
8 Post – 99 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

But saints are not gods, they are more like emissaries. You pray for them to bring your word to God.

But in the end, religious beliefs don't make sense anyway, so why bother analyzing contradictions. Faith is based on believing without needing proof, so any logic reasoning against religion fails against that statement.

I am a computer scientist after all

Straightest Griffith interaction.

Also, fuck Griffith

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The USB protocol was simple by design, so it could be implemented in small dumb devices like pen drives. More specifically, it used two couples of cables, one couple was for power and the other for data (four wires in total). Having a single half-duplex data line means you need some way of arbitrating who can send data at any time. The easiest way to do it is having a single machine that decides who gets to send data (master), and the easiest way to decide the master is to not do it and have the computer always do the master. This means you couldn't connect two computers together because they would both try to be the master.

I used the past tense because you may have noticed that micro USB have 5 pins and not 4, that's because phones are computers and they use the 5th pin to decide how to behave. If it's grounded they act as a slave (the male micro to male A cable grounds it). If it has a resistor (the otg cable has it) it act as master. And if the devices are connected with a wire on that pin (on some special micro to micro) they negotiate the connection.

When they made usb 3.0 and they realized that not having the 5th wire on the usb-A was stupid, so they put it (along side some extra data lines) that's why they have an odd number of wires. So with usb 3 you can connect computers together, but you need a special cable that uses the negotiation wire. Also I don't know what software you need for it to work.

Usb-c is basically two USB 3.0 in the same cable, so you can probably connect computers with that. But often the port on the devices only uses one, so it might not be faster. Originally they put the pins for two connections so you could flip the connector, but later they realized they could use them to get double speed.

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Dude what are you talking about, it was still here less than 15 years ago. The Nintendo Wii literally had an ATI GPU

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In the coming months, an important protocol will be merged to Wayland and xorg, and the next Nvidia driver release will have support for that protocol. This will make the Nvidia Wayland experience 100x better

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Wait, is it on a population of 5000 computers? Bruh, why are we even looking at this?

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the subway map in case you were wondering

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I choose the 10 millions, thanks

I think you are confusing "windows like" with "user-friendly". A "bespoke archive, that you find on some developer's website, that you extract and somewhere it contains an executable and assets, that you move where you want to keep them, and then the user remembers to manually update it sometimes somehow" is not how you usually do stuff on Linux and is not even user-friendly.

Distributions come with programs like "gnome software" or "kde discover" that allows the user to graphically install programs from the distro's package manager, or from flatpak or snap. It will also help them to keep them updated and to manage dependencies. That is user-friendly.

I suggest using flatpak. It will work on almost all distros out of the box and will be easy to install and maintain for the user. If flatpak is too "bloated" for you because it uses containers, then you need to package it for every distro manually, but that's a lot of work. If it's something that just needs to be used once and never again, consider an appimage or a script, because they don't need to be installed.

Distros are different operating systems, it's not gonna be easy to package for all of them without compromises.

Also, if you really really really need to use your bespoke archive, you can do like native steam games do, and put every library you link in the archive, and link with relative paths instead of system wide paths, or with a launch script that loads your provided libraries. But that's not a great user experience. Steam gets away with it because it's the launcher that manages the whole thing.

Being lesbo sucks. I tell a girl that she's banging and you get "coming from you 👸🏼". Literally no, I'm not saying that to be your pal, I'm saying it to shag you...

Or something, I'm not Scottish

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You are not supposed to power the GPU like that. You should use two separate cables from the supply. The other connector of the same cable is intended to "daisy chain" low power cards.

It will probably work anyway, but better safe than sorry.

Edit: I think it's needed because:

  1. The power supply might have separate circuits for separate cables and might not be able to supply all the power needed by the GPU through just one
  2. The cable might not be rated to have that much power flow through and might overheat and melt over time
  3. If you could just fork the cable into two why would they put two connectors on the GPU, it's not like they have different voltages, they are literally daisy chained
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But unironically, "having faith" implies that you do not need proof but you are trusting your belief. So they are kind of correct

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"King/queen" is clumsy and unreadable. Should go for a gender neutral "monarch"

This is prostitution

If you believe "fat" is a slur, how the hell do you come up with the word "fattist"? Do you also say faggist, jewist and niggist?

