
1 Post – 50 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Exiting with a cool ~$9m. Not too shabby.

And since he's been there since before the IPO, he's probably done pretty well for himself, regardless.

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For the unaware:

First posted in 2013, I believe..

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If you're drunk or stoned, it's much better to order some delivery than to drive anywhere.

Obviously you could plan ahead to avoid this, but I would rather have gig apps than impaired drivers on the road.

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Which, unfortunately, is far too often. In my recent experience..

I love that you found this workaround, but arguably that code path should do the admin check, too.

It would be awesome if someone had been querying it with the same prompt periodically (every day or something), to compare how responses have changed over time.

I guess the best time to have done this would have been when it first released, but perhaps the second best time is now..

Why is this "news"?

Just don't go on Xitter and you won't have these "problems"...

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AI definitely understands human emotion

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Needs more baguette!

Thanks DALL-E

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Didn't a new Hunger Games movie just hit theaters? I assumed most of this stuff was a result of their marketing campaign..

Yeah, can we please just stop talking about him?

Like, especially for things that have absolutely nothing to do with him..

And the external wireless data transfer pack can be connected to the camera by a long thin piece of metal. Maybe we could call it a "cord". And why stop there, it could be disconnected from the camera when you're not transferring data.

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My only problem with Oppenheimer is that they should have issued earplugs upon entering the theater. Shit hurt my ears.

Like, I get that bombs are loud, but I don't need to actually feel pain and probably damage my hearing to get the picture.

I saw the post yesterday, but didn't watch the video at the time.

Your comment convinced me to watch it, and, boy, was that more interesting than I expected.

One question remains: what are those gloves they are wearing? I get that it's something that helps with the rolling technique, but is it just for abrasion/chafing prevention? Or does it do something else?

The only other version I've seen has all the kids asking for fentanyl.

Not sure what the original is.


A scripting language, or interpreted language, is interpreted at runtime, rather than compiled.

It is not derogatory, and is simply a fact about languages like Python and JS.

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You don't want to live in the US and work for non-US salaries... trust me.

I completely agree, and I think another major factor is a function of when you started using Reddit.

I've noticed a trend that many of the people who've moved on from Reddit (or at least the ones who are posting here and in places like Hacker News) joined Reddit 8+ years ago.

I started using Reddit about 14 years ago, and I've definitely noticed a change in the overall vibe of Reddit over those years. There were obvious changes (like cracking down/banning specific subreddits) and there were more subtle changes (like communities growing so large that the comments turned to shit) and there was a departure from a text-heavy, original-content focused haven for like-minded people to a feed full of gifs and inflammatory comment (not to mention ads-that-are-pretending-to-be-posts).

People who have been using it for so many years notice this change, but it was so gradual and over so long a time that they were used to it -- essentially the change was slow enough that we were lulled into accepting the new reality of Reddit.

But then this whole kerfuffle has shaken us out of it and made us realize that it's only going to get worse. So here we are, onto greener pastures.

Now, on the other hand, we have the (many, many) people who started using Reddit more recently. They only know the "new" Reddit. And so they don't get what the big deal is. They think the mods are throwing a fit and the power users are just whiny and "why the hell can't I see my memes?".

They don't understand what we miss about Reddit.

It may be natural to want a status symbol (although that drive probably varies wildly between individuals), but I find it sad that having an iPhone is equated to status.

"Look at me in my expensive walled garden!"

Disclaimer: I also dislike Google's business practices in different ways

That ain't his first rodeo..

It does feel this way.. but why?! Shouldn't it be getting better with more training data? Is other people's shitty typing data fucking up my experience?

Or maybe my swiping technique is getting lazy? I'm not sure, but it definitely feels worse than a few years ago.

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Why would you want to use beta versions of WhatsApp? Genuinely curious.

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No reason to respect anyone who hasn't earned that respect. Age has nothing to do with it.

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So are Flamin' Hot Cheetos.

So are normal Cheetos, for that matter.

Thank you for sharing this!

One question: how can the loan from Brian Acton be interest free? I thought the federal government imposed minimum interest rates to prevent people from bypassing tax-free gifting limits.

AI so moist

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Who is downvoting this??

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Wouldn't that definition also include time spent commuting?

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Ain't nobody got time for that.

Then each executive's AI can just review the slides. Then the AIs can send a string of pointless emails back and forth to each other, come to a consensus and share the decision in an email blast to the whole company.

Wait.. why do we need execs again?

My favorite flavor as a kid!

Yeah, wireless Android Auto is great, although I've noticed that it's fairly battery-intensive.

I've only used it on rental cars. My own car says that wireless Android Auto is supported, but I've never gotten it to work, and I think the on-screen message saying it should work is actually a bug. Probably because they have the same (or very similar) code running on newer versions of my car which do support wireless Android Auto.

How about the problems it causes with third party launchers?

Oh wait, that's probably intentional. To get you back on theirs. smh

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Hey, if it makes you feel any better, Netflix started blocking me from sharing an account with my parents, and we cancelled the account and didn't make any new ones.

Although, if they still had disc deliveries, my parents would probably have kept the account.

Most scripting languages are interpreted, not compiled. It's not a criticism of them, but it is a tradeoff that is good to understand.

It seems like you are the one who is conflating terms like "script kiddie" with "scripting language" and adding some negative connotation that isn't necessarily implied.

Scripting languages are usually easier to learn, have simpler syntax, and abstractions that hide complexity. These make them easier to get started in, but the downside is they are generally slower (performance-wise) than their compiled counterparts.

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But also the LAPD is much less likely to respond to crimes in poorer areas. So the numbers they report aren't all that meaningful.

Clearly they mean that they want the growth to be "sustainable", not the company..

From the article:

The bad news is that the 6 GHz wireless spectrum uses shorter wavelengths. Short wavelengths are great for fast data transfers at close range, So, they're great for connecting to your Wi-Fi 7-enabled HDTV a few feet away from your router

With a range that short, you're not going to be doing much roaming around. It obviously has some use cases, but unless you need to be streaming data it doesn't make a lot of sense.

The example we are discussing in this thread is transferring data off of a high res/high performance camera. For many situations this can be done after filming is completed, in which case a cord still makes a lot more sense. Hence my joke.

For live broadcasting it could be useful, but the range still seems quite limiting.

hi, kikoma

Most of my personal communication goes through Signal, but I still get a ton of SMS messages.

  • 25% spam
  • 40% scams
  • 30% one time passwords for shitty sites/apps that don't support better 2FA options
  • 5% iPhone users who refuse to install Signal

Real useful stuff...