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Joined 1 years ago

I must have missed something. What's the significance of the cowbells?

So we can expect to see so called "Trumped" up charges (pun intended) levelled at political opponents, like they do in China and Russia when arresting dissidents?

They'll just sack some more engineers to cut costs, and hire more sales & marketing.

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As a mobile app developer, I lost count of how many times Android would implement something New And Shiny, and then Apple would come along, sometimes years later, implement that same thing for iOS and declare and market it as Magical and Revolutionary. Usually the iOS one would be a better one, because they'd let Android work most of the bugs out, but I don't recall too many things that Apple did that had never been seen before.

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Ex presidents... Plural. Could someone get Dubya or Clinton or one of the others to retire Trump, since they're now immune too

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Looks like Jesus has taken all the wheels.

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Plus you get to choose who's doing the fucking

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So if he didn't sleep with them, and these aren't some sort of out of court settlement payments, what was he giving them the money for?

By next week he won't even remember her, except maybe as someone who may have brought him covfefe that one time...

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They should start with that golf course...

Maybe sorry they got caught. Or maybe sorry it didn't work out the way they planned.

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You didn't shoot anyone either tho, did you?

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"...convicted felon and rapist..."

Some of these chief execs may be corporate psychopaths themselves, and they'd be more interested in arse covering and making sure they're protected than having external powerful strangers poking thru everything they do.

They're only noticing this now?

I bet this guy peaked in high school.


How many were left tho?

He's the "wrong" colour tho, that's why he surveillance isn't working properly /s

Religious zealots.

Yes. Carbon dioxide is carbon dioxide. But the volume you'll be releasing wouldn't even show up as a 10th decimal rounding error, so I wouldn't worry. Just breathing will release more.

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Be careful what you wish for...

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A wig? What kind of wig? Tell us more about the wig?

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Christian ISIS. Anyone who hasn't read/watched The Handmaid's Tale has no idea of what this would actually look like. And, just like THT, there will be different rules for those at the top, than for those at the bottom.

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Maybe that's why they are working on brain implants

'Alternative Facts', should be really easy to disprove, no?

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Does it matter if they've got that Christi-fascist god-bothering speaker of the house to install him anyway, regardless of the election outcome? It sounds like the more rabid gop members are Russian sock puppets, he'll just be the head sock puppet...

He's always been a GOP plant. Sinema too.

He's like a toddler in a tantrum, smashing all the other kids' toys because he doesn't want to go home.

Make Attorneys Get Attorneys

The Streisand Effect


He won't need any. Can just "trump" up some charges (pun not intended). He'll be a dictator, it won't matter. He could shoot them on 5th Ave. and no one would say a thing

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How do they choose the names of these drugs? Do they just keep stringing together consonant-vowel-consonant-vowel until they hit some sort of limit?

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Does this mean it's a "shit hole country" yet? /s

Did he forget he was the last guy in charge of it?

Edit: added sentence

Gilead has entered the chat

If they win it won't be long before you're not allowed to say that "P" word anymore 😉

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Moscow's Bitch

Implies the use of critical thinking. No wonder they hate it.

If he thinks they're the same...