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Mesa drivers for opengl, vulkan, etc. are likely already installed, what you need to install are the mesa-va and mesa-vdpau drivers for video acceleration. Other than that, you just need to make sure the GPU doesn't stay in power saving mode when you play.

Btw, video acceleration with Nvidia mostly works if you use this.

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Being meguka is suffering

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All true, except maybe the expert part

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It's bean some time

When they finish the words with G they can just add another layer of recursion and create BIG, an acronym for "BIG Is GNU". And from there go on like a word chain game

Classic french

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I thlamd my penith in the carthor

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You ain't seen shit kiddo

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Where whores glow and manwhores plunder

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Most features missing right now (not all) are against the Wayland philosophy, this doesn't mean that you won't get anything but that it needs a "modern era replacement". Though applications will need to support the replacement. This is usually for good reasons.

The prime example is screen recording. Allowing any program to read and write the entire screen is objectively wrong, no matter what the big time X11 fans say. But there is a replacement: pipewire. Pipewire is extremely advanced and featureful, and it's more secure because it allows the system and the user to audit who is reading the screen and what part. The problem is that programs need to support pipewire for screen recording, but the main culprits are niche screen recorders (OBS is the best anyway, and it supports it) and proprietary video call software like discord (zoom supports it), which is silly because for electron apps it's literally a matter of using a version less than 3 years old an adding a flag.

Enough about the average person. What about the mode person and median person

And where were your Alan Moore memes on 5th November?

Can you imagine how much damage an atomic priesthood would cause? I bet after a mere 600 years it would have lost sight of its original purpose and would start going on holy wars to control nuclear sites and bring home nuclear relics, at best. And it would definitely try to gain power worldwide by fearmongering

For various reasons.

Different languages take different approaches and models to do stuff. Thus making each one better or worse for different challenges.

For example, python is easy and quick to get up and running. Bug it's slow and unsuited for low level programming (like OSes, drivers, and embedded stuff). On the other hand, C is very fast and very low level, allowing you to make both high performance programs and low level stuff, but it's a nightmare to use and you will run into all sorts of problems that an easier language, like python would avoid. All of this is mostly due to python being interpreted (instead of compiled) and c having manual memory management.

But they might also take a different approach at computation, like for functional languages (opposed to imperative languages) which try to solve problems in a more "mathematical" and declarative way, instead of defining a sequence of instructions. Or, even more, logic programming languages, in which you define a series of logical statements and the language tries to find solution and draw conclusions from them.

And some languages are designed around some particular concept that they think is beneficial and worth exploring, maybe taken from various other languages and put together, like rust which is designed around the RAII design pattern and takes large inspiration from functional languages, while still being and imperative procedural language (like C, so not object oriented). Or java which was designed to be a portanle but performante object oriented language, with support for low powered embedded system, full of features but simpler than c++, etc... all stuff that now is nothing special, but remember that java us very old. Or kotlin which tries to be java (they are interoperable), but modern and better and more "pure" or "consistent". Or c++ that started as an object oriented superset of c, but then started adding every single feature of every other imperative language, and never giving up on older stuff, to the point of becoming very hard to use correctly while making it very easy to screw yourself in the most intricate ways.

And of course there are domain specific languages (opposed to general purpose languages). Which aren't even necessarily Turing complete. They are designed for one purpose only, and they do that better than general purpose languages. For example AWK for text processing, or SQL for databases, or matlab for scientific calculations, or TeX for typesetting, or GLSL for shaders, or coq for theorem proving. And here imagination truly is the limit.

