
7 Post – 175 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The CEO then told him that some of the floors could not handle more than 500 pounds of pressure, so rolling a 2,000-pound server would cause damage. Musk replied that the servers had four wheels, so the pressure at any one point was only 500 pounds. “The dude is not very good at math,” Musk told the musketeers.

This guy is considered to be a genius? This guy is a fucking billionaire?

I’m dead.

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What if your dev experience was entirely in the cloud?

No. Just no.

Fuck no.

So…Mastodon…with ads?

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Couldn’t we just use a hash for the usernames instead?

Nothing too over the top, but just a simple hash and match that instead?

Also, there’s way too much trust in instances. Like, one person could easily make a post on lemmy.world, go on their personal instance, and just give themselves, say, 2000 upvotes.

Instances should have their own settings on what instances are allowed to keep a local copy. (Default behavior should be to get the post itself from the instance “hosting” it).

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If I’m going to be working in my dreams, I better get paid for it.

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…and go straight into Google’s arms instead?

Outside of programming circles I’ve been surprised how little people know what != means.

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This post isn’t on Lemmy.world.

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Commit more often. Maybe work in a different feature branch, and don’t be afraid to commit your half-working crappy code. If it’s a personal project/fork, it’s totally acceptable to commit often with bad commit names and small unfinished changes: you can always amend/squash the commits later. That’s how I tend to work: create a new branch, work on the feature, rebase and merge (fast forward, no merge commit). Also, maybe don’t jump around working on random features :P

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A monad is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors.

IIRC they’re paralyzed from the shoulders down, so probably not.

“feat: stuff”

Guilty of this one myself.

If it passes.

I hope it passes.

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rust-analyzer is a pretty good LSP, and works in most modern text editors.

My advice? Just pick an editor and stick to it.

VSCode? Sure.

Jetbrains? Good choice.

Hell, Emacs? Why not?

I personally use Neovim, and it just works. No matter what I’m programming in, I’m still at home.

Just pick an editor that works for you. I’d suggest VSCode. Use VSCodium for a true FOSS experience, or Helix for a beginner friendly terminal editor.

If you really just want something Rust-focused, there’s RustRover from Jetbrains, but that’s about it.

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Damn, that’d make a cool movie.

AI’s not bad, it just doesn’t save me time. For quick, simple things, I can do it myself faster than the AI. For more big, complex tasks, I find myself rigorously checking the AI’s code to make sure no new bugs or vulnerabilities are introduced. Instead of reviewing that code, I’d rather just write it myself and have the confidence that there are no glaring issues. Beyond more intelligent autocomplete, I don’t really have much of a need for AI when I program.

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Merge commits suck.

My biggest issue with GitHub is that it always squashes and merges. It’s really annoying as it not only takes away from commit history, but it also puts the fork out of sync with the main branch, and I’ll often realize this after having implemented another features, forcing me end up cherry picking just to fix it. Luckily LazyGit makes this process pretty painless, but still.

Seriously people, use FF-merge where you can.

Then again, if my feature branch has simply gone behind upstream, I usually pull and rebase. If you’ve got good commits, it’s a really simple process and saves me a lot of future headaches.

There’s obviously places not to use rebase(like when multiple people are working on a branch), but I consider it good practice to always rebase before merge. This way, we can always just FF-merge and avoid screwing with the Git history. We do this at my company and honestly, as long as you follow good practices, it should never really get too out of hand.

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No Reddit account, you aren’t using their shitty app; IDK, seems like a win to me.

Reddit “traffic” doesn’t really mean or do anything for them(mainly at this scale).

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Not your fault if you did have a strong password but your data was leaked through the sharing anyways…

*We can keep yeet and yeet the rest.

Also, researchers asking ChatGPT for long lists of random numbers were able to extract its training data from the output (which OpenAI promptly blocked).

Or maybe that’s what you meant?

National Guard listens to the state by default, as each state has its own National Guard. However, the federal government can intervene at any time and give them new orders.

I guess they’re just choosing not to do anything? IDK.

I mean, I’d just bind vim to nvim. If you still want vim accessible, bind it to something else. I don’t really see any downsides to Neovim: it’s decently backwards compatible, enough to use most old plugins, with the advantages of Lua config and a much wider repository of plugins.

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I would do a cool S.

  / \
 /   \
/     \
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\  \  /
 \  \/
 /\  \
/  \  \
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 \   /
  \ /

Obvious choice, NeoVim.

I don’t know physics too well, but I’ll try to explain.

First of all, look out for pressure. Slamming your hand on a desk(lots of surface area) may not hurt much, but doing the same thing on a thumb tack(very low surface area) will suck, even though it’s the same amount of force. Pressure is just force/area (I’m probably oversimplifying).

So not only is there still 2000 pounds of force on the floor, it’s all concentrated on one(well, four) areas. Meaning that there’s a high chance the floor will break under those wheels. You’d actually have better luck just sliding the server across the floor.

Elons logic is also just stupid here. An elevator can’t lift a 1,000 pound box, but can it lift four 250 pound boxes? No! Even a child could answer that. The fact that he just assumed that adding four wheels magically distributed the weight is stupid. What if you had five wheels? Eleven? It’s not rocket science (which is quite ironic, given the company he owns).

So yeah. I’ve got no idea how he’s a billionaire. No fucking clue.

Kdenlive is also a really cool video editor. I use it occasionally. You don’t see many professionals using it but honestly it can do a lot more than what most people give it credit for.

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For those who don’t understand, he mea Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Had to reread this comment twice to realize…

Original Article

Basically, it’s just some cool X11 magic that uses a matrix transformation to rotate the screen.

Rearranging the keys? My password’s pretty much muscle memory, typed fast enough in not really worried about people watching me enter it. Call me lazy, but having to pick and hit every key? No thanks.

11GB idling?? Maybe not as optimized as it seems…

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I mean, it will be. The AI friend is always available, always knows what to say, never fights with you, and never messes up (ideally).

However, all those things are part of the human element: and at the end, you’re still talking to a computer. The AIs are just trying to please you. A person can actually love you, and that’s something else. And I’d take that over the perfect chatbot any day.

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For now.

Probably to see how it fairs before Chrome turns off third party cookies.

I mean, that randomness is just faked. Keep a consistent seed and you’ll get consistent results.

Physics was written in JavaScript?

…checks out.