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I meant like russia is Gaza 2.0 and Kadyrov is literally Hamas. Maybe they will fuck off from Palestine.

Yeah, and girls dress for rape. They are just aaasking for it!

I will go off on a tangent.

Just because something is online it does not mean I give a full green light on anything.

Fuck this noise of social parasitic networks hammering free service therefore pay with data into everyone's skull. And everyone posts crap.

It is a billion dollar business. LLMs are extracting millions and will generate more.

You know why? Because worthless shit you post online is not worthless after all.

Yes, you are reading it right. Pay me. Pay us.

Before anyone ridicules this. Yall be defending billion dollar corporations, staffed with millionaires below C-levels.

People should start demanding money from these greedy assholes.

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Good that the genocide commited on Palestinians is used universally to bash whoever we dont like.
Or derail any conversation.

Truly a blessing. Sorry I meant disgusting.

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  1. EU passes the chat interop legislation.
  2. Apple is forced to do RCS.
  3. ???
  4. Corpos that shout now declare victory.

First privacy, then USB, now RCS.

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Lets see Courts opinion on AI LLMs.

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Windows Debian edition is in reality the most stable and privacy focused Windows yet.

I have flashbacks to using external storage on Android. It was such a shit show of an API. That being said, external storage, to break away from cloud storage is the next needed thing. We need to own the data.

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Pretty sure they are creating alt accounts on non-tankie instances.

Just a few days ago I read an article on the newest features of Kotlin 1.9. Zero of it was true.

Internet is littered with stuff like this.

If model is correct, you are correct. If model is not correct, you are working on false assumptions.

A sad backwards gas station's economic interest was threatened. I understand that taking in economic, geopolitical and societal reasons into account is much more effort, but think outside of the Simple World of Conspiracy box.


  1. One of the top grain supplier.
  2. One of the top xeon gas exporter. It is used in chip fabs.
  3. Was about to be one of the main natural gas suppliers. In 2012 large gas fields were discovered. Terrain with gas pockets overlaps all axis of initial attack.
  4. 2014 Ukraine overthrows soviets. Suddenly actual strides towards democracy.
  5. Wanted to join EU and NATO

russia was:.

  1. Top gas supplier to EU.
  2. Top coal supplier to EU.
  3. Crumbling economically already.

Now. Imagine what is the biggest threat to an authoritarian state

  1. that is already slowly collapsing
  2. Has decades long history of corruption, nomenclature - as in no free market

A country that is about to have better prospects of living and roaring GDP, and you dont have to learn another language to migrate! Ukraine. Nextdoors

And what is an Imperialistic Nazi cunt idea other than to start a war? It worked for centuries!

Ukraine, in 2014 was where Poland was in 1990.

Poland had THE SAME problems Ukraine has now. Because of russia, mind you.

Poland had a society that wanted change. Poland joined NATO. Joined EU. And 30 years later has a booming GDP and fastest transformation in Europe.

In 30 years from now, fossil fuels are to be NOT used. The main reason russia has ANY sway and and ANY GDP - gas and oil.

Cue in Omaega Haxor and Yoghurt jumping in to appologize for Putin and North Korea.

Not most. Some parts.

Regardless, I still cannot wrap my head around that.

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Any agreement russia signs was broken. Often by the same leader that signed it. Any peace deal with putana means more time for them to prepare.

The reason russia is pushing so hard right now is because the EU started getting into gear. Europe has 10x the GDP. Translate this into wartime economy and russian nazis are in a tough spot. With or without the USA.

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Reality is you dont want to run every day. You can. But you should not for the sake of your joints.

Realistically this should be 6-8kms, 3-4 times a week.

If you work in IT, LinkedIn is just another spam source.

Aluminium and glass is close to infinitely recyclable.

Better yet, glass bottles can be reused up to 7 times.

But it costs more than a returnable plastic bottle. Which obviously costs more than a sturdy as a trashbag plastic bottle.

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With The Nazi Mafia state you have to posture, huff and puff like in the olden days of Imperialism. You know, the childish game inbred kings and bishops used to play.

You know, the days that Poland, Germany, Great Britain, Spain, France (past European super powers), forgot. Because they came to the conclusion that Imperialism is over.

But Nazi russia is gonna peddle nazi imperialism. If people are close to revolt, send young to slaughter. It will fizzle out.

