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Joined 13 months ago

Remember the AP Test people were delighted to gut their black history test to make Florida happy.

They're not heroes by any stretch.

Mitch doesn't scare anybody any more now that he's only half there.

Every photo of him looks like he's barely hanging on.

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Oh now you've stepped in it, those pitty owners are relentless.

Cause they're crooked.

Especially Thomas, holy cow.

"We would like to officially declare that we are, and shall remain, completely unfuckable."

And who wears anthro bunny suits? Is there some kind of name for that hobby, I wonder...

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I have a straight cis female friend who devours werewolf and cat-lycanthrope porn and got mad when I said she was also a furry. Cishet ppl are weird.

Using the right tool for the right task is a big part of being a good engineer.

NCD would love this

Came here to say this.

Throwing a punch worked way way better.

Cops are not "good guys". They have a duty to protect property, not life.

Plus they're the only job where they can refuse to hire you for being too smart.

Zuck could hospitalize Musk in seconds.

BJJ is no joke.

Damn he has aged horribly, like one of those "not even once" ads.

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Bro I lived in the south, they can't fucking wait for the rapture down there.

Of course if I had to live in Tuscaloosa I would also welcome the sweet bosom of the grave.

Queer Fedi is awesome. is also a great Mastodon instance with a similar vibe to the blahaj zone.

Anti-intellectualism hooray!

My boobs disagree. Have you ever actually had sex?

What an absurd comment, pathetic that this is where republican bootlickers find themselves these days

I think it's totally legit to say you're not attracted to a particular body configuration. It wasn't OP that bothered me, it was all the turdbuckets who showed up to pilot on.

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They think about her way more than Bill does, that's for sure.

There was a House episode about it.

Queer Up!

Fan base probably is fairly right wing anyway.


A lot of them (Alphabet in particular) overinvested in commercial real estate and are now sitting on a huge sunk cost.

It should be a sapphic paradise though, damn it.

He's above the law. He knows it.

They learn it in church, exactly the same behavior.

Yup that's what Father Diddly taught me too.

Thing is, priests are full of shit and just make stuff up.

Dude, republican degens would line up to drink her bathwater. She's gonna be fine.


But let's not pretend Disney invented this. The ENTIRE EGYPTIAN PANTHEON is furry/scaly.

Been there, oh boy have I been there (still getting divorced).

Just gotta keep on keeping on. Some things will take longer than you think, some things will be faster.

But cis girls don't turn into women overnight, neither do trans girls. You gotta let the juice do its thing, and you gotta go out there and figure out who you are (often making an idiot of yourself in the process).

Really fucking inconvenient to be doing it 20 years after everyone else, but that's life.

Hello, I am top.

I am here to accept your awkward flirt emotes.

(Well switch actually)

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I got my first lesbian fuckbuddy a couple of months ago and it's amazing, it's as much fun as other people always seemed to be having with sex.

It's good that we are explicitly keeping each other at arm's length emotionally because I understand u-haul syndrome now.

Very lucky to be able to experience the hormone rush of good sex and experience how it differs from the hormone rush of being in love. Or maybe it doesn't and I'm just learning to manage it better.

But I wear my old guy clothes and she LOVES it, being a butch lesbian kicks ass. Yeah, the straights call me sir, goes with the territory, doesn't really bother me any more.

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Queer like Owl House

Gay like She-Ra

Trans like Nimona

Lesbian like Arcane

Not only that, he set up all the other people to hate you for the thing about yourself that you can't change!

What a great deity they are!

Yeah why is boykisser mad about femboys getting back to their routine?

You misspelled "absolutely".

the executives locked themselves into expensive long term leases for their offices and don't want to feel embarrassed that it's a wasted cost.

This is exactly what happened at Alphabet.

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I Xd an X on X.

X? You're Xing me.

No X!

I call myself bi because I am attracted to many genders&body types but not all; a few combinations of gender expression and body features don't work for me.

The people I know who are pan say something like "I'm attracted to people's personalities and character, the body is irrelevant". While that's a pretty inspiring way to be, that ain't me.

There isn't really a good term for people like me that has a good etymology imo, but bi is closest.