale of it(which the game is still an unbelievably good value)

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Legit, O G. Not even kidding

This design is dumber than that one rounded boomerang ps3 prototype controller

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Mobilism. Comments work similar to torrent comments on giving me warnings if an apk is bad or its because the user doesnt know how to differentiate against false flags/actually dumb.

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Physically, i think the other ones were that the phone is more fragile (can be broken with bending with only hands), and the phones with darker colored titanium edges gets its paint scratched off easily.

Titanium is very sensitive to scratches, just telling people as anybody who used an Essential PH-1 could tell you (I didd for 4 years)

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The 360 is IBM power pc based.

The simple answer is that microsoft is a far more advanced company in terms of programming an OS, the gap shows when you compare console securities, where virtually every nintendo or sony device had software vulnerabilities, while microsoft consoles tended to need to be hardmodded

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hardware based speculation is hard to patch compared to most exploits that are just bad programming mistakes due to two factors. one being its hardware and its hard to patch out hardware and 2. fixing it would lead to severe drop in performance. A name of a very recent one would be Retbleed.

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It was actually originally planned for 2gb till capcom convinced nintendo to make it 4.

Modern ones will. The gpu requirement is basically says any gpu from 2011 and newer (2011 was gcn 1.0 and kepler) with Vulkan support.

For windows, vulkan is supported by skylake(6th gen) and newer, for linux, vulkan is supported all the way back to Ivy Bridge, but the experience playing CSGO would probably be terrible.

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keep in mind, CDPR isn't just a game studio, they own GOG, so not releasing a game doesn't necessarily get then at 0 income. Although not as big as valve of course, thats like saying valve would be broke if it didn't release games (and it rarely releases games nowadays)

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Although not related to porn, a lot of scam services that operate in India already use it as a defense. Its extremely hard to get someone in the field in trouble because you need evidence to raid, and it cant be video nor audio because they claim that the said medium is a deepfake.

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Only banking companies who handle monetary transactions with the sites can exert power. E.g they were the ones who basically required users on PH to be verified to post videos because of issues of traffiking and illegal videos being uploaded.

Japan is also a nation that spends a lot of money for Civil Servants to do every little thing, including giving people directions at stations instead of just leaving it to signs.

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Therea always a threshold for when a community is large enough to be engaging without the need to necessarily grow. Piracy has already hit that point.

I havent used any myself but from what im aware of,

ChimeraOS and HoloISO would be the cloest to a console like experience

Nobara and Garuda is a step away from that and focuses more on being a gaming pc rather than a full console experience.

AMD has features in yesteryears that it had before Nvidia, its just less people paid attention to them till it became a hot topic after nvidia implemented it.

An example was anti lag, which AMD and Intel implemented before Nvidia


But people didnt care about it till ULL mode turned into Reflex.

AMD still holds onto Radeon Chill. Which basically keeps the gpu running slower when idling in game when not a lot is happening on the screen..the end result is lower power consumption when AFK, as well as reletivelly lower fan speeds/better acoustics because the gpu doesnt constantly work as hard.

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In general, you arent supposed to record in businesses in japan without permission.

Its just that in japan, getting permission is usually considered a hassle for streamers who are constantly uploading content or in japan for a limited amount of time and did not ask in advance, so people follow the record but if you get in trouble, apologize profusely method.

PS4 is 117M lifetime, PS3 is 87M lifetime, PS2 is 155M lifetime.

40M sits between the N64 lifetime and SNES lifetime sales. Keep in mind, as time progresses, the gaming market is bigger, so direct comparisons cant be done. Its only the 3rd year for the PS5, so it hasnt hit its half way point in its projected timeline.

Car conpanies want to sell you subscriptions to services, and killing off carplay/auto would do that.

Need a gps? you either use your phone screen to navigate with audio or be forced to use their navigation service on the hud.

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Its shader compilation that made elden ring at launch a better experience on linux than windows, because the windows build had a broken shader compiler causing microstutters.

Because piracy is often a service problem and not always a price one. If a pirate can offer you a better service, people will pay for it.

If you only see piracy as a price issue, then it would make sense why you dont understand why people do it.

Take for example, pretty shitty android boxes preloaded with various kodi streams. Say if you speak a niche language in the U.S for example, and want media in that language, some people would be willing to pay for a (pretty shitty) android tv box that has warez steams of saidncontent because thr legal methods isnt easy to obtain nor have the technological knowlege to properly pirate.

Its a compatibility layer, which is not usually considered emulation.