Polish propagandists take from the best practices around the globe.

GOP and Hungary being the most closely looked at.

But this tactic is quite common. Look, we share the same ideas! Besides this one but this is just a sideline, by which I mean the entire point

Writing on that gold thing on the bottle looks cyrilic. That would exclude Poland.

Or it is part of the joke and they use russian champaign on purpose.

They do not have any comprehension of the truth or untruth of what they are saying, and this means that when they say things that are true, they do not understand why those things are true.

Which can be beautifully exploited with sponsored content.

See Google I/O '24.

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Just upload Shrek 5 times.

Maybe we should pay CEOs more so that the average worker has more money?

Maybe he can become a helicopter and fly the fuck away.

BTW it is Shojgu and Medeveideviedev are the sabre rattling. Putana is the calm and collected intellectual that jokes.

If you go by the origin of the division and their definitions, they certainly are right. Authoritarian gov means centralising power. People arguing for the Ancient Regime were also pushing better for the people rethoric.

Besides, they are supporting a state that is closest to a nazi state. russia.

Lets see Lemmygrad.ml appology card.

"The juice bag has a quarter left."

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I guess people are finally catching up to the big con with LLMs should not be copyrighted ampliganda. It is astroturfing at its best.

The end goal is controlling rights to what corporations produce with LLMs without spending a dime. All the while cutting jobs.

Writing was in CAPITAL LETTERS on the walls for the past two years. Why did twitter restrict API access? Why did Reddit restrict API access? Why did Github/Bitbucket/Gitlab restricted web ui functions for unlogged?

They knew and wallgardened the user generated data.

Cmon people.

And the hypocrisy of this all. If it is bad, it is user data, if we can mine nuh ah bitch, ours.

Also, for people arguing for free use of anything to build LLMs. Regulations will come. Once big players control enough of the LLM market.

Sef impaling.

Gangbang impaling.

Konfederosja is playing all possible cards. Liberals, nationalism, monarchy, capitalism. Anything that is not farmed by PiS, Konfederosja will try it. Anything and everything goes. You literally have to have zero self reflection to vote for them.

PiS is social nationalism for old people. They literally peddle Nazism to old people.

Russia has nukes in Belarus and Kaliningrad Oblast.

Double standards and pussy sabre rattling. All they know is huffing and puffin.

Some of their phones are guaranteed to get 1 OS update. 1.

Sony seems to be a king in the mid range recently. More expensive than Motos and Xiaomis - sure.

Sony Xperia 10 V

  • 5Ah battery.
    " Sd card slot.
  • headphone jack.
  • SD 695 and not some Exynos or Mediateks in Motos
  • decent camera.(sideloading a gcam may improve results)
  • No Glass back(almost all Motos have this BS).
  • No curved edges.
  • 1 month back with security updates.
  • Some phones, even mid range, get 3 OS updates.

Almost Pixel at home

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The story is way more interesting. Cannot dig the article, but dropping soviet originated hardware had to do also with programming languages. Western entities started with heavy lobbing, often dressed as grass root movement, for languages that for western based systems. Not sure how well supported this thesis was, but it was interesting that preferences of engineers got used for market absorption.
Not a new thing by today's standards.

One of the lemmy devs thinks Rust is easy because he powered through it to a working code.
Aint no senior dev gonna work with this.

I cannot tell if it is satire.

They have x86 equivalent. Maybe 64.

1% wealth is not pure money. It is stock and real estate. Also shares.

To keep the value of their wealth the 99% needs to spend.

Planet War

Lemmygrad.ml is full of Putin appologists. Some of them are from hexabear.

The oh yeah, what about Minsk Agreements that Ukraine broke?! is also a wild ride on misinfo as well. Russia agreed to pull out forces out of Ukraine borders. Guess how it went.

Nah man. I saw people dropping their buds on the ground. In the subway. Into the ear canal they go!

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No not the only one. The disconnect between gameplay and the main theme, murdering a lot of people while preaching a revenge through murder is bad story.

A similar problem had Max Payne 3. Cut scenes showed Max walling in pain and alcohol, because he is a dirty cop murderer. Gameplay was mowing some people in slow mo.

Last of Us 2 has some problems, but still is in my top games ever. Especially the story and character focused list.

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