
1 Post – 144 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Nisser, the Danish, or rather Scandinavian, small and cute gods of protection. As far as I know, the nisse can form when an old farmer dies and is buried on their farm. The nisse will then henceforth protect the farm and it's inhabitants.

Now, while considered fun and cute in modern times, the gårdsnisser (contrary to the more feral and much more dangerous skovnisser/forest nisser) are very gullable with a strong sense of guilt, and they are hotheaded and intractable/stubborn to an unreasonable degree. They will protect you and give good luck if treated well, but will be intolerable if they feel inconvenienced or not properly cared for, to the point where they might directly or indirectly kill everyone on the farm out of spite.

Sometimes they cause atrocities because of misunderstandings, and when finding out that it was a misunderstanding on their part will cause harm to others to make up to their own farm, such as stealing cattle from neighboring farms to make up for the cows they killed earlier.

Now, the possibly worst thing you can do is to try and force a nisse to show itself to you. The small creatures accept indirect gifts, but don't like direct contact and have a cursing bite, and will most definitely bite if cornered, such as by a nosy and persistent child. This curse makes one fall sick, loosing health and strenght until one perishes in a matter of months/years. As far as I'm aware, there is no cure for the curse, and regarding the nissers tendency to be fooled or act before thinking, well....

Having a nisse on your farm can be a great blessing, but one is also constantly in danger of having their whole family killed over a minor misunderstanding or mood swing. So it is heavily recommended not to acquire any farms where a nisse might reside.

If Netflix can call an existing series to which they bought the rights a "Netflix Original", then this dude can host you a free website for 1$+.

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Probably the same reason people keep posting the same questions in tech subs over and over and over again.

There are a lot of people who need help/need to tell the world about something great to them, but few people are capable of or care to search previous posts.

Moderators removing duplicates often results in a bad user experience, especially so for new users who haven't seen that post tens of times, so it's often allowed to a certain degree.

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Mostly for not loosing unsavable work across transit. Though, Windows has kinda blurred the line between shutdown and standby, so now you can do neither (I guess you can still shutdown properly holding down the shift key while pressing the button, but who thinks about that?).

But standby was indeed much more prevelant when booting your laptop took 2~5min.

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It feels like there has not been a whole lot of drama while I've been here. I really like that - the ability to scurry off to the other instances and witness their happenings, and then return to our own little safe haven.

We (as an instance, according to my observations) do appear to have some run-ins with a certain other instance every now and again, but they don't appear too much of an annoyance if you don't interact or engage their taunts.

I love that @db0@lemmy.dbzer0.com is also a contributor of fed-related projects. Makes it feel a little more personal.

If I were to note anything bad, it might be that I feel reluctance towards the stable diffusion communities. Mostly because I'm not sure whether their training data is ethically sourced. But that and more is a concern I have regarding AI in general, as automating our hobbies was kinda the opposite many initially wanted it for, namely automating labor so we can instead do our hobbies. Not I can judge anyone automating a hobby, as I'm kinda skimping the edge myself, but we, us who work with MLAI, should generally try and push away from any dystopian futures.

All in all, I'm happy being here. Thank you @db0@lemmy.dbzer0.com for providing this space! And for everyone else on this instance, don't forget to appreciate it, either by donations or labor, as that is how we keep such spaces running.

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But it should be.

Better technology and more storage should never excuse a lack of optimization.

I'm not up to speed on the optimization levels of mobile Web browsers, but these days you rarely see properly optimized consumer software. Games and websites tend to be the worst offenders, and many mobile apps appear 10x the size you would expect them to be.

Because of me. Whenever I look up at the sun, I think about the inevitable supernova which the sun sooner or later will turn into. This in turn gives me anxiety and makes me sweat a lot, which heats the earth.

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Dictionaries or lexicons. Who reads those from start to finish?

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w/ appears to have origin in the food industry some 70 years ago (according to this question).

