
0 Post – 45 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Can the platform just die already so I can stop reading about a man-child's shitty business decisions? Thanks, management.

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Chrome is the new Internet Explorer.

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When I was younger, like 15/16, I was working a job in a stone quarry during my spring break. Long days, hot sun but all cash and made decent money.

One of my neighbors whom I would briefly speak to all the time wanted to borrow some money. I think it was $400 or something. At that age, I wanted to help out and I wanted seem cool, so I lent it. He asked for a bit more and more and eventually it ended up to about $1100. My neighbor said their paycheck was coming 'next week' and could easily pay me back.

Next week never came. I followed up with the neighbor and they said something happened to their paycheck but the money was coming. He then said a showing of good faith, he'd give me his payslip as proof and that I needed to get it back to him so I he cash he check. Stupid me knew something to was up but because I was naiive and impressionable, I told him I trusted him and I'll await the money.

I managed to get his number and I called to follow up again, but he had some girl answer the phone and when I asked to speak to him, she said, "Oh he's getting cookies right now..."

A week later the phone was disconnected and then I didn't see him for a while. I then moved out of the neighborhood.

Eventually I saw him a few years later and mentioned about the money that he owed me but he 'wasn't sure what I was talking about'. I long since before then realized the money was gone. Expensive lesson but that's a story of how I got scammed.

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But why is her neck so long?

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Well then maybe don't charge me 3 months' rent for one?

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It's like a fresh break-up. I hate reddit. Reddit is so stupid. I swear I'm totally over reddit. You haven't seen reddit by any chance, have you? I mean, I totally don't care but how is reddit doing?

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ChatGPT has gotten dumb. I used to have to code check it's answer every few responses. Now it's every response. It wrote me an if/else statement the other day where if and else had the same outcome.

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When did the platform of being President of the United States of America become the ability to pardon individuals?

It's The Emperor's New Clothes all over again, but instead of being naked, it's dementia.

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Stop trying to make Bing happen. IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!

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How about Reddit is like that friend that decided to start a pyramid scheme but it didn't work out and they have now become that friend you had in high school that started doing drugs and went into a downward spiral. Now you hear news about them every now and then and it’s just sad.

Is that better?

It'll be a lot more involved than you think it will be. You'll need to pick and learn the language of the device you want to create the app for and then learn the API of making calls to Lemmy instances. You then also need to have a idea of intuitive app design.

Not impossible and if you want to learn, I suggest you dive in with a simple goal. Get a post to load. Then get several. Then get them from different communities and build from there.

You will definitely learn some things if you keep at it. Good luck, friend!

Old guy who is only getting older wants to dictate so that he has some sort of legacy.

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Oh I know this struggle! I constantly have a magnitude of hobbies, projects and tasks that I wish to complete.

It helps when you learn that you cannot do everything all at once. While I still naiively think I will accomplish all the things, I sorted all the things I want to do in a priority list; from most important to least important.

"If I die tomorrow, what would I be most upset about for not having done while living?"

Once you have a list (or even a rough list) then start at the top. Do a little each day. You can bounce around the list. You can re-prioritize items. Remember: It's your list.

The key thing I found is that no matter which of the 1000s of things you want to accomplish, you're usually happy in the process, so you really can't go wrong. While working on a thing, just lose yourself in the process until you move onto the next thing.

Good luck, friend!

Why do you think Idalia ravaged Florida? It's because Trump wasn't president with his magic sharpie... Obviously.

Mosquitoes. Fuck mosquitoes.

Lich McConnell went back and reviewed the Necronomicon and realized that these episodes don't actually mean anything and the necromancy spell he cast 800 years ago should give him a few more terms.

"Who would you pardon?" has become what feels like a segment on a late night talk show.

Nevermind trying to improve the lives of others. Who would you pardon if you became president?

This times 100. I'm a massive FF fan. While there is debate in my mind about the combat system, I can't even play it because I don't have a PS5.

Hoping to get one eventually but the PS4 and Switch still have value. If SE want my money, they'll have to wait.

It's still ongoing? I totally need to catch up, but I am so far behind, I was waiting for it to finish.

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If you go with Starlabs, make sure what you're ordering is IN STOCK.

I ordered the Lite V which I as estimated to deliver in October 2023. It's now April 2024 and they are just receiving it on their end. It seems like they've learned their lesson but not letting people pre-order their newer things now. Reviews of previous products seem promising with them.

My friend has the Slimbook Executive. That thing is sex with a keyboard.

You should add Godot underneath programming and next to game-editor.

Sea of Stars JUST dropped.

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Donkey Kong. Not Donkey Kong Country. The original arcade Donkey Kong, until you realize after beating the original levels that there is SO MUCH MORE to it!

Just one thing. Fuck that level with the long bridge of disappearing floor tiles. That was the worst!!

Get yourself a hobby that you're truly passionate about. You might have to do a few hobbies to find out the one you like the most. Do not worry about being shitty at said hobby. You don't have to be good at something to enjoy it. As you do the hobby more, you will get better with time.

With a good hobby and time, you'll wean your focus off of the heartbreak. The real 'soulmates' you meet in life are usually found in doing the shit you enjoy. Even if you don't meet someone, you'll be 100x happier than most.

Good luck friend.

Wrap it up in cheesecloth or cotton with twine and steep in melted butter and water for and hour or two. Squeeze out excess and place in fridge. The water will separate and you have butter.

I make dog bone shaped cookies dipped in icing. Made about 300 cookies where 3-4 would be all you need.

Store in freezer for longevity.

Pirates of Dark Water.

This is the way.

Their XPS' have gotten worse IMO. I have an XPS now running Linux Mint and it seems fine. Issue here or there.

I went to buy a new one but now they only come with 2 USB-C ports and that's it! It's not practical...

The time-police whispers are trying to find a way to delete this comment.

It's basically me. I liked reddit. I do miss it and I do wonder about it but it was toxic to the point that I had to move on. So glad I met Lemmy.

I'm basically a bitter ex. I am curious to see my ex live a shitty life without me but I have moved on and although I wonder what could have been, I'm doing my best not to look back.

With all breakups, I'm sure given time it'll be better but it does give me a certain satisfaction to see my ex in the news, drunk and disorderly and riddled with issues.

It depends on what you are trying to accomplish.

If you want a pretty desktop environment or you need all the bells and whistles of a specific Linux distribution (Debian, Fedora, Ubuntu, CentOS, etc.) then a virtualize environment is probably the way to go.

If you just want to get used to playing with Linux commands using bash and you only need about 80% of the full functionality of a pure Linux environment, then Windows offers the Subsystem for Linux which installs like an app you can run at anytime.

I personally use the subsystem for Linux on my Windows work laptop so I can quickly write Python scripts and test application configs for production servers. It's quick and dirty and I can easily share files between Windows and Linux. It also has a small footprint on the computer as oppose to a VM.

Whatever you decide, have fun! Linux is awesome.

If it wasn't bad for you? Slim Jim. I fucking love Slim Jim, but I'm sure eating them non-stop would put you in an early grave.

Matrix 4 felt like a direct-to-video sequel.

I just bought the Slimbook Executive and although there's I'm not a fan of the charger, it's a beast.

Socks because most people like socks.

I remember playing Big Sky Trooper for the SNES which was about killing the alien slugs and you had to navigate the solar system.

The Hero we need.

380F is my preferred sweet temp. 400F if you've already vaped with the stuff and you don't want to swap it out just yet.

Try to keep everything you've vaped. ABV can double with butter and make some wicked edibles.