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Joined 2 months ago

I'm not sure what caused my facial tick to regress,but I'm fairly confident it was either the autocorrect of "done" to "don't" or the lack of a full-stop after using one in the preceding sentence.

I don't get it, what's cringe about making a joke out of people's selfish and exaggerated behaviour?

Asking mastodon users whether they'd choose AI over Privacy is like asking Elon Musk if he'd rather end poverty or buy another mega yacht.

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People in this thread frothing at the mouth because it's a title, not a name, must have forgotten about Caesar. And that it doesn't matter - people call their kids all kinds of weird shit.

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Does Linux have good support for VR yet? Specifically my HP Reverb g2 that seems to be reliant on windows mixed reality...

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Jokes on you, we don't have PR review.

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Just beware the bias here. Only pointing this out for people working against their agenda doesn't mean there isn't the same going on for the other side...just that they aren't going to point it out as it doesn't help their agenda.

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Not continuously for an hour. I've lived opposite an ER and it wasn't as bad as whats described above. Much louder, but also much less frequent.

In the UK there are actually laws around not sounding your horn at night.

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Even if they did, so what? We should not then recognise positive decisions?

If we don't allow companies and people to make any mistakes, for fear of being forever scorned, then we'll end up with either unprogressive risk averse companies that cannot compete against their peers, or a host of good companies that go bankrupt from the slightest misstep.

Personally I'm glad companies such as proton exist, and are prepared to take risks, as they are currently our best hope against the likes of Google and Meta.

You're right, but "incompetence" seems harsh. Maybe I'm just sensitive today.

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Don't worry - electricity also trickles down.

Sure...my mobile is heating the planet while BP executives fly around in private jets, cavorting on their mega yachts, and supplying or spilling oil around the world. Sure wish I could tell which one was doing the most damage.

That's funny.

Interesting, thank you

Also was unaware Valve was working on a new headset! That's good news as it feels like the market has really stagnated outside of the Meta headsets.

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Who is ymal?

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The lack of migration is what kept me on ml for several days after I found out what they consider ml stands for.

One click migration to a different instance would be a huge benefit to the decentralisation effort.

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Is it just me or is this a really weird way of repeating what the OP said? He even used the duck emoji for clarity....

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My electric car only has USB ports and no cigarette lighter, so I bet you're right about it being replaced.

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That is going to be solved by making IT nerds pretend to forget the word exists?

Hunger is also a world wide problem, doesn't stop me from saying I'm starving!

Oh god musicmatch was soooo good, it was my daily driver while everyone else was using winamp...something about whipping unsuspecting animals in the ass.

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No one:

AidsKitty: glad you asked.... rabid maga noises

Well yeah, because industry generates wealth while people's homes and comforts do not.

Not saying its right of course.

Congrats on 93 days, stay strong and when you're feeling weak remember how strong you were to get this far and reach out for help!

My grayjay hasn't worked for a couple of weeks now, "block attempt detected" warning and then the video starts over.

So much nostalgia right now. I wish we could go back to those days!

That's clearly been printed on at the point of manufacture. Blood isn't even white, you racist.

In a world of mobiles being more ubiquitous than monitors, consider inverting your rows and columns next time. Scrolling down is more expected than scrolling sideways.

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Did Oscar Pelistorious teach them nothing!?

She also needs to be compensated for lost time and events, relationships etc that never happened because of the state. There's more to compensation than just the money they could have earned.

Yeah this is so incredibly sad, if I had come back to my car and realised that my own preventable negligence had caused my child not just to die, but to die so needlessly, so carelessly and so awfully I'm not sure how I would cope. How could you possibly go on with that on your shoulders? It would utterly crush me....and rightly so. That parent/those parents are awful awful people. This should not be anywhere near possible.

Edit: upon reading other comments, I've reflected on my own comment on the parents and have slightly changed my view; personally I think the gravity of the mistake outweighs everything else they have done in life no matter how good and so my statement on the balance of things is probably true, imo. However it is not something that needed to be said and nor is it a comment on the type of person/people they were up until, and after this.

What article?

He can't hear you all the way down here.

Interesting - I rarely use the controllers, so could be do-able at least as a dual boot


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Currently batteries are replaceable, but due to their design it's unlikely to be worth the expense. Forcing them to make it user replaceable ensures it's easy to do, and cheap - so even if you don't want to do it as a recharge mechanism, it is still to your advantage to have it so when your battery does inevitably deteriorate you can swap it out at your convenience.

Yes I believe that to be true. I wear a seat belt for a reason, so I'd carry a firearm for the same reason.

I am not saying it's logical, or that it's my preferred way to live. I am not advocating for gun rights. I am not an American.

My view is that all guns should be illegal to own. As they are where I live.

Never before have I heard this word, twain, and yet here we are....I've now read it twice in the same thread!

Fair...I have no reason to dispute you and no reason to believe you....but it sounds sensible and hence if I had to actually make the decision for real I'd look into it!

I know I sound flippant, and that's because I am. I don't need to choose - that choice was made for me. And I'm glad it was.

You're still buying GPS devices? What's wrong with your phone?

Not judging - genuinely curious why some people buy them.

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Yeah...and entirely unsurprising.