To me it makes sense, as I first encountered it in video games where abbreviations, acronyms, and text-saving-slang are commonplace. Furthermore, while abbreviations usually have multiple letters (in written text, not physical or mathematical equations), single letter abbreviations can quickly become confusing, so I belive that this is the reason for putting a slash behind it, or possibly a bar above it.

RANT: While I know that language changes all the time, I find it very unfortunate that this little fellow o/ and possibly his slightly more formal friend o7 have become synonymous with "nazi salute". First off, it's the wrong arm! And second off, what do you have against "man waving" and "man saluting"?

It must be very confusing for someone who uses this newer definition of o/ to visit the Elite:Dangerous forums.

EDIT: I'm very happy that I apparently am the only one who has met people who don't know the real meaning of o/ and o7. I feared that this was a widespread problem, but luckily it appears that I simply am a worrywart.

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Aliases are just bloat! You can do just fine without them. Heck, why not remove the ASCII conversion and read everything in hex or binary?

It's all about SPEED and efficiency here!

It is indeed a flaw, though it is in itself already a fix for the single-instance services, such as Reddit.

If an instance becomes unavailable/defederated on the fediverse, a large portion of content will become unavailable, but the service will still be functional. If a single-instance service becomes unavailable, or if the admins do something stupid, ALL data will be jeopardized.

I know that this might not be the answer you seek, but I think it helps adding perspective to the problem.

They probably opened r/place as an outlet for anger; some temporary bad reputation now, so that those who are butthurt will shut up.

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Wait, that's how that happens? I always found it weird with those signs to not poop while standing up.

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Isn't this the plot of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann?

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I'm pretty sure almost no nerds use chatgpt, as chatgpt kinda takes the nerdiness out of the nerd.

Script kiddy might fit better, looking at stackoverflow from the past half year.

The title does indeed not make much sense, but I imagine OP is trying to ask: "What grown up music did you listen to that you, and not a grown up, put on."

Answering that question, the first artists I remember looking up and having on my phone/mp3 Player were 30 seconds to Mars, Foo Fighters, and Linking Park. The latter because it was all the rage when I first got into music, not because the songs were especially good.

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I guess the emoji were there to set the proper mood, which they succeeded in, as the most horrifying thing about that article definitely was the abhorrent use of emoji.

Closely followed by me not being able to tick a single product in their quiz and getting a "perfect score" while using Discord, of all things, as primary messenger....

I've encountered a few times where the post or a parent comment got deleted, which also appears to hide any sub-comments.

Might that be it?

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There was a big influx of new users from Reddit in June. Many of those probably made an account to check out Lemmy, but somehow lost interest. Lemmy user count will most likely stabilize in a month or two.

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We had this question before, so let's get right back at it!

There was a rather controversial happening at Reddit a few months ago, which caused a lot (in Lemmy terms) of users to check out Lemmy.

Some of those users left rather soon, and some more keep dropping off regularly, as they can't seem to adapt to Lemmy, or rather live without one or another feature or content from Reddit.

Now to your question, what can we do better?

Advertisement is of course one, but a large part of the users who left Lemmy we're likely because of Lemmies unfinished state, so maturing Lemmy should be a top priority. "But properly maturing a social site requires an already existing user base" - and that's exactly what we have right now, even if it's dwindling.

Other solutions might also spring from creating the better user experience, such as features to moderate properly, both on a moderator and user basis, and of course to provide sufficient high-quality content.

We can of course try and forcefully promote Lemmy while promising rich lands and green fields, but I think that this is not the optimum path for Lemmy at this time, as we just might acquire the same bad reputation that vegetarians or Linux or a lot of other good initiatives suffered from.

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As a side note, if you for some reason turn off the central heating entirely and just use space heaters, then the failsafe will do no good.

Most central heating solutions waste some energy when idling, so one might be tempted to turn them off. Please be careful when doing this.

In that case, why do the notes only sync when the devices are on the same local network?

I'll install the app later to see what actually is going on, as this makes little sense to me.

