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Joined 1 years ago

My prayers are heard. I hope you burn in the lowest circles of hell, Adobe.

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No reasons to be concerned, citizen. The former head of the largest surveillance agency in the world just joined as a C-level member to the largest data scraping company in the world

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Oh, if they PROMISE.

Fuck Adobe. I’ll pirate PS and AI until I die. Greedy fucking pigboys.

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Whoops, forgot to add more bloat

  • Microsoft, probably
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Putin: And I would’ve gotten away with it, if it wasn’t for you, meddling kids!

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Tres Commas

They are absolutely delusional. I went to the cesspool that is /r/conservative, hoping, PRAYING for people to respond like normal human beings on reading news like that.


None of this.

Complete delusion, with select quotes:

“He still has my vote”

“Liars! Liars on the witness stand. This poor man does not deserve this”

Americans are a different breed altogether.

Fuck Adobe. I have never and will never give them a cent. And I truly hope “piracy is theft” is for real, so I can take my beloved PS and Illustrator out of their grubby little hands.

the pirate stuff lets me control what version I want / need.

If you haven’t already tried the DLCs, you should. AI gets very improved and the behaviour is much more normal and humanlike.

How dare you have secrets? What are you hiding there? Why are you trying to have privacy? How dare you?

The what???

yep. 2 hours lost. can’t find a shred of evidence. some random blogs I’ve scrolled mention something about the “Other Howard the Duck”, archived content from 1986, but that could just be a mention of marvel comics. i’m officially interested though.

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hate to be that guy, but I also want to contribute with content, so: It’s memento

dude went for a full CHA build and actually raids end content.

how else would you show your dedication?

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Wrong. In the keynote, they announced that the server handling all this will be open source and anyone can analyse the code for exactly the malicious behaviour that Microsoft is pushing.

I’m not an Apple shill, but at least this they handled much better than MS

Holy shit. My brain has fried

puts on wizard’s hat

Hearing peach reminds me of Nicholas Cage

Can someone who has played both Star Citizen and Eve Online tell me what the major differences are?

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I appreciate you, thanks <3

You may hate me but it ain’t no lie, drugs i did buy buy buy

migrated to wefwef, would prefer a native app, but nevertheless i’m not even looking back. 13 year club.

It’s much simpler than that. AI is going to continue makingn it worse, until the big tech companies say that they have a solution which will be web2.0 and solves ALL the problems of the legacy net (problems the big tech is causing lol). Then they will have total information control and regulate the net out of the kazoo.

Imagine visiting a website and “oh oh, apparently you haven’t met the daily quota yet, because you used the toilet. unfortunately your access to the web is restricted.”

I’m telling you, AI (which is not even real fucking AI) is being pushed to the forefront because big tech fucking knows what’s to come. And then they’ll snatch control with the pretense being “it’s just to fix AI, we swear wink wink

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If you wonder where your reply is, I scrolled through a very tiny portion of your comment history.

I have made a terrible judgment of character. You are not a russian spy.

Please seek help. I will delete all my other comments. I’m not being sarcastic or passive aggressive. It’s straight up “Please talk to a professional”.

What’s the name of that app?

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Thank you! Great explanation <3

Wow, thank you. Very thorough explanation.

I’m asking because I started playing Eve Online a couple of weeks ago, and I wonder why would anyone need another space sim game, because I don’t think anyone can fully grasp Eve. But apparently they are very different in how the game feels, handles, and plays.

I think Eve’s monetisation is a bit less predatory than what Star Citizen offers.

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I use Figma at work hahaha

I fully believe you after being around Jita for the weekend. People give absolute no fucks what sec they are in.

I don’t mean the current versioning of the web.

I mean that https, ipv4 and dns servers will be abandoned altogether and everything will be incorporated, no more NGO’s, no more vpn, no more Tor, and FOSS will be exterminated.

That’s the corporate dream, the cunts.

Hell yeah, my first movie as well! I dreamt about being part of the movie, I was so obsessed with it. Holds up great, if you ask me!

* {

display: flex;


This is the way.

There’s also no “f” in that phrase. The whole point is to showcase a font.

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