
2 Post – 25 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Insane it's controversial to expect that other countries pay for their own defense.

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A working nuclear thermal propulsion (NTP) engine was already built in the 60s under NASA's NERVA project. It is one of the highest technological readiness level solutions we have to the dilemma of high specific impulse versus high thrust present in the current spsce engine technologies. Imo we need something like this to make manned interplanetary missions viable.

It doesn't care about copyright or authorship, which becomes a huge problem due to content no longer having a real home in IPFS, everybody can pin, cache or share content on IPFS.

Sounds like a feature, not a shortcoming

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ZFS without having to faff around with DKMS

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Use argparse instead of input

$25/hr (about $50k/yr) is nothing for the kind of professional/software jobs typical of H1Bs.

Looks like Meteor Lake iGPU will be supported though, which is still cool for VMs with GPU accelerated desktops.

Works really well with Flatpak Steam

Example: https://grapheneos.org/faq#baseband-isolation

Yes, the baseband is isolated on all of the officially supported devices. Memory access is partitioned by the IOMMU and limited to internal memory and memory shared by the driver implementations...Earlier generation devices we used to support prior to Pixels had Wi-Fi + Bluetooth implemented on a