So, the point is, every language is more suited then other for some kind of work. And when people stumble across some problem that is hard to tackle and come up with some approach to solve it, or when they grow fed up with the issues of some older languages, they often like to make a new language around that. And some times this leads to entirely new paradigms which are worth exploring.

P.s.: I like languages:)

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You are a worm through time.

The thunder song distorts you.

Happiness comes.

White pearls, but yellow and red in the eye.

Through a mirror, inverted is made right.

Leave your insides by the door.

Push the fingers through the surface into the wet.

You’ve always been the new you.

You want this to be true.

We stand around you while you dream.

You can almost hear our words but you forget.

This happens more and more now.

You gave us the permission in your regulations.

We wait in the stains.

The word that describes this is redacted.

Repeat the word.

The name of the sound.

It resonates in your house.

After the song, time for applause.

We build you till nothing remains.

The egg cracks and the truth will emerge out of you.

You are home.

You remind us of home.

You’ve taken your boss with your boss with you.

All hair must be eaten.

Under the conceptual reality behind this reality you must want these waves to drag you away.

After the song, time for applause.

This cliché is death out of time, breaking the first the second the third the fourth wall, the fifth wall, floor; no floor: you fall!

How do you say “insane”?

Hurts to be happy.

An earworm is a tune you can’t stop humming in a dream: “baby baby baby yeah”.

Just plastic.

So, safe and nothing to worry about.

Ha ha, funny.

The last egg breaks now.

The hole in your room is a hole in you.

You came and we let you in through the hole in you.

You have always been here, the only child.

A copy of a copy of a copy.

Orange peel.

The picture is you holding the picture.

When you hear this you will know you’re in new you.

You want to listen.

You want to dream.

You want to smile.

You want to hurt.

You don’t want to be.

Solar are LEDs. But instead of putting electricity into that light comes out, you push the light in to get electricity out.

You are correct in saying that there are still several problems in both Wayland (e.g. lack of drawing tablet support) and mutter (e.g. tearing protocol non yet implemented). But then you proceed to list problems that are Nvidia's fault.

The first is weird, but it probably depends on Nvidia's kernel driver.

The second is probably a synchronization issue, so it's probably due to Nvidia refusing to implement implicit sync, and explicit sync not being yet supported in Linux. But don't quote me on that.

Vulkan should work. But video acceleration is definitely absent, and is listed by Nvidia itself among current driver limitations. Try this.

It's a supermicro x8dal-i with two xeon x5650 from 2010. 6c/12t each, base frequency 2.33 GHz, turbo to 3.2 GHz single core, 3 DDR3 ports each in two Numa nodes, for a total of 24GB at 2400 MT/s. It only supports PCIe 2.0, for a 1060 3GB.

It's slow as hell in single thread, it's acceptable in multi thread. It doesn't go out of memory. It sounds like a lawnmower. It boots up between 1 min and 6 min. It overheats and shuts down in summer (hence the desk fan and the little fan blowing on the chipset). It chokes that 1060 with its slow PCIe. Lots of sata, only one 128 GB SSD. Most games from before the 2021 run. Overall pretty cool. It has two Intel gigabit Ethernet.

Both windows 10 and Ubuntu are taking a toll on it. But I bet a nice fresh install will fix it. But I won't do it because it's not my main kick anymore

This act has been in the making for quite a while, and was even delayed. These companies have had plenty of time to prepare for what's coming.

Also, big companies don't deserve whining. It's hard to adjust to new regulations? Too fucking bad! Now pay your fine

I think it's only important to Apple, it's not beneficial to anyone else

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This reminds me, there's a national football (not the american one) team that goes to a sports retreat in the same mountain town where my family goes on holiday. So one time we came across one player that was training solo while we were on a walk, and because we don't really care about football we just went on with our conversation, and the guy looked at us absolutely flabbergasted for a few seconds and then said "hi" and went on his way. Keep in mind we are in Italy, so football players are used to the most thorough fangirling from everyone.

I suggest not doing any of this and just finding the apk somewhere, because most likely it runs perfectly on newer android, and Google is just being a bitch

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