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Joined 1 years ago

That book looks so familiar.

They Daybreak Games. Rescuing games like EverQuest Next, H1z1:Just Survive, and Planetside.

Why wait until then? There are plenty of non existent people affected by this that the GOP can help bring to court so the Supreme Justices Mullahs can strike it down.

Shilling for free.

It's all fun and games until Facebook starts adding features, then eventually starts different what the fediverse should do to maintain federation with Facebook.

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And this is why the "groomer" name calling epidemic is so sinister. They are close to making being non CIS presenting illegal and tantamount to being a child rapist.

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Aye bruh, can I get a goodnight kiss?

"You must close the elevator doors when finished." So many questions.

They had a long time to make the ad watching process less painful, or adding actual value to a premium subscription, but they are doing everything to make YouTube worse.

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It should have went in the undying folder not the undyne one. Simple mistake to make.

It's been renamed as the x-bus. I hope it comes to the US.

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If they were all smart they would host their own mastodon instances so they can control their own social networks.

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Whoa Black Betty, Amber-Lang.

Image is from Cordelia (2019).

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Still wasn't a drag queen.

Hold my arm, leg, and brother.


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That's a funny looking Stanley cup.

Feels like their training AI with live data until it gets good at detecting drunk people. Law enforcement and private security will love it. Precrime detectors in Training.



A New Hampshire lawmaker who opposed a child marriage ban argued that teens are of a "ripe, fertile" age.

Republican state Rep. Jess Edwards said last week that a bill banning marriage for people under 18 would make abortion more appealing for young people.

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Or a drag queen.

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Don't forget they removed water break provisions.

*Content generators for AI training data sets.

He woke up dead.

Sparkling Genocide

This also suffers from Microsofts consistent issues where they just don't try. They designed them and didn't do anything with them, they barely iterated the product. I happen to have 2 because it's cheap. This is also an issue with the surface tablets. They have a stylus that works really well in art programs, but it absolutely sucks when you want to actually be productive with documents as in writing and filling out forms and not marking up PDFs. Same with the windows phone and windows ce, no follow through at all.

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You can't get a trickle down, unless you squeeze from the top.

Jobs trickles out, money trickles in.

Started off like a joke, then became unfunny real quick.

Verification can accepted.

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"The moon landing was a hoax" , "we shouldn't be funding people to stare out into space", "What has NASA ever done for us", and other favorite GOP tunes.

"resisting arrest without violence"

Coming soon: Dialysis health spas. Come and detox from all the microplastics in your blood.

Time to Caesarean the Republican party.