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Joined 1 years ago

Lol I love how they completely ignore the real Reddit placements like Lemmy and Kbin in favor of “web3” crypto bullshit 🙄

Yeah you don’t need blockchain to have an open, collaborative, community driven social media platform. In fact every blockchain + something project I’ve very seen would work just as well or better if you removed the blockchain part haha.

I’m glad they shut it down. An inaccurate tool is worse than no tool, especially if teachers are using it to check student essays and punishing students for false positives…

Even just more generally, people were trusting these detection tools not realizing how inaccurate they were, which causes huge problems both due to false positives and false negatives. Better to remove the useless tools now and work on a better solution, if one is even possible which I’m not sure it is.

I’ve been using Namecheap for years and have been happy with it. Why do you prefer Cloudflare? Is it for easier integration with Cloudflare services? How’s the pricing compared to Namecheap?

Sorry for the interrogation lol

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Some crypto bullshit

I read the TL;DRs knowing what was going to happen only to continue reading and feel physical pain. What’s wrong with me…

It’s a poorly written sentence (not surprising as it’s The Verge lol) but I think they mean they lost 80% of traffic from Louisiana when they started enforcing age verification in that state which is why they now just block access entirely to states that enact these laws instead of bothering with the age verification.

Ideally Pihole should actually speed up your connectivity by blocking all of the tracking and ad connections your browser and apps would normally make. Since it’s basically just a DNS server, it doesn’t take much horsepower to run either.



I mean, technically it’s the other 2 out of 10 that are wrong…🙃

HTML, the programming language, is a practical, turing-complete[1], stack-based programming language based on HTML, the markup language. It uses elements defined in HTML, the markup language, in order to do computations.

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From social media presumably

You mean like AVX-512? Oh wait… lol

I use Termius on iOS and double tapping the screen sends a tab (I may have enabled it in settings but I don’t think so). I think you can also put a button for it above the keyboard. In any case it does work for tab completion. I know I’m on iOS and not Android but I’d be really surprised if the Android version had no way to send a tab…

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Same here! I was put off by Mastadon when I first tried it but I’ve found Lemmy to be (mostly) smooth sailing so far. I’ve already completely replaced Reddit with it.

What does RHEL have to do about NPM package dependencies in software projects? A server or a developer’s desktop machine using RHEL would still be pulling the same packages from NPM as another other distro…unless I’m missing something?

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That’s exactly how NAND flash works though… it’s a continuous range of voltages and they just subdivide it into how ever many bits they want.

The article mentions something about being able to nudge the voltage up and down with this new tech, I guess as opposed to setting to 0 and then writing again, but it’s not clear how that would allow for more bits per cell over NAND rather than just being faster from not needing to erase and write…

Reading this comment and then looking up and seeing that your username ends with PDP11 was *chef’s kiss*

This is so true I don’t know whether to cry or laugh…probably both

I guess it’s not so much “hosting” as having it on your home NAS with some scripts to backups channels and videos that you like. At least that’s what I do.

Thought I should make a point to mention youtube-dl is dead, yt-dlp is the replacement and it works great. Even has a command line flag to make its options work the same as the options in youtube-dl so it can be a drop in replacement for existing scripts.

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Hahahaha this is awesome! Such a great and creative use case for generative AI

I used to use Alpine containers but I’ve since standardize on Debian completely. Proxmox is Debian, my VMs run Debian, my LXCs run Debian, my VPSs run Debian, Raspian on my RPi is Debian, Armbian on my Odroid is Debian, etc, etc.

The benefit of running the same distribution on all my servers no matter where or how they’re hosted can’t be overstated.

Less mental overhead remembering different commands or config paths, same software on everything, etc. It’s been fantastic and Debian has always been rock solid for me.

Or Matrix if it’s meant to be more “Discord style”

Interesting… I also saw some people post about the self hostable open source version Headscale, so I’m going to play around with it. Tailscale gets recommended so often there must be something to it, I was just always put off by having to rely on a company to access my personal stuff which is sort of the whole reason I self host in the first place… but if I can self host the Tailscale coordinator that changes things.

