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Joined 1 years ago

“We’ve had record profits this quarter, we should pay our employees more!”

… Said no CEO ever.

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For me the fragmentation of the communities cause me pain so I would love to see less fragmentation.

Just do a search for any topic and there are at least a handful of communities all with varying member counts and no idea which one is active.

I’m a programmer so I like to keep up on some different languages.

Java has the few communities but still more than two Rust has at least 10 different communities And the list goes on.

I kind of wish there was some sort of centralization and that communities would either merge or disband but I only see this getting worse.

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Does anything substantial actually come from the complaints? Are we expected to see some sort of retribution against these airlines or reduced federal subsidies to them? I’m genuinely asking because there really isn’t any alternative for fast travel.

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It even writes Seinfeld episodes lol. I think it’s just ChatGPT behind the scenes:

I’m not a content creator, do pay for premium, and this looks like hot garbage.

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It makes me wonder how much income this actually provided to AWS.

At least they will pay your last month of service when you leave 👍. I agree that they should not have changed the terms later and then rolled back the pr and everything after they terminated the program.

This was the case where the parents decided to be tried separately right? I wonder if we’ll see both end up in the same sentence.

Nope. Just like all republican politicians, I expect them to fall in line behind Donald. Never expected anything else no matter what they said.

The Naked Gun series. Leslie Nielsen was a legend. John Wick series Matrix series Airplane 1&2 Die Hard 1/2/3. I don’t count the 4 & 5th movies.

Off to the Supreme Court it goes. So I guess we’ll see if it’s truly dead. Just more stalling.

National lampoons vacation and Christmas vacation, & Planes, Trains, and Automobiles.

Man I really enjoyed Inside Job, I hope they get to finish the storyline.

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If your into wood epoxy tables, check out blacktail studio

One for the ad free viewing. Two, premium members pay more to the creator per watch than ad viewers believe it or not.

Did it mostly for the ad removal though. Didn’t know #2 until watching a few creators explain their income on YouTube.

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Canadian Bacon and Pineapple is my favorite!

For me, while I have worked from home in past jobs, I enjoy going to office as it puts me into a different mind set all together. I have found that I need a separation of environments, otherwise I would spend my off time at home working into the late hours. Also, I would easily spend the entire time sat down in a chair instead of walking around every now and then in an office setting. But that’s me and how I function. I know not everyone is like that.

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Writes python programs as well it seems:

TIL. Thank you for that very thorough explanation!

RIP Lynn Conway, thank you for all you have accomplished and have given to society.

So, will the company that owns the ship and employs the crew pay us back the money? Or at least what ever insurance company?? Or will it be years like the BP Oil Spill disaster?

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Neat. I’ve used freetube before as well. But I keep wondering that if I’m paying for ad free and creators get more money from my views, how do the ad-free and privacy apps benefit the people that I watch regularly?

Though, I could pay every person I watch via patron, but I watch a lot of creators and not all at the same time. It would be too expensive to support them all through patreon vs YouTube unfortunately

Looks like they disabled ai responses. Just tried again this morning and noticed it wasn’t in the list of answers

Even though it’s native I find the protondb as a good source for issue resolution. Looks like the latest entry said that the latest proton doesn’t work and they had to downgrade to 4.x. https://www.protondb.com/app/319630

11/22/2004 reporting in. Just currently 18 almost 19. I do not have a short steam ID though. Can’t remember which game was the first but pretty sure it was either half-life or HL2

Not that much of a horror fan, but actually enjoying Jordan Persegati turning Disney coloring books into works of horror.

Be careful what you shoot at. Most things in here don’t react too well to bullets.

Is that real life Bane from Harley Quinn?

Something that perhaps I missed in the article is if CNN Max will be a new app or will the use the existing Max app? If it’s the latter then I hope we can disable it.

Yes, I can attest that WFH was a hell of a lot easier when I didn’t have kids. It was 100 times harder with them around. Unfortunately while I carved out a space in my house for WFH, it didn’t prevent my kids from interfering with work tasks lol. It may be a little different now that they are both in school for the day.

Hahaha, amazing

I haven’t been able to keep up, have they released any timeline yet on when 2.0 will be available?

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Ah yes.. back when the turbo button made games run faster 🫠

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$80 1Gbps symmetrical fiber. Speed tests are usually 800+ down/1Gb up, but usually can get 1Gb down on steam games. Portland, Or

I tried something like this with Traefik just recently using add prefix and strip prefix rules. It had limited success until until I encountered an application that doesn’t have everything behind a sub path, Like /lovelace (home assistant)or something like that. If the application just basis it off the host with a root path, than you can’t really apply the prefix rule as the reverse proxy will not know how to route the request as the application is asking for a path that is not already a sub. You may come into this situation more often with several applications. I ended up just switching back to virtual hosts myself.

Didn’t like the movie but I actually enjoyed the book and all the 80-90’s references in it.

The wardrobe is a good point! I would also add that if your behind computers all day that you spend the extra to make your home office environment comfortable as much as possible. You really do take climate control for granted in the office setting 😉

Same in Portland

The state's 72-year ban on self-service pumps was due in large part to safety concerns for drivers. A state law cited "increased risk of crime and the increased risk of personal injury resulting from slipping on slick surfaces."

What an abomination of an excuse, and I live here.

Really?!? It was so long ago, but I do remember trying to see what difference it made lol. I do remember some games like you said that ran faster and some it had no effect on. I was around 10 or so and was messing around with games in basic and playing MUDS on my library’s gopher access via dialup