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Joined 10 months ago


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Graciousness? I don't think that's the right word...you don't vote for someone because you're being gracious, you vote for someone because you think they'll deliver what you want - or in this case perhaps, the closest person who actually stands a hope in hell of getting elected.

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I iron my tshirts and shorts otherwise they look crinkley

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This is despicable. What specific service was this? So I know how to avoid it if it should resurface.

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20yrs ago I had to help my comp sci housemate build a website for his module. I was not a CS student.

Some things never change.

Did you consider getting takeout?

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Well he didn't just get takeout for some reason /s


Maybe I'm missing the point as I'm not from the US (and I assume from your content that you are) - but here we pay a delivery fee which covers the cost of delivery, and a tip is an optional bonus for the delivery person if you feel like they went beyond.

Que no los dos?

Honestly most the advice I'm seeing is basically an answer to "how to avoid clothes looking absurdly crinkled" but nothing gets clothes as crinkle-free as an iron. Most people are just content with some crinkles.

Not even iron-free shirts are free from my iron.

I don't use the dryer

I don't use the dryer except for towels, and I'm generally pretty good about taking them out when they're done washing- can definitely tell when they've sat there a while!

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True...and you don't need to live in a house, or use the Internet, or have a bank account, or have a computer/mobile...all things that have caused catastrophic damage to the environment and killed countless animals.

One has to draw a line somewhere- perhaps you shouldn't be holier than though just because you draw the line at "I don't want to see the evidence of the death"

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Why is 2x2 meant to be 1.5x1.5 and not 2x2?

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To be fair they did make a great game, and the current drama has little to do with the actual game.

I am not defending them, I understand why people are cheesed off, I just don't think it affects how good or bad a game is.

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Starting a new business is hard enough as it is - please do not complicated it by adding in something that brings limited tangible benefits to the company, whilst making it unnecessarily harder than what it will be anyway.

Either get fluent now, and then start your business - or start your business with Windows and move on when you're profitable and can afford the reduction in productively while you learn the ropes.

Do not go anywhere near MacOS - you can't afford it.

I think you need to be intentionally naive, or just an absolute shitbag, to want to vote for lower gas prices at the cost of increased human suffering. Let alone whether it's something Trump could even deliver.

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If only there was some kind of universal communication technology that didn't require line of sight, worked over distances out to say 100m and was reasonably inexpensive to implement...then we wouldn't need to communicate using the modern equivalent of semaphore.

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What happened to Xitter being a paragon of free speech? You can't even say "twitter.com" without them censoring you.

How unfortunate they can't deal with the spam bots quite so effectively.

I don't disagree with the first sentence but do disagree with the comparison. A driver is in constant control of the vehicle and has to make decisions on a second by second basis that could result in death. By comparison, the chance of anyone in an exit row even being in a plane accident is vanishingly small. Even smaller still the liklihood that they'll have to do anything (and be alive to do it)

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You know Dropbox? Google drive? OneDrive? That's file synchronisation. Files across multiple devices kept in sync by the software provider. Except in the named cases above, all your data is uploaded to their servers. With syncthing there's no cloud server, just your devices operating over the internet. So you have some backup responsibility to cover.

Caveat: I've never used syncthing and I wrote the above with a total of 10 seconds of reading their website and so it is entirely possible I'm completely wrong about everything and so I emplore you to do your research.

What has eating meat got to do with cheese?

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It's exclusivity deals that are the problem. Governments should legislate them away so that there can be competition.

Then we'd all choose the marketplace of our preference. Like supermarkets.

Video streaming, music streaming, games consoles, even mobile OSs all could benefit from some anti-monopoly legislation.

It's a good thing they included the coin for scale otherwise we might have just assumed this person had Trump sized hands (another completely valid and totally real unit of measure, the greatest unit of all time actually)

You think the US has been sending weapons and money to Ukraine for the last 2yrs out of the kindness of its heart? Fuck no. The US has benefited immensely from the status quo and stands to lose a lot if Russian imperialism is not checked here and now. The only reason the US can even contemplate giving less is because Russia is so fucked from the last 2yrs.

What you see as "begging for money and guns" is just an observation of reality - a small country like Ukraine cannot stand up to a huge one like Russia without support, and it benefits the west greatly to give that support.

US foreign policy is not charitable and never has been.

Also lest we not forget that this is exactly what good relations and alliances are for - to give aid to the one in need because we're stronger together. It stands to reason that those with the most, should also give the most.

Oh and BTW, the EU has given more to Ukraine than the US has.

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This was true of IE too.

All of this has happened before, and will happen again.

What did car mode do? Was it when it switched to big old buttons? Mine used to do that until I got Android Auto in my new car...so up until about a year ago

You're very resistant to learning.

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Isn't the average life expectancy caused by infant death? Anyone living through pubity probably had a good chance of living to 70.

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Maybe. But nothing in this story suggests that as "the dairy industry" did nothing more than disqualify a cheese made using non-GRAS ingredients.

What's pathetic is Big Vegan telling lies to try and discredit an ancient and valuable industry.

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Look at the user figures for Lemmy instances and it becomes very clear that the number of people using Lemmy isn't even in the hundreds if thousands. So yes I'd say it is possible to estimate that less than 100k people made the switch.

I never use reddit unless someone sends me a link for something specific (that someone could be google) - I don't have their app installed and I never go to them naturally...I probably see 1 reddit post a week on average.

Sure...where the failure of the device does not lead to inevitable death.

In a situation where my life is 100% dependent on a device, said device must have gone through appropriate design and testing procedures.

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Unrealistic expectations are absolutely a thing and we should promote normal physiques.

Also, being fat is absolutely a thing and we should promote not being fat.

Caveat: some people say "plus size" to mean healthy weight. Some people say "plus size" to mean fat/overweight. Being overweight is a significant health risk, and I say this as someone who is overweight and trying to fix it.

Good scientists will just let you know the potential consequences and let you decide what to do.

Take global warming for example....

If I may ask, what stopped you? Because being fit isn't only for the rich....you can do bodyweight and still be damn fit!

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All in saying is that Firefox is a web browser and not a document viewer

So what do you suppose an HTML document is?

Hint: the clue is in the name.

2nd hint: the first line of any well formed HTML file.

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Honestly this is what infuriates me when 2nd amendment enthusiasts say "UK cops should carry guns" - fuck off mate, we de-escalate and use non-lethal way more effectively than your wanker cops who only have a hammer and everything is a nail.

Give your cops a toolkit instead of just a hammer and you'll see the difference.

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Suicide? It doesn't take courage to do that, it takes courage to live on.

Please seek help if you are considering suicide - you've got nothing to lose and everything to gain by living.

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Are your teachers reading your screens a lot? Because it's a PITA to read if you're not using it yourself.

Also if you demo code you should switch to the more traditional so that others don't have a hard time reading.

Basically it's just down to the human brains amazing ability to do pattern recognition subconsciously so you don't have to actively think about what that symbol means - unless someone used a different symbol.

That's not irony, that's hypocrisy.

Their source is better than your source. They at least indicated that it was word-of-mouth and didn't try and present it as anything but that.