
7 Post – 64 Comments
Joined 5 months ago

It is not really FUD to point out that Mozilla wastes ungodly amounts of money on projects of dubious utility instead of investing it into their browser. Their current trajectory doesn't inspire much confidence either. Mozilla started to waste even more money on 'AI' features nobody asked for.

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Now contrast this with how the COSMIC devs interact with KDE. I don't know. Is being a massive cunt a requirement if you want to be a GNOME developer?

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I read #bothsides and concluded that Vaxry and his boys club are fascist cunts.

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Lol Vaxry is jealous. The part about accepting criticism is especially rich coming from him.

This is not surprising. When Tesla started out they had not much competition. Now that all the other carmakers have entered the market it is much harder to maintain their lead. Tesla losing market share was pretty much to be expected and Musk alienating their customers and the laughable Cybertruck certainly did not help.

You can decide that only for yourself so give it a go. Personally, I would categorize it as inoffensive radio friendly alternative rock.

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What is there more to add? I literally read both sides arguments and seen the evidence. Hyperlands community is a cesspool. They are extremely hateful against everyone who isn't an english speaking white straight man and even then you are not safe from their hate. When Vaxry was called out on his communities behaviour the immediate reaction was aggression and once he was banned from FDO he played the victim. This is right out of the fascists playbook.

Whether I am better then them or not was never the question and also requires a criteria to measure against. If ability to be hateful against transpeople is the criteria, then I have to admit I am thoroughly beaten.

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Editorializing the title and putting nothing but polemics into the description paints you in a worse light than it does the systemd devs.

That is a limitation of the keyboard not PS/2. Unlike USB which is limited to 10 simultaneous key presses, PS/2 supports full n-key rollover.

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KDE is great and this reminded me that I wanted to donate anyway.

Already signed it. Took about two seconds thanks to eID.

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Or he is trying to get ahead of some news. Maybe a journalist contacted him about some serious allegations. So now he joins up with Musk, comes out against the 'woke agenda' and when the news releases, he can claim its main stream media silencing him.

For PC gamers Linux is the only alternative but I don't expect a major migration. The last ten years have shown that the average gamer is willing to accept a lot of hostile behaviour from companies as long as they are able to keep playing their games. Microtransactions, Loot boxes, kernel level anticheat, and broken buggy releases haven't killed that industry yet. Windows 11 is just another thing that will be loudly complained about in gamer circles but not much will come of it.

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First of all, Substack is a nazi bar, fuck them and don't give them any clicks. More importantly, Lunkduke is an idiot who fell down the alt-right nutjob rabbit hole. His mental diarrhea is not worth considering.

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If the cosmic devs start to behave like the gnome devs, that hate is well deserved. Also, if gnome just abused their own users nobody outside of their userbase would care. Breaking something and then expecting everybody else to clean up the mess is what people hate about gnome. It is a pitty because it sullies the name of gnome as a whole. There are a lot of people doing great work at gnome that now get lumped in with these sad excuses for software developers. For example, I think the gnome UX on a small form factor laptop is unrivaled. My surface tablet never worked better; but I still don't recommend it to anyone else because I know who the devs are and how they conduct themselves.

I unsubscribed and deleted my Kagi account mainly because of their attitude to data privacy but also because of their nutjob CEO. When I subscribed I was excited because I thought they wanted to build a proper competitor to other search engine operators, but they are actually just another company that tries to shove AI into absolutely everything. So, after realising that they are an untrustworthy company full of tech maximalists trying to build the torment nexus, I immediately canceled my subscription and moved back to duckduckgo and marginalia. Maybe I give SearXNG another go, it's just that selfhosting is a bit of a bother.

How do your Python problems relate to a sudo/run0 discussion?

How is it relying on XWayland? I don't know of any KDE Plasma components that require X11. The apps you install might need XWayland but that is separate from the Plasma desktop.

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So that is why he is donating to the Trump campaign. Best to get in the list of people he wishes to be persecuted sooner than later. Apparently it's first come first serve.

Sounds like you never upgraded from Fedora 38. Have you tried a manual upgrade using the commandline? Here are the instructions.

The article you posted is outdated. The last change was in 2022 and most sections are even older. Plasma 6 has full Wayland support.

In case you haven't tried that yet, maybe you could run it in a systemd enabled distrobox container.

The business model could change very quickly and promises by companies aren't worth the paper they are written on. The CEO might tomorrow decide to sell the company to a large tech company which more often than not leads to the destruction of the software the company developed. Only open source or, even better, free software can guarantee that your software wont be enshittified.

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I really don't care about the command I use to get elevated privileges. On my Debian servers I use su and maybe in future, if Fedora decides to make the switch, I will use run0.

The videos by suckerpinch are always a treat. I can also highly recommend his video about filesystems that store data in difficult ways, for example by playing Tetris in a NES emulator and using the arrangement of the tetris blocks as data store.

For KDE users, this also works with khelpcenter.

They will boil that frog slowly. Soon there will be an alternative subscription with a discount for previous license holders. Then they hide the option to buy a perpetual license so only people who spent time to search for it can find it; and finally they will remove the option completely and claim that they did that because "Nobody was buying it".

According to Wikipedia he left in 2017. Majority owner is a Jack Dorsey company called Block, Inc.

Bountysource was owned by a company called The Blockchain Group and it looks like the parent company went bankrupt taking Bountysource down with them. Its hard to say if Bountysource could have survived if it wasn't sold to some cryptocurrency companies.

Wouldn't that require him to be a feminist in the first place? I always thought of him more as a standard transphobe who just regurgitates whatever foxnews tells him.

File search is really awful on windows for no reason at all. Your complaints about commandline utilities is not accurate though. Windows has native powershell equivalents to both grepand tail. You use Select-String instead of grep and Get-Content -Wait instead of tail.

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This is a very old feature request for KDE. It has not been implemented in almost 20 years so its probably very hard to do with kwin. Neal Gompa thinks this wayland protocol could make it possible in future, but with the current speed wayland protocols are accepted, this could take another 20 years.

Interesting I did not know that.

For streaming there is Wayland to X11 bridge. I have been using it regularly with MS Teams and it works great.

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Kagi was founded as an AI company so this is not surprising. I unsubscribed from them after learning that. Also, their CEO is a weirdo who harasses people critical of their product and he thinks the GDPR is optional.

Nobody ever accused powershell of being concise. Its uses a completely different philosophy, object oriented rather than string based. This makes powershell nicer to write scripts in but also makes it worse at bash style one-liner commands.

I love to see the progress Fedora Atomic Desktops is making. I switched to Fedora Kinoite from Windows and it has been the most stable Linux experience I have ever had. Updating to Fedora 40 was as easy as checking out another git branch. When I installed Linux I wasn't expecting to stay with it for very long because I had some bad experiences with it in the past. As of now, I haven't had the need to boot into Windows since switching to Fedora five months ago.

I am using Kinoite for quite a while now and not once did layering break anything. The only thing I notice is that the mesa drivers from rpmfusion occasionally go out of sync with the fedora repos and I have to wait a few days for an update. I think ublue would fix that but I am not bothered enough by that to make the switch. What where you trying to achieve that you managed to break Kinoite?

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