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You can sort of hack that process by getting a t-shirt wet, putting it on, and allowing the moving air to help speed up the evaporation process.

better when don't wear a shirt, spray yourself with water and sit it from of the fan; the convection feels fantastic on your skin.

That’s priceless to the power hungry. It’s not just money, it’s control.

that's why their banning it; they can't control it in the way they want

I’ve done what this man did a lot of times with no penalty

same here and i would be in his same position if don't ask don't tell hadn't become a very publicized thing; instead i'm only scarred 6x over by the shit they've done to gay people that the lemmyverse likes to ignore for some reason

i got so high earlier tonight that it felt like it was the first time for too brief of a moment.

i realized that the shit biden put me through sucked and that i wouldn't wish it on anyone and now i have an infinitesimally small chance of helping make sure that it doesn't happen to anyone else. plus it helps the progress made last a little bit longer this time around the world's historical political pendulum. it's not the right decision, but it's also not the wrong one.. the wrong one will recreate what i had to go through for others.

i think i need to get high more often; it would be a lot easier to do if sugar free and delicious edibles were a thing.

nearly every single higher court in this country (including the supreme court and all of texas' courts) have upheld police immunity; so they have to know that he would eventually be set free, so i wonder why they're doing this.

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I’m fully willing to endure 4 years of Weekend at Bernie’s if it means I won’t have to go through the embarrassment of having the orange moron at the helm.

DEAR PLEASE GOD someone turn this into comedic satire before the election!!!

the take away from social media is fascinating, especially on the lemmyverse: the pejorative stores about biden's performance are everywhere online and tv, but heavily downvoted on .world while the rest of the lemmyverse is much more closely matched with everything else in the world.

That’s the problem, everyone told the DNC this was going to happen and yet they all just kept with Biden.

i think that's only the tip of the iceberg; we're going to vote for them anyways so they literally have no reason to bother listening, ever.

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You’re just a complete fucking idiot, aren’t ya. Make sure that when you see facts, you double down on your dumbassness.

the fact is that he's enabling a genocide and you're clearly a psychopath for believing that's a dumbass issue.

i suspect there's too few in this country to see these kinds of groups.

i wonder if that means that if he hadn't taken the deal; he would be free already.

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in 4 years progressives will hopefully realize the DNC needs them more than they need need the DNC.

the progressives already know that the dnc needs them more than they need the dnc as evidenced by dnc surrogates perpetually shaming progressives for not voting for the dnc; i'm guessing there's a typo in your sentence somewhere, but i'm not sure where.

I was going to join the Navy to help pay for school, and then one day it was no longer legal 🤡

something similar happened to me when i learned about don't ask don't tell.

i ended up taking student loans and i regret it.

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Those laws all suck and they're along the same vein as the laws that Biden had voted for and supported in the past (ie doma, 10450, dadt).

The definition of genocide is the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular group with the aim of destroying that group; and nothing you have shared matches that description.

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by january that will have happened to me twice because of executive order 10450 and a new law that congress and biden passed recently.

are you me, but younger?

... All you’re saying to me here is that the queer genocide candidate that will also support the Palestinian genocide is fine, but the one not participating in a genocide of queer people is bad.

I'm not supporting either candidate and there is no queer genocide in the United States nor will there be; speaking in hyperbole makes you seem unhinged and I want to trade ideas w someone who speaks in facts.

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I'm going to assume that you want a source in the tariffs and not the green initiatives.

it's literally a new topic in the news and takes less than 30 seconds on Google to find.

i feel like it's worse if you do remember it or don't take it for granted; because those who never got experience it refuse to believe it ever happened. (and i've run into a few on lemmyverse in the last few days who are old enough to remember but still refuse to believe it).

biden et. al voted for doma which ended up with the person i built a life with being deported and also they also voted for non-dischargable student load debt; that combined with don't-ask/don't-tell; forced me to take on permanent-for-life debt.

seeing him touted as the most pro-lgbt or progressive president ever on social media (especially the lemmyverse) feels like a slap every time i see it and seeing him take these token actions only serves to reinforce it.

you'd think it doesn't need to be said because it's obvious, but i speak from experience that it does need to be said: make sure you don't put them into an agitation based washer; impeller or tumble washers ONLY!

(or atleast use a laundry bag if you have only have access to an agitation washer)

and air dry them IN THE SUN!!!

