Dym Sohin

@Dym Sohin@lemmy.world
0 Post – 24 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

🎨📲 Design Coder



  • just stop counting small time! 5000x365 of yellow sky orb passings, yet still no real-world use found
  • want to know if its time to work? we had a tool for it, its called sunrise
  • «hello, i now want 200 microseconds of your time but only to compare your face with the one already stored in my brain» — sounds mentally deranged

the ghost of obsolescence

the 4áµ—Ę° ghost of christmas

i have latest drivers on my gtx1060, why it still runs slow on 4K ultra??

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here's the kicker: amazon sells their own product at the public market owned by amazon, undercutting any other seller on near-exact things.

imagine if valve made knockoffs of every famous game and just redirected every search to them.

in america its only cop-assisted

those also blew up, no traces left

dont forget to pack your equipMINT

at least they still hire actors (for now (unfortunately for disney) )

#NotAllHumans (are bastards)

one can still "stream" a pre-recorded video-file and even make re-runs or their older streams officially, they just want to limit actual data-rehosting, as storage costs for backlogs might exceed any ad-revenue from them

we have discord matrix at home

nah, even my grand-grandparents waited for the system to fail.

and, welp, it sure failed them. and every generation since.

Ok, get in — ⚰️.


the line lies where you start harming other people (and their habitat), that's literally the definition.

your freedom ends where my freedom begins

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i bet they discontinue youtube-music in 2026 by selling it to sony

the police does not PREVENT any of it

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well that's an obvious «ban user» icon, no?

go focus on real problems then..

just tell me how much of that real problem can you personally solve?
coz i know for me it's zero.

here's core difference: the nature of ai-models is generative, but all layers in a .PSD file are inherently static.

better analogy would be rendering of a fractal — a limited subset of infinite possibilities, but to explore the rest of them you need both rules and data

just install windows-version of steam, and a windows-version of CS:2, same way wine on linux works for blizzard launcher

oh noes, glorified parking tickets task force will not be able to assassinate on the job :'<

there are trained social workers and there are proper SWAT teams to replace this fat underbelly of bureaucracy and corruption

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still fail to do what they’re designed to

they were designed to create chinese botnet, and they will

«anti-cheat» is the same as «anti-terror» — a gift-paper wrapper