
8 Post – 33 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

An essay by Robert' DROP TABLE Students;--

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The survivors are free to be angry at student protestors, but I don't see how their anger is justiciable.

Idaho is run by domestic terrorists. Of course they're not going to fight themselves.

That sounds an awful lot like obstruction of justice.

Are you having a stroke?

Ohio GOP lawmakers evince a design to reduce [Ohio] under absolute despotism.

It seems like ownership is the wrong paradigm for natural resources. As the article mentions, Texas and Oklahoma allow ownership of water as a mineral right. That allows unlimited exploitation of the resource, ignoring that the resource itself is limited. Thus, the Ogallala aquifer is depleted. Resources need to be managed to prevent tragedy of the commons.

But there are almost always red flags — transactions that appear out of character, for example — that lead to the eviction. The algorithmically generated alerts are reviewed every day by human employees.

I doubt the "reviewed every day by human employees" part. The whole thing smacks of algorithms running unmonitored.

It's not like she just went on a plagiarism spree after the recent allegations. The article makes it sound like there have been questions about her academic integrity for quite some time.

How about the peace plan where Putin hangs from a gibbet for the sport of crows?

Let the lord of the MAGA horde come forth that justice may be done upon him.

The party of gratuitous criminality

Something something shareholder value?

Gaffney was permanently disbarred from the practice of law for her pattern of engaging in improper delay tactics over the course of litigation; reckless, impugning and disparaging commentary about the judiciary; and engaging in conduct contrary to honesty and justice that was prejudicial to the administration of justice.

Sounds like Trump's cadre of lawyers

If Trump is elected, watch him cancel this program and announce a program to replace all water pipes with lead ones, just to spite Biden.

What good is being a neo-feudal lord without peasants to lord over?

Silly Hamas, they should directly bribe congressmen like AIPAC does.

  1. This is not news
  2. This is not United States news
  3. The sub guidelines call for posting the original source of information and Wikipedia is never the original source
  4. The sub guidelines call for posting the original headline. Inasmuch as Wikipedia has headlines (which they don't really because they are not a source of news), this isn't it.
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We've investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing

Is that really new? It seems like I've heard stories for years about short sellers putting out negative press releases to tank one stock or another, making good their short position.

Read the documentation on the sudoers file. You can specify particular commands to not require a password.

By definition, news is something happening now. If you had posted an article about the US selling bombs to Israel, I would have no complaints. But that isn't what you did. You posted a link to David Ben Gurion's Wikipedia entry and a link to a book from 46 years ago, neither of which fit the definition of news.

A better approach would be to post a recent and topical article, something that fits the definition of news. Then, comment on that post adding your commentary.

You can be loyal to Donald Trump OR the United States, but not both.

She may be too far gone to recognize how far gone she is.

The only reason I can think of is that Republicans are probably not capable of electing a new Speaker (who is not McCarthy) before the 45-day reprieve expires on government funding. The House needs to be functional in order to pass a budget.

Why do I suspect that, even if one were to spend 8 hours a day on Reddit, making comments that all were gilded, you'd still earn less than minimum wage?

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In the end, American voters still appreciate a competent government that looks out for their financial futures.

Has the author met Republican voters? Competence isn't top of mind for them. They gleefully vote for obvious criminals and legislative terrorists.

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You could run it under strace, e.g. strace -f -o shreddit.log shreddit...

That'll show you the system calls it's making. You might be able to tell if it's waiting on a network request or local I/O. You can find guides online how to read strace output.

When I used shreddit, I pointed --gdpr-export-dir to the directory where I unpacked the archive from Reddit, not directly to comment.csv.

When the command is working, it's pretty verbose.

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I used to spend hours per day on Reddit. Now I visit once or twice a month, read-only. My subscription is canceled and all my posts/comments deleted. My "front page of the Internet" is now here.

Why? Why don't these shutdowns sink political careers? If Ted Cruz had been properly tarred and feathered after his shutdown in 2013, maybe other Republicans would have gotten the memo that government shutdowns are not acceptable.

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I recently got my export from Reddit and did exactly this. It took shreddit the better part of two days to delete all 18000-odd of my comments.