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I’m terribly sorry for your loss of mental health. Getting the vile shit of the internet directed art you as an adult is awful, can’t imagine how tough it is for a 16y/o.

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I am just here to shill for Delicious in Dungeon. It’s a dungeon based anime that isn’t an isekai! Shocking, I know. The characters are really charming, there’s good world building, and while the plot is a slow burn, it’s super compelling. Also the adaptation is being done by Studio Trigger. Why are you still reading this, go watch Delicious in Dungeon!

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That and more. They have a mandate for nuclear nonproliferation, but it’s more accurate to think of them as America’s R&D lab. The National Labs are fucking incredible! They are so much more than the DoD’s innovation lab. They do a ton of research that isn’t possible for the private sector. They also own and make available equipment that is difficult for individuals to maintain for example: Fermilabs has a particular accelerator, Sandia has the Z machine and a MEMS foundry, and Oak Ridge has one of the most powerful supercomputers and several labs focusing on neutron and nuclear power. Fuck just look up the patents and Nobel Prizes for Lawrence Livermore, Argonne, and Los Alamos. Yes there is a ton of nuclear but they cover so much more. They’re amazing and a national treasure!

I’m sure that the massive headache I am currently suffering has nothing to do with the fact my last meal was over 20hrs ago. Obviously just a coincidence.

I apologize but this will be kind of dark. As a father I know you are going to be desperate to protect her, but don’t wax poetic about dealing violence to anyone who would do her wrong. For example, don’t talk about beating her current boyfriend/girlfriend if they cross her. Girls are going to have shitty relationships because that’s a part of growing up. Don’t make her think talking to you about them is the nuclear option when she’s still trying to figure out what is acceptable and her boundaries. If she thinks you’ll go beat the shit out of any one who looks at her funny, she might not come to you with her problems until she is willing to accept her dad going to prison for a long time. Everyone is right about listening to her, but make sure she that she knows that you can be trusted. Listen, accept her decisions, work with her, and not to fly off of the handle. Best of luck new father, since you’re asking the right questions I think you are going to be fine.

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What a thoughtful thing to do. I am actually 1000% on board with having menstrual supplies in the men’s room, even knowing that probably a good percentage of them will be used by boys just messing around. I went to college with young men that acted like I kicked a puppy when I mentioned menstruation. Whole grown men who could not stomach even a mention something so common that it happens to half the population once a month. I firmly believe that having those supplies available to them will not just help the people who need them. It will also make them better parents and partners because they will actually have some basic understanding of what is involved in menstruation and how to help someone in need.

Take my meds- man I never thought I was that different on or off meds until the recent ADHD medication shortage combined with some personal issues last Fall made me fall apart. My poor SO was worried sick because I was losing my damn mind, turns out I do not mask well. I didn’t realize that being properly medicated is as much of a public service as a personal one. May your meds always be available and well balanced.

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That’s only the half of it. He got into politics as a gun control advocate after his wife, a house representative, was fucking shot in the head at a political out reach event! He somehow won his senate seat in gun loving AZ! It’s wild.

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Most people don’t and it makes me sad. Our National Labs are fucking treasures but so few people know how much of an impact they have on our technology and lives.

What! I applaud your effort in promoting Dungeon Menshi in literally every instance.

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I try to buy local loose leaf.

If you are looking for a grocery store recommendations, I love Celestial Seasonings herbal teas. They have an amazing peppermint tea.

Avenue 5 is a brilliant dark sci-fi comedy that I cannot stop thinking about. It’s basically a cruise ship in space but then things go wrong. The physics are actually sound which makes for some really fun and terrifying gags. It’s heavy on dark humor, but if you’re ok with that it’s such a fun ride. I am biased but I feel like this show is criminally underrated.

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It looks like it’s supposed to be smug girl supreme Nagatoro.


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For me it’s that I have to think less about my choices. I don’t have a ton of time anymore so if I pick a book I am not vibing with I can just return it and pick another in a matter of seconds. It’s led me to taking chances on books I normally wouldn’t read.

I am assuming they’re referencing South Park.


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Not sure about your preferences, it I thought it was really cute. I really enjoy the manga because the characters actually grow as people and learn to communicate with each other while still having personal boundaries. The male lead actually grows a spine!

I love my local library because they’re keeping me sane on my work commute! I looove audiobooks and it’s so nice to be able to try so many and not have to worry about if I will like them because it’s all free!!!!

Preach. It wasn’t body cams but our company gave us all mandatory phones with custom location tracking software on them. It was done as part of their pandemic response. The phones were supposedly only tracking your location within a mile of the site and were only used for enforcing social distancing and infection tracking. Well when the return to office mandates came around, upper management was suddenly too informed about how much time we spent onsite. They swore up and down it wasn’t the phones and went to pretty absurd lengths to find some other metric to prove it.

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Good on you for sticking by her while she was working it out. Changing medication is so hard and takes a while especially if you’re taking more than one kind. I am really happy you both got through it and that she found something better!