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that's how all of our progressive laws & rules take place; they seem progressive on the surface but if you look the tiniest bit closer it's clear that it's not.

i was also going to point out biden's 100% tariffs on electric vehicles contradicts climate initiatives; supporting trump's immigration policies (as you just did); etc. and i want to say it's nice to hear someone else splash a dose of reality into the conversation.

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the agitator will either tear the shoes apart or maim them.

biden's the only one to invest in green energy afaik and then he turned around a effectively banned truly affordable electric vehicles for around $10k with 100% tariffs; among other things.

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why? no one's on the fence so parroting this doesn't convince anyone; so it only serves to alienate other leftists voters.

if your approval for biden's track record only spans the last 3 years instead of all 51, then you're going to vote for him anyways; meanwhile people who have been watching him for decades are reminded of his true colors in these parroting the transparently feels-good/does-nothing actions.

it's toxic positivity.

the immigration thing is literally in the news right now.

doing anything negative to queer people would make him lose votes with the democratic base, so he doesn't; just like he's done in the past.

i will not vote for trump

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sexual liberation and identity has fallen in and out of favor in american hegemony before and it will happen again; go ahead and keep moving that goal post.

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Sorry… most of the genocides have already been committed?

that biden enabled: yes

Migrants have been rounded up and forcibly deported en masse?

biden is doing this right now

Trans people have been forced to go underground? Queer people have been erased from history?

biden has advocated doing this for decades and his token gestures have only served to give bigots legal protection for their bigotry.

That’s what you don’t mind happening apparently.

that's why i don't want to see more by voting for a person with a decades long track record of doing so.

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I need 4 years of education and 5+ years of experience to work as an engineer to give people something to look at on their phones.

Police need 6 months of training to make life and death decisions and they get a pension and permanent immunity when they fuck up

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at first i was baffled by the people reporting that they couldn't get gpu and wifi to work; but them i remembered that my experience with those 2 made switch to buying from linux-only companies so long ago that i forgot that most people buy windows-only hardware to try linux on.

i have linux privilege. lol

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The 1:1 windows:Linux replacement is just a means to keep you on Windows. Once you learn Linux, you'll come to understand how much of a farce it is and how it's designed to keep you away

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This is 100% true and I had to learn it the hard way; perception matters just as much, if not more than getting the job done.

same here and i think my parents got good at sticking with a groove because they had a family of 7 to feed, cloth, and house; meanwhile i have only had pets that don't grow up to be shitty self entitled tweens.

i have a similar build to him and when i cut out enough carbs for long enough; i look like him; when i don't, i'm just plain old good fashioned fat.

you know he's cutting out the carbs/fat because there's not much back fat; but the chest still sticks out like he is still fat, as it does on me; i would sympathize with him if we wasn't one of the richest men on the planet and a raging asshole at the same time.

You should have seen Biden and the Dems unite w Republicans to make gay marriage and gay military service illegal the first time and they'll keep doing it too

houses are an asset that a lot of people leverage once they can't work; unless you're already rich, not having one you'll end up dying due from things that cost money like healthcare, food, or shelter.

SSI isn’t set to run out. It will have to be reduced if they don’t take the income cap off of it, however.

that's as realistic as single payer healthcare; or universal basic income; or sensible gun control legislation; or abolishing the electoral college, they all have super majority support of everyone in this country but there's too much monied political interest against ever allowing it happen.

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i've done this a couple times w sata and pata drives and it works; there's lots to clean up to do, but it works.

I loved the building, but I find the other half of the gameplay quite boring.

i would spend hours using cheats to create the perfect house for the sims family and then lose interest within 30 minutes of letting the family do its thing.

i would rinse and repeat with each house becoming more elaborate and strange each time; they should make a game that focuses on that aspect of it more

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I could get on board if manufacturers were making $10,000 sub 50 mile vehicles that were compatible with a swap station so you could switch to a larger battery for the weekend. This would have to be a standard adopted by all however, and even before that, they’d have to make small cars. Which they won’t, because we all know they are too busy making trucks and SUVs.

they make $10k ev's with 250 mile ranges that are for sale everywhere except the united states & canada. you can get them in australia or western europe for a 50-75%-ish tariff depending on which country you're in..

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i want to live like you; what evidence to you use to shore up this viewpoint?

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