EDIT: from their website:

No server, no gatekeeper: peer-to-peer sync on local networks

But from their FAQ:

Anyone can get started with Anytype, free of charge. If you self-host your data, Anytype is and will always be free to use. For those who use our backup services, you can use Anytype up to 1GB of storage for free. If you need more, please contact us.

So in other words: it's not actually (only) p2p, you can use your own devices with p2p, but they also offer a centralized cloud (which they host) for those who do not want the hassle.

Sounds slightly misleading, but all is fine if they properly warn the user in the app.

EDIT: Also, it would be incredibly scammy if they took money for hosting other peoples notes on your devices, so I'm glad that that is not the case. :D

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Undetermined has a lot of English content, but also holds all the "undetermined" content.

While a lot of content disappears when disabled, I think this is exactly what OP asks for.

An alternative would be to block communities from non-English Lemmy instances, but that isn't foolproof either.

In addition:

Beating around the bush, with way too soft language.

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No no, they're on to something.

True, but lord Gabe is aging, and I'm not sure what will happen once he's gone. If Steam falls to greed, screwing up it's user base and developer base as so many others before it, then I imagine a wave of pirates of significant proportions will emerge.

I guess that depends on whether you only travel through time (time vs space), or whether you follow the time-line back (aka. travel through time and space, kinda like both you and I are doing right now).

EDIT: there's also the reference point, and whether you can bring a physical vessel, or have to possess your younger self.

Back to the Future appears to be using a kind of relative spatial reference point, and you bring your body along the ride.

Contrary, Steins Gate (the part shown in the series) uses a body as reference, and has you "possess" said body. Though it hints that Back to the Future-like travel is also possible.

Not sure if I can name any story where time and space are disconnected.

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Similar goes for picky eating. Few things are tasty by default, but most tastes are acquired by repeated exposure to new cuisine.

I'm still getting used to clams, snails, slugs, and calamari. Went from gag reflex and unable to swallow to capable of eating but not savouring in a few months time.

And again with fears, it's not that dark voids have become less dangerous or fearful, it's just that I have checked enough voids to not be immediately alarmed.

Yamato is pretty nice, very unique and playfully design.

I'd also like to add The Mothership from Homeworld. Also awesome story, and the game had revolutionary gameplay for it's time.

And then they double as GPS, but they're installed so low that you can't see the GPS out of the corner of your eye, and therefore need to look away from the road. Great design!

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Like the bastardization of the 24h clock by the television companies, doesn't Amarican military time also allow for relative time instead of absolute? Like writing 5:00 on the second day of a time critical mission as 2900?

I'm pretty sure I heard this somewhere, though I have yet to verify this claim.

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Hey hey hey, don't just go around generalizing. Not all Linux users are like that (but I am, and I use arch BTW).

Like I'm sure we're bound to find at least ONE Linux user who doesn't tell.

A comic with two illustrations. First illustration is a woman sitting in front of a laptop, smiling. Second illustration is a image of a laptop being closed while making a "click" sound.

I feel ya, a few of my personal favorites when it comes to escaping all the politics are:






And then of course all of the ImaginaryX communities, which I'm sure there exists a register of somewhere, but I just sub as I stumble across them.

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I believe the question goes:

Would you become immortal and receive a million dollars, if the only thing that could kill you was being touched by an also immortal snail, which constantly moves toward you at a snails pace and cannot be contained or blocked by any means?

Either that, or there existed multiple versions of the question, which isn't unlikely.

Du får nok flere og bedre svar inde på den danske Lemmy: !spoergsmaal_og_svar@feddit.dk

OP would likely find better answers on the Danish Lemmy instance.

Quite the dilemma.

Promote the fediverse but give Reddit the traffic it currently desperately needs, or continue boycotting Reddit but don't get any cheeky content.

I mean, it's clear what we should do, but playing into Reddit's hands and getting some chaos in return would also be fun.

I'll skip this one, but you all are free to do whatever you like. I'll be watching out for the (hopefully) resulting shitstorm. Go at it! :)