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Joined 2 months ago

Terrorist means you're waging war with the West without spending a lot of money.

Zionist == Nazi

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Read up a bit on the Chechnyans and their relationship with Russia.

Apparently, their leaders were responsible for atrocities on par with typical Russians.

I don't really have sympathy for them. They support people who assassinate journalists as a "birthday gift" to Putin.

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I genuinely have no problem with people who fight back against their oppressors by any means necessary.

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Such is the nature of free software.

It's the growing disparity in wealth.

I recommend taking matters into your own hands before taking your own lives.

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Same reason anything that happened to Navalny was world news.

These are (were) good people fighting the good fight. It's news when they are punished for trying to help us.

Maybe I’m jaded, but, who cares?

You do, clearly.

She became disoriented... recording data?

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There's always a push, we just need to push back harder.

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"We're sorry we got caught."

I think zionists are starting to infest lemmy.

They know how threatening it is to have a platform where people aren't loyal to their cause.

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So this is what the companies do with their money...

They use it to expand their influence!

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I think your problem is that you assume everyone who disagrees with you or the tribe is a troll.

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It's a very good question to ask and anyone who gets mad at you over it isn't worth taking seriously.

I assume she just has rich parents that pay for everything.


Reddit, and any centralization, is intrinsically dangerous to piracy.

Definitely felt like bad reddit-humor to me.

Fuck discord.

Go to Matrix.

Maybe it's just me, but I don't think documents require a lot of new features.

I can decisively say that Louisiana is the worst state in the US.

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Stop giving these corporations money.

They will always use it against you.

giving arms for Ukraine would provoke and not deter

This rationale is given time and time again for why we shouldn't have supported Ukraine and every time it's completely false.

Hopefully people can learn from this history and not make the same mistakes in the past.

Ukraine should've mined the shit out of their border with Russia.

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This isn't propaganda. It's reality.

Ukraine cannot win without foreign troops on the ground. They never had the capability.

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You gotta keep in mind, she's also African.

There's a 0% chance the rules would get changed if a white person was beating all the black people.

You are correct, but the snowball effect has taken hold so it's up to people smarter than the average lemmy/redditor to do things right.

I wish Lemmy had a feature that let us see censored posts without sifting through the modlogs.

Yes, this comment was removed for saying "That seems like a perfectly reasonable salary to.play a child's game for a living"

I guess we're not allowed to call basketball a child's game, lol.

Lemmy mods are really competing with reddit for the most censored platform at this point.

Nintendo, and any publicly-traded corporation, would rape your children if they thought it would make investors more money.

In fact, they have a fiduciary duty to do so.


The legal system does not exist for poors.

That's how war works?

I'm sure you're okay with deaths as long as they're Russian.

None of the issues I have with wayland stem from my nvidia GPU, and I'm on a laptop.

I think it was just a lie told often enough its become 'true'.

Or tickets could cost less and patrons would have more money in their pockets after a show.

But that would cut into profits, and useful idiots can't have that.

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They see they can get it, so they do.

Americans are proud to lower their standards to make rich people richer.

Not really.

So she needs more money so landlords can make more money?

When does this cycle end?

"We've investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing."

I guess because it's not cops and because the snowball effect has taken hold, this rhetoric suddenly doesn't apply.

Same. I'd rather participate than be a spectator.

But participation doesn't make rich people more money, so we know what all the useful idiots are going to prefer.

Lol. I can just imagine all of the owners only hiring women who aren't a part of a union after that.

Not saying it shouldn't happen, but there will be no shortage of women willing to sell out their fellow women for a chance to make money playing basketball.

Capitalism, ho!

I think you're just an average redditor.

Assassin's Creed 1 & 2 were trying to tell us something.


War crimes essentially mean "they got away with it."