
89 Post – 389 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Honestly Reddit doesn't infuriate me anymore. I haven't been on reddit for 2 weeks now and I no longer feel the urge to check that site. I expect I'll still end up there occasionally when I search for stuff, but gone are the days when I spend an hour or two every night on reddit.

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I mean, most of the population isn't buying a new phone every year, it's just that there are enough people using phones in general that at any given time there are people buying new models. It's the same reason why there are people buying cars every year.

I personally use my phones for about 3 years. Sometimes up to 4, but usually year 3-4 is when the battery degradation gets so horribly bad and performance stutters so much that I figure if I'm going to do a full reset and buy a new battery and all that, I might as well get a new phone.

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I took a trip out to the Rockies earlier this year, and booked an AirBnB. The listing was for the basement of a house where a lovely old retired couple lived. The basement was decorated and furnished beautifully, and we got to chat with the couple every now and then. They gave us recommendations to a farmer's market which was pretty cool.

It was the first time I've ever booked an Airbnb that was true to its original mission. This is what AirBnb should be - renting out spare rooms - and not a turn-an-apartment-unit-into-a-hotel thing.

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Companies when trying to get workers to bond: "We're a family, we take care of each other!"

Companies when workers ask for cost-of-living increases: "No, not like that"

That was me. I don't really feel like modding. I was offered a few mod spots on reddit over the past 11 years, took up one or two, didn't really enjoy it.

But if everyone feels that way, then lemmy can never reach critical mass. SO i bit the bullet, created a community and hopefully someone will be interested in modding if it ever grows big.

If anyone's interested, I created maliciouscompliance (one of my favorite subs to lurk in). Mostly reposts for now, but OC should trickle in slowly.

Try joining from one of the links below:



Or type the following in the search bar at the top: !maliciouscompliance@lemmy.world

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That's not a shitpost, that's a documentary of life for the past few years.

Everyone is talking about defederating because of XMPP and EEE. But the very fact that we know about EEE means that it's much less likely to succeed.

Zuck is seeing the metaverse crash and burn and he knows he needs to create the next hot new thing before even the boomers left on facebook get bored with it. Twitter crashing and burning is a perfect business opportunity, but he can't just copy Twitter - it has to be "Twitter, but better". Hence the fediverse.

From Meta's standpoint, they don't need the Fediverse. Meta operates at a vastly different scale. Mastodon took 7 years to reach ~10M users - Threads did that in a day or two. My guess is that Zuck is riding on the Fediverse buzzword. I'm sure whatever integration he builds in future will be limited.

TL;DR below:

I wish I could fail so spectacularly at my job and yet not face any consequences...

The official reason for such rules are usually "we need a mix of vendors" or something like that.

The unofficial, true reason is usually that the organizer wants to be the only one selling water so they can sell it for $5.

hey aren't you the guy who went on a no-shitting-for-three-days sex party?

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Basic cooking.

You don't need to be Gordon Ramsey, but in a pinch, know how to make pasta, chilli and a few other things.

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"our costs have gone up amidst am inflationary environment and we have had no choice but to increase prices. Oh hey don't look at our financial statements, the fact that we made record profits is irrelevant."

Dude the submersible's gone, there isn't gonna be another trip down there. Get your $250,000 back and do something meaningful with your life.

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Medicines don't really make you healthy though, they fix you up when you're unhealthy.

The best term I've heard to describe this this "Hapsburg AI".

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some people think that “the customer is always right” isn’t the slogan of a long-dead department store, but rather it’s an actual call the cops law


I personally view this as a good thing for me (if unintended) - I've realised that I spent waaaay too much time on reddit, so I'm trying to cut down on my use of the platform.

I like lemmy, but I don't want to spend all my time here either. The relatively low volume here makes me realise I should be doing other things.

That said, you can always join more communities - or better yet, contribute to them! Start your own posts!

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...and my axe!

am i doing this right?

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great, doubling down on the broken karma system.

Why not sort your subscribed communities by New?

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The Romans must have called it a V-turn

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I'm personally looking forward to growth here because I want niche communities to form like they did on reddit. And you can only do that when there's enough critical mass of users.

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To be fair everything on the web is already being used to train AI.

or use old.reddit.com?

Honestly, i thought I would miss reddit more, but I haven't been back since I moved here and haven't thought about it one bit. I expect I'll still end up on reddit occasionally when I search for something, but I don't see myself ever posting there again.

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It's basically the lifecycle of any big corporation.

When the industry is new and there's tons of new users to reach, everyone tries to be the most friendly corporation to build a name for themselves. Positive press and the halo effect helps bring in more people.

Once an industry matures and growth slows, the focus shifts to nickle-and-diming customers to squeeze more profit out of them.

"the person who has been working here for a long time must be wrong, it can't ever be the automated system!" - said no sane human being ever.

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Everyone here talking about XMPP and EEE.

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really? Are you counting saliva?

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Tomorrow's news: The play plays the victim on social media and his mum goes on a hunger strike in a church

I personally think the best "maliciouscompliance" act mods can do in the long term is to switch up all the subs.

So technology will be used for gardening, gardening will be used for android, android will be used for coffee, coffee used for pcgaming, etc. It'll make everything really confusing for new users and help slow their growth.

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like porn, sexy John Oliver pics are the gateway to Satan.

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The most important is to keep up the momentum. Users don't mean anything if there's no content. We all need to keep posting stuff and keep actively disucsing stuff!

Yeah that's true. It's been a long time since it happened, but I remember she was also puzzled at the cashier's behavior, so I'd love to think that she enjoyed it too!

Definitely allowed. For now, anything that fits in the spirit of malicious compliance is fair game, it doesn't have to be text only too.

It's wild that companies essentially destroyed the practice of overclocking.

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What ruined it for me was hidden viral marketing and low-effort karmar whores. I think it was HailCorporate which highlighted just how many posts were straight up viral marketing attempts, and how many of these were posted from accounts with a strange comment history. I couldn't unsee it after that.

As for karma whores.... it's funny to see a pun chain, but not when that's the top comment for 99% of all popular posts.

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You manager forgot the most important rule: when your employee actually knows what they are doing, LET THEM DO THEIR JOB.

RIP. He wasn't all there towards the end, what with the drinking and the Nazi stuff and the COVID denial/antivax stuff, but Smash Mouth had such a big impact on the world.

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