
17 Post – 162 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It is about time these election denying officials got prison time. The cops have so much surveillance, they need to go after the people threatening the judge and get them to prison too.

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Middle management is brutal. No one gives a shit and you have very little power.

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What a bunch of rapists in power


Maybe he will finally empathise with those dirty homeless people who should just get a job.

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Good. It is a start..Won't get anywhere but it is a start of a conversation

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Thanks! I'll never own an HP printer! Good advice!

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Yes it is

It's not for any 4 star generals. The Republicans still want to hold the senior leadership under their boot for a potential military involvement in the elections.

Before you decide to downvote me, this is openly called for by the orange dictator in training who has put pressure on the military. Gen Milley called him out for this


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Mr. Suozzi’s comeback will have an immediate impact in Washington. After he is seated, Speaker Mike Johnson can afford to lose only two votes on any partisan bill, an unwieldy margin that could limit Republicans’ election-year legislative agenda.

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New headline: Asshole shits on everything

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Maybe hold him in contempt or recommend criminal charges?

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When the actual fuck does the government go "you have not paid, we will start taking the money"?

Cause they will happily garnish your wages and take money from your bank account.

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The damage is unfortunately already done. The information that the cops wanted was stolen. The photos don't matter anymore.

Unless criminal charges are brought this does not matter m unfortunately the AG is responsible for that and will not happen as they are in bed with the cops.

If only the Judge had some way of forcing the AG or some neutral or federal level Court to take this up.

Well the silver lining is that Zelensky is trying to clean this up

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Showing up.

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Right wing conservatives can go pound sand. Talk about the government pushing itself between a doctor and patient care.

A landmark bullshit decision.

He should officially decline. Immunity bitch!

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All power to him, but I hope he spends the next 4 years preparing a successor or 2,3, 4 so his message will live on

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The enshittification continues

We appreciate your contributions :)

Super genius Musk

God damn travesty.

GOP need to be sent to Ukrainian front lines. Selfish cowards.

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That is just cruelty

More like "Trump reported back to his financial master"

That is not a general population holding cell. That is the nicest jail cell I have seen.

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Yup. Push to prod!

This is the Boeing debacle in software land. Kill the engineering and pay the executives. QA? Testing? Strict standards? People? Naaah, more conferences! More logos on F1 cars!

This will not be abused at all

What a joke of a lawsuit. IBM wants to lock in its clients for an eternity.

Look at this from the article:

LzLabs’ product helps its clients migrate from IBM computer mainframe technology onto open source alternatives. The US company says that it is “inconceivable” that LzLabs — and its UK subsidiary Winsopia — could have developed that migration software without illegally reverse engineering IBM’s technology.

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So did they break the law? Because last I heard that is the job of a judge. To run Court proceedings, not to see if the DA was prosecuting others... Yeah judge I killed that dude, but the gangs kill people all the time and I don't see them here so you should dismiss the case.

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Because they have been bought out by Putler?

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This while amusing is a scary look at the current FBI and Federal LE's ability to pursue groundless action.

Hunter Biden and editorialising Joe Biden's mental state, the highly ambiguous statement on Hillary Clinton's emails - all under the roof of a Dem Executive.

Not to mention the shitty work done by Mueller - what a god damn hack job that was

Dems need to get it in their heads that LE needs a good wash through and needs a clean up. Having a "middle ground" DOJ and heads of LE is just going to get them and the country in deep shit and it will be too late.

That is hilarious and to the point

Of course the GOP does not want a rule that will try to prevent their constituents from being financially raped.

The Labor Department said the rule will require “trusted investment advice providers to give prudent, loyal, honest advice free from overcharges.”

Under the new rule, these fiduciaries need to avoid giving recommendations “that favor the investment advice providers’ interests — financial or otherwise — at the retirement savers’ expense,” according to the department.

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Yeah of course she does

Betsy DeVos reported at least $225 million — and potentially well over $414 million — in outside income while working as Donald Trump’s education secretary, according to an analysis of DeVos’s financial disclosures by CREW. It is impossible to know the exact amount because DeVos’s income is reported in broad ranges, but we do know for a fact that she made nine figures during her four years in office.


Human trafficked into a war

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A top option should also be removing the current Boeing board and C suite. What a debacle.

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Anything on the phone and or computer.

There are also services in 1st world countries that help you get setup

Anything from Programming to helpdesk to customer service to ASMR and anything else in between is possible.

You can do it. This is good first step to ask.

If you can divulge your country and or state there may be people on Lemmy who can direct you to specific resources

This is precedent setting for the next few elections

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Exactly this. Already there is a strategy and accusations of "Bangladeshi immigrants" all over the country. Guess what? How do you prove you are not from there when you are poor as shit, are now allowed to communicate (Police will beat you damn near to death), have no paperwork cause you are poor as shit or had poor illiterate parents?

Sonny, you eat meat, you are Muslim, believe it or not, straight to jail.