Short answer, yes. You do build tolerance over time and will need to change formulation every few years. When I have changes in medication it takes about 2 weeks to get used to, and I have heard it can take a month or 2 to get used to other mental health medications. Just ride it out for a few more days unless the jitters are unbearable. Remember, you can always talk to your doctor about changing your formulations so feed back your issues so you can fine tune it.

Can’t stand listening to tech “evangelists” talk about tech. It’s so hard no roll my eyes when someone goes on and on about how the _____ (block chain, AI, whatever buzz word we’re on now) will change the world. Like yes, but not in the way you are describing because it clear you fundamentally misunderstand the technology. I work in tech and there are really cool projects out there, and discussions with my peers are really insightful. However, when a person starts telling me how excited they are to get I chip in their brain to control their phone, I can’t help but wonder if they already have brain damage.

Glad you found it! I forgot if I had taken my meds and popped one. Turns out I had taken my meds that morning and doubling up made me very aware of my eyes, so yeah when in doubt I go without.

Dude learning music is so fulfilling. I picked up the viola at 30. Am I good, no, not at all. However, it’s been super gratifying being able to hear gradual progress. I have improved enough that playing with other people is no longer a pipe dream. Learning music has given me so much happiness. I felt so anxious and stalled in my paid work because of the vagueness and lack of direction, so small achievable goals like learning a new piece has been really grounding. It’s also really peaceful to have something so completely selfish. My viola skills are not for anyone but me, so I always smile a little whenever I pick it up. I sincerely hope that the guitar brings you the same joy.

Absolutely this! I work in tech and it’s shocking how much casual racism and sexism gets tossed around. It is super hard to build a cohesive team when one of the men won’t let a woman coworker speak because he doesn’t like their use of the word “we” when describing their team.

Dumb tic-tok trends and stupid dance videos are not what employers are looking for.

I am not sure what to call the genera but there is something so very consuming and soothing about Papers Please. It’s hard to describe how that game pokes just the right parts of my brain meat but it does. A major part of the game is learning patterns and picking out the pieces that are out of place and my goodness does my brain get a kick out of finding typos, inconsistent city locations, and mis-matching information between documents. I need to process an avalanche of information quickly but it doesn’t feel overwhelming, instead it is oddly soothing. The game is also short enough that I can binge and get to the end without ruining my life unlike something more open ended like Oxygen not Included.

I am really happy that people are willing to consider how toxic that aggression is. It’s so engrained in our culture that it’s considered normal when a father threatens to have his gun out when first meeting his daughter’s partner. Nobody really thinks about the effects of this normalized violence.

If you want to get into things but are unsure how to get started, I recommend checking out your local community college. Having a class is nice because it provides the starting point and goal so you don’t get overwhelmed with where to start. I find I really benefit from the schedule that taking classes enforces, otherwise I find myself really struggling to make progress when I do learning on my own. Also it comes with its own built in community that you can reach out to if you’re stuck. Classes tend to be really affordable so it’s a way to try things out casually.

Portal. I have terrible FPS skills but love puzzle games. Having a FPS where I could proceed at my own pace and wasn’t constantly letting down teammates let me develop the skills needed to actually play.

Ok, now if you are looking for a movie that is all style and low on substance, may I suggest: Repo! The Genetic Opera.

It’s a very 2000’s rock opera with pretty good visuals. It’s got a really fun vibe and very goth aesthetics. There isn’t much depth but you will probably be signing along by the end of it. REEEEEEPO MAN! REEEEPO man!

Laios’s reactions are so adorable! The man clearly loves monsters with all of his heart and watching him geek out is delightful.

Porphyria's Lover by Robert Browning just rolled around in my head for day after I first read it. It’s really dark but feels so completely human at the same time.


I have been moving around over the years and have been shocked at the varying quality of care I have received for my ADHD. Some Drs just took my old prescription no question asked. Others required me to come in once a month for 3 months to “establish care” before giving me the option to request refills without physically seeing them (it’s much more common for them to only want to see me once every 4 months and they will write prescriptions in-between). One actually gave me a very unpleasant lecture about how he didn’t believe I should be taking be taking the medication at all because that and taking birth control would ruin my chance at having children. To answer your question, I have never been required to take a marijuana drug test before getting a prescription , that just sounds crazy and controlling. You mentioned hat the facility mainly provides substance abuse care, and I think you might be on to something there. If you choose to continue with that facility ask them questions about their medication policies is general. Like is this a one time thing or are they going to withhold your prescription if you can’t pass a monthly drug test? Is it their facility’s policy that patients are expected to abstain from all non-prescription drugs to receive care, or is it just this instance? If you have your diagnosis and dosage you may want to consider changing the Dr, care facility, or both. Best of luck.

There’s a reason why they’re my former employer. Upper management was discussing replacing our badges with the phone. We needed the phones to get into the building because that was where the covid protocol pass was kept and security checked. It was impressive how quickly they took advantage of the pandemic to make creepy breeches in privacy.