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We should outlaw political advertisement on social media? Kind of like how cigarette advertisement was eliminated from movie theater ads.

The fines should be stacked as factors - unmitigated offenses will build up and incur exponentially growing fines. Very large incentive to shut that shit down.

Politics should be advertised by performance review, not marketing.

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The {"SHOP DEALS AT TEMU"} will continue until morale improves!

It's my daily driver. It has incredible compatibility and very nice features, for example the rule based filter actions, header matching, which immensely boosts my workflow efficiency. Not to mention the calendars and tasks integration and the great extensibility via the plugin system.

Thunderbird is a great example of community driven awesomeness.

But like, shouldn't she be taking it up with the FAA then? I'm sure you can apply for delay or exemption in extraordinary situations like this one undoubtedly is?

That is the source of the data after all. If you don't actually stop the data source from publishing your data, others will continue to use it.

It's a dumb approach that makes it look like a hurt ego thing rather than a legitimate concern.

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I'm just hearing Google advocating for a strict ban on lobbyism.

I mean, otherwise it's discrimination, no?

Well damn.

Being the same age as her, I feel kinda bummed out. If only I'd have been born with the good looks and capability to sing I could be among the worlds top 10 CO² producers.

Oh well.

criticism aside, it's still impressive

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Do you know that saying, I think it went something like:

... and just when I thought things couldn't possibly get any worse...they got much worse

I think it could be a situation like that.

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Need to make sure the diff is small enough. A tiny change that creates a bug or makes the answer effectively useless is much worse than sweeping changes

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Damn, finally got me to donate to Wikipedia. Years of successful ignorance down the drain - fucking thanks Elon. GUH

That idea has all kinds of problems. There's a substantial amount of investment in education necessary and even then, immigration still doesn't counteract population ageing/shrinking. If you can read or have any well developed skill, you have no business falling victim to fake fears like this.

Yeah, I think that's straight up illegal and I would simply refuse to pay.

If they can retroactively change terms, why can't I, as a bonafide counterparty in that agreement? Maybe something like a 100% discount on runtime fees for days that end with 'y'.

Otherwise I could simply "retroactively apply" a 100% discount on my lease or new car purchase.

The correct answer and what all studios/devs should do: tell them to retroactively pound sand and ditch Unity for all future projects.

It's starting to look like a pattern. An ugly, one I might add. Slowly making everything less inclusive, less accessible.... Until it's some radical right-wing brown swamp.

I mean, it's "only" social media platforms, but pretty much the playbook - "oh that.. that's an accidental side effect.. don't worry!" until key institutions are undermined and then switch to full on fascist regime.

All not because of beliefs this would be best for humanity as a whole, but being in love with the idea of being the one who calls the shots. King of the hill made of feces.

The lack of vision for an enlightened role of humanity in the universe disgusts me.

Sorry for the rant, I might have gone from 0 to 100 pretty quick there, lol. Just pissed at a lot of these kinds of regressive developments lately.

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Everyone is just living off of interest and dividends from that 1k. "Follow me for hot tips on how to invest your stimulus"

Same. I was actually warming up to some products, as this was the main reason I ditched the ecosystem back in '18. GNU/Linux & Android gave me the level of interoperability I wanted and haven't looked back once.

However, the M silicon is attractive and with the EU mandated opening, a transition looked feasible.

Oh well, guess my new round of private & professional laptops and mobile devices will once again go to suppliers that support the superior experience (e.g. extensibility, repairability, compatibility, longevity, security) that open standards offer.

The World is

Maybe additionally, trigonometry is actually pretty useful. Learning capacity isn't that limited, it's motivation and attention that's constantly out of stock.

And due to bad study design, this research will answer exactly 0 of these these very legitimate questions.

But even then, there were issues plaguing Quora that would continue to fester. First, an anonymous former Quoran told me, the site started “shortening the length of questions.” The professed reason was to increase Quora’s visibility on Google, but that brevity came with a cost: It also made it difficult for users to ask the types of complex questions that could be addressed by specialists

Ah, I see they started the enshittification very early. It might've been a good LLM database, but the good quality content would be outdated by now and the more recent is infested with troll and bot garbage and AI writing. Sad.

sudon't please --pretty

Do it!

Then we can blacksite that fucker and never have to hear about his shit again!

Tête de Moine

(not a lady, but I am witness to the fascinating effect of more than one lady)

Okay, good that's on record now, a clear statement of intent. So we can record current assets and responsibilities for when they close and fail to properly decommission the plant, the assets can be clawed back, right?


In 2291, in an attempt to control violence among deep space miners the New Earth Government legalized no-holds-bared fighting.

Liandri Mining Corporation, working with the NEG, established a series of leagues and bloody public exhibitions.

The fight's popularity grew with their brutality. Soon, Liandri discovered that the public matches were their most profitable enterprise.

The professional league was formed; a cabal of the most violent and skilled warriors in known space, selected to fight in a Grand Tournament.

Now it is 2341, 50 years have passed since founding of DeathMatch. Profits from the Tournament number in the hundreds of billions.

You have been selected to fight in the professional league by the Liandri Rules Board. Your strength and brutality are legendary.

The time has come to prove you are the best- to crush your enemies- to win the Tournament.

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Megafucked, I mean, how do the hardworking citizens feel about paying $4.44 trillion for these overpaid dunces just to refuse to do their job?

Actually doubtful. A voter that doesn't agree with the current level of support, would then vote for an (arguably worse in other aspects) alternative, which... will establish a higher level of support?

Sounds like your hypothetical voter might just choose to take more than one geopolitical issue into account when deciding the future for themselves, their family and fellow citizens.

Apple Store ratings are like Amazon reviews. 98% fake and unreliable.

It's really weird to me people pay that much attention to something so obviously manipulated, this is what advertising looks like today, y'all.

Reading this wholesome exchange, today I'm going to fight back extra hard against all the bullshit and act better.

Thank you both for reminding us.

While true, that's not the message here. While chromium is in a lot of things, browsers for everyday use (like banking etc.) is a huge part. You can't control what services you rely on use as a basis for their software, but you can absolutely not use the software and/or opt for the website instead.

If you can reduce your exposure to that vulnerability by a large fraction by simply switching browsers with equivalent experience, it should absolutely be mentioned. In fact, it could even be seen as an obligation/core purpose of news outlets.

The word you are looking for is "adversarial attack"

Fine by me. Nice and cozy 🤗

cutting people off from important information just because they live in a geographical region that doesn't allow secret malware.

I think most disagree with your argument, that you need to tolerate 'secret malware' to access important information. That information can't be THAT important or else it could be found elsewhere, completely without malware.

Meanwhile In other countries they do just that

Also, uhhh I'm not AI

That's exactly what an AI would say that got an emergent skill to lie


1.2e-10 to 1.3e-10 range

There's a textbook case of stage IV learning resistance. Only those who take every opportunity to improve their abilities will not fall victim to self-satisfied complacency and expire their potential in the world.

Nice debate skills there, buddy. Don't forget to floss daily!

Especially when printers ask you to waive your class action rights just like this.

Makes sense, when they illegally push straight up malware that sets the ink flow rate to 0 should non-geuine ink cartridges be detected. This will destroy/clog the print head if attempting to print for too long.

Yes, I reverse engineered your fucked up Linux 2.4 (!) based firmware, Epson. Your printer is printing nicely offline with refillable cheap ink. Fuck you, I won.

Sorry about the rant, it had become personal at one point.

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Get 'vanced lmao