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No thanks, US soldiers don’t need to die for Israel’s mistakes.

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For me it’s the difference between a statements and events. If Musk just says something it’s generally worthless drivel, but if Tesla engineers a new battery pack or gets targeted by a lawsuit then it’s something worth knowing.

“How can it be that there are no demands made of the aggressor and only demands made of the victim,” Blinken went on to say.

Israel has been the aggressor for decades now. They trapped these people, made it impossible for any economic opportunity, raided them daily killing indiscriminately, stole their land repeatedly and then want to play the victim when the provoked people fight back. Fuck off, Israel needs to return the land, end the blockades, and allow the investments it lied about, only then would it even be close to neutral. I hate hamas, but Israel made this bed

There’s no incentive for US automakers to build cheaper EVs from this. This is just protectionism which is fine when China is subsidizing their production past the point of profitability, but this will still work against making American EVs more affordable.

You’re mistaken, I already live 45 minutes from my job. Moving further from that would be untenable because it would increase my commute by another 30 minutes which wouldn’t leave enough time for me to care for my father in the area.

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No need for a psa just enact law that makes someone this reckless and absent minded ineligible to own firearms. The problem will stop real quick with that.

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I don’t think this is as important as your making it out to be because it’s not far off from the truth for many. The reality is that a condemned or empty lot in my area starts at 6 times my annual salary. To get something that can be lived in starts around 9 times. That means I need at about a year’s salary to afford the land alone. To be able to live on that lot is closer to 2 years salary. Realistically this won’t happen because the rent in the area is 60% of my income and after required expenses like fuel, insurance, food, etc I can usually save about 5% of my income. Any unforeseen expenses like car repairs eat that away, so I’m left with an annual savings rate of about 3%. At this rate homes will inflate faster than my income will accrue. The math doesn’t work and I suspect it doesn’t for many others.

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That’s a lot of psychopathic assumptions I’m just going to pretend you didn’t say. The point is the reality for most is dire and your clearly more interested in winning the conversation than understanding those shitheads on social media are only getting views because they are validating real problems in the economy.

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And when trump is elected I’m sure they won’t do everything in their power to arm Israel to the teeth with horrific weapons to use on those kids /s

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Unfortunately cpuc has done nothing but allow rate increases, last I checked sdge has the most expensive rates in the continental us. Considering that with how shit the service has been I’d bet they are using that cash to pay regulators. I don’t expect this to go far but I hope it does because fuck sdge and cpuc

An engine would scrap for more than $100 you’ll have to cite that figure to make it believable.

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Can’t wait to see how they stop the pedal from physically getting stuck in full throttle through software 🍿

You just need quotes on it, ms fucked up the directory traversal “oobe/bypassnro.cmd” worked for me setting up a user machine yesterday

Warrants are important checks on an otherwise unchecked behemoth that could easily make most people disappear in one way or another.

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Which inflation rate are you quoting, the true rate including food and fuel or an abstraction that ignores those inelastic categories?

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So I spent some time looking into this wage increase stuff and I did find this fun chart with inflation adjusted wages growing 2% in the last 5 years, that’s pretty paltry compared to the corporate profit increases. I’d bet that power imbalance is a large factor in consumer sentiment falling against otherwise good looking economic data.

Going to? We do all the time, hell we nuked it a bunch too.

Where? I never see the weird stuff cheaper than gTLD’s

No citations and more outlandish claims. So I’ll put a little math here. From the first google results aluminum scraps around $0.44/lb and a smaller engine block is about 300lb which comes out to $132, not including heads manifolds, pistons etc.

12 months is a poor timeframe to use for inflation when the most relevant data to consumers today is 2021-2022, and again fuel is required to function in the US which I don’t see in CPI making it a poor indicator for real finances. Really though my point is metrics can be manipulated to sound good or bad but ignoring consumer sentiment is foolish for a politician seeking to be elected by those consumers.

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I like to pack services in containers so ctop has been a great basic ui to manage and monitor them in the shell

Neat. Still a drop in the bucket when all residential use is only about 10% of all water use in the state.

By that logic we should only read last months data and forget the rest of history, but in reality people have memories and incorporate previous experience in their sentiment.