eatmyass [he/him]

@eatmyass [he/him]
0 Post – 38 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I hope this means all the reddit liberals are leaving

I actually wish we would become very much like Reddit


I wish more people felt more strongly about this beyond posting pictures of John Oliver

that's liberals for you

Hexbear is the new world and you're stuck in the old

I still can’t wrap my head around being so pro-trans rights (a fabulous thing), yet in the same breath simping for the USA. Not the most stellar LGBTQIA+ record there.

my opinion

what your opinion that slavery was good and Africans are all backwards and primitive? You absolutely need to back that up.

But again, you're just mad that someone called you out on your bullshit, so now you want to stomp your feet yelling about "my opinion!" Dawg, opinions are based on facts, not vibes, and you have nothing to back up any of your assertions. You're just mad someone challenged you on your shit

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I support sex workers but im sorry I will never step foot in a strip club. I guess in some places people go to strip clubs mostly to club and to party, but not near me, and I’ve never met anyone who frequents the strip clubs around me who wasn’t really sus.

I don’t have to explain anything to you.

So what you're saying is you don't have anything to back up any of your statements, you just want to post nazi shit online and were hoping you wouldn't be challenged on any of it? You're a fucking joke dawg

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what the fuck is this asshole? This is the dumbest fucking dribble I've ever fucking read. Hitler was an effective leader? How? Please fucking explain that because you just throw that out there like it's a given. Hitler was fucking incompetent are you insane.

They would still be running from lions? Is that what people from Africa do? They're all living in huts making spears out of twigs and eating mud? They need the superior western slave traders to come give them civilization by selling them into slavery?

but they are also factual.

Back that up motherfucker. Please, find anything to back that up. Anything at all. Any source you can find to back up your claims that 1) Hitler was an effective leader, 2) Africa is an uncivilized backwards continent that's still in the stone age. By the way I will copy your comment here so you can't delete this shit and run away like a fucking coward:

Naturally. They don’t need to pander to anyone, they just tell it like it is.

For example, I don’t think anyone would disagree that hitler was probably one of the most evil people to ever exist. However, you can certainly acknowledge that while also acknowledging that he was, in fact, an effective leader.

In regards to slavery. Again, another atrocious time in our country’s history, no one can deny that. However, had we not brought them over here, it’s a good possibility they would still be running from lions.

Some may consider these statements to be (insert trendy prefix, here) phobic, but they are also factual. Thankfully, I don’t answer to anyone, so I can give my honest answer. Fortunes 500 execs say what they need to say, otherwise they would no longer be a Fortune 500 company. Pretty simple.

This is great for when another liberal tells me nazis don't exist anymore. A straight up nazi who thinks slavery was good actually, right here in the wild. People like you shouldn’t exist in a functioning society that values human life, and you should feel lucky that the west is so backwards, violent and bloodthirsty that people like you are allowed to have a voice. You’re a waste of space and breath and every resource that has ever gone to sustaining your life, all the food and water and energy, it’s all been wasted. You are a leech upon this earth.

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when I go to the the communist website to post nazi shit online and then get mad when all the communists tell me to fuck off

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so your first comment on this site is to show support for hitler and say slavery was good actually, and you feel you don't need to explain yourself? Why don't you crawl back into the Barbara pit you crawled out of

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oh fuck we've been owned

"im not owned! im not owned!!", i continue to insist as i slowly shrink and transform into a corn cob

now tell me how you're totally not mad and you're actually laughing bro i swear! Come on, say the line Bart say it!

or even better why don't you try to defend any of your racist nazi assertions above

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I’d say this is fake but I also know people who would think like this

bruh the site was literally made by a marxist

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who needs nazi bots when we have real life nazis here posting among us

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lol what are you saying? That you enjoy arguing with vegans?

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wow nice observation. yeah literally every single person is not a communist, especially not after the influx of redditors, but the site leans left as we had some huge post about the other day

anyway, are you ever gonna back up any of your assertions that 1) Hitler was an effective leader, 2) Africa is an uncivilized backwards continent that's still in the stone age? Or are you just gonna try to change the subject because you know you can't back them up and you're mad that you've been called out?

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when I post racist nazi shit online and then get surprised that people are mad at me

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I was fired for looking for another job

he knew that if he offered a rebuttal you'd just throw a tantrum because you can't actually back any of your shit up

great, I'm telling you what to do. Fuck off back to reddit

that or post hog liberal

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I once went to a Vietnamese restaurant in Lancaster PA. Time comes to pay and for some reason we needed to go to the back room to pay. I walked in there and it was like one of the movie scenes where someone walks into an old west saloon or something and the music stops. In real life the music kept playing but there was a group of really rough looking old Vietnamese guys huddled around a pool table all smoking cigs who stopped what they were doing and went silent to just stare us down. It honestly looked like that scene in it’s always sunny where frank is playing cards with a bunch of Vietnamese guys. There were dudes sitting at a little bar, some women cleaning some sort of food at a little table. I don’t know that it was a “front,” but I definitely felt like I had walked into like the Vietnamese mob headquarters or something. Honestly like a mafia movie or something, just replace Italians with Vietnamese. how would you have preferred to have been engaged with?

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huh it would seem he sure led his country from "the most powerful country in continental Europe to the fifth most powerful country in Berlin"

pigpoop pigpoop pigpoop pigpoop

post hog liberal

"I enjoy going on the internet and picking fights with vegans, but it's the vegans who are insufferable"

please fuck off back to reddit

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Uh I believe I told you to post hog, and I'm not seeing any of that sweet sweet hog

pigpoop pigpoop pigpoop pigpoop pigpoop pigpoop pigpoop pigpoop pigpoop pigpoop

I'm honestly worried about you, do you not remember what you wrote?

In regards to slavery. Again, another atrocious time in our country’s history, no one can deny that. However, had we not brought them over here, it’s a good possibility they would still be running from lions.

I'm sorta done with you since you're such a fucking dumbass who's not even trying to defend themself, but if you want to keep going then please. Explain to me how you believe that's not racist. Or are you gonna cry and scream like last time about how it's "your opinion" as if that means you don't need to back up any of your assertions

if you see bad faith or shitty content you just tell the poster they're a loser

like so:


edit: I'm not calling you a loser but the ppb usually functions as a downvote. You either argue with someone or just bully them with ppb until they leave the site or the mods ban them

"when I call Africans a bunch of uncivilized savages it's actually not racist"

bruh do you have fucking brain damage?

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this you?

In regards to slavery. Again, another atrocious time in our country’s history, no one can deny that. However, had we not brought them over here, it’s a good possibility they would still be running from lions.

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I really hope you're like, a young person, so that you can actually mature and grow out of this weird edgy nazi shit. Maybe read a book sometime, at the least you'll be able to back up your assertions with facts occasionally. I'd say I hope you have a nice night, but you're a nazi so I really don't give a shit

The old world is dying and the new world struggles to be born. Now is the time of monsters

Pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will

both gramsci

oh rhetorical? Well then I guess it wasn't racist then

again, do you have fucking brain damage? did you not type out the line "however, had we not brought them over here, it’s a good possibility they would still be running from lions," read it over, decide yeah this looks good, and press post? Was that not you?

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lol you're a joke

pigpoop pigpoop pigpoop pigpoop pigpoop pigpoop pigpoop pigpoop

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you disgust me as a human being

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hahahaha do you not eat ass bro? Goddamn you are a fucking NERD

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