I’ve been happy with vanilla WireGuard for my use case but it’s always nice to learn about other options.

FYI Mono is essentially dead now or at least no longer necessary as .NET 6 is open source and cross platform, so you can just use regular .NET on Linux now.

This is the way

Dude same. Normal autocomplete is short and has a low mental overhead but high payoff in time saving from tying. I lasted about 20 min testing copilot before canceling my trial. It slowed me down so much because as you said it generates such large snippets and you have to scan each one to see if it’s useful. Also the constantly flickering of big code blocks changing was super distracting.

I’ve used GPT4 directly for code stuff before and it’s been useful for certain use cases but I find Copilot to be worse than useless in that it not only didn’t really help me it slowed me down and distracted me so much it was a detriment to my coding process.

Maybe Copilot X will change that since it’s basically embedded GPT4 I think, but regular Copilot? Totally worthless IMO

Vscode even has a terminal built in haha

Given that they thought they needed to license the whole project as MIT instead of say AGPL just because they use MIT libraries I don’t think they really understand open source licenses…

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Weird the keyboard didn’t work but glad the double tap did! It’s definitely clutch

Oh my home NAS I started this way and it worked great. I only bought an HBA card because I needed more ports. Your mobo probably exposes your SATA controller as a PCI-E device that can be used via pass through in a VM. In my case I booted Proxmox off of NVME drive and passed my SATA controller to a Debian VM where I just use simple NFS and Samba for sharing and SnapRAID for drive parity (but TrueNas should work just as well).

I had zero issues with it and when I upgraded to an HBA card I just switched the drives to those ports and switched the PCIE device I was passing through and everything just worked (helps I always mount using partition UUIDs).

I vote option 2

You could host your own Matrix server

Yeah the ssh-agent was something I didn’t know I wanted until they added it. Now it’s so nice not having to generate new ssh keys and update all my severs and VMs every time I set up a new machine, and if/when I need to rotate keys, I only have to update one.

No worries! I thought maybe RHEL had like their own NPM repo or something (I think NixOS has python packages, so that kind of thing isn’t unheard of), but then that didn’t really make sense so I wanted to make sure I was understanding.

How has email deliverability been for you using Proton with a custom domain? I’m trying to move off of Google for everything but I’m still on Gmail for my personal email and a few custom domains. I’d love to move to Proton but have heard of problems with email going to spam or never being delivered but not sure if that only applies to their domains.

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That’s awesome to hear! I’ll give them a shot of one of my domains and see how it goes.

iOS dev here, especially when using Swift, supporting older OS’s greatly restricts which new Swift features you can use. Especially any OS lower than iOS 15.

Give the fact that the vast, and I mean like 95% or more, of iOS users update to the latest iOS version within months of release and over 99% of users are on at least the previous iOS version, it’s preferable to start a new app on the latest iOS version possible.

Unfortunately that means older (usually 5+ years) devices get left out, but with small volunteer dev teams or solo devs it makes practical sense.

This is amazing, going to recommend this to my team as a JavaScript replacement on Monday!

Just downloaded this and tried it out on a Debian VPS I have. Ran into a bunch of bugs to the point I couldn’t really do anything with it, but I can see a bunch of potential in the UI. I really like the idea of being able to see an overview of shell, containers, files, etc. I have a bunch of self hosted Proxmox VMs and various VPSs I use on a daily basis, and whole I’m totally comfortable with the command line, this tool seems genuinely useful.

It seems like you have a bunch of functionality and UI implemented already, so I think taking a few weeks to just bug hunt would be super beneficial at this point. I’ll open up some GitHub issues when I have a minute later, but I ran into so many bugs in just 5 min that it was basically unusable which is extra frustrating because it really seems like it can be a useful tool if it works.

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Thanks this worked for me!

Sweet I’m gonna check this out! So far I’ve been doing everything from ssh terminals on my phone/laptop using some bash aliases/functions I wrote to simplify some stuff like downloading whole channels based on a json config file, downloading videos using my preferred flags, etc. I was planning to eventually build something around it, but if this meets my needs or I can modify it to do so, it would save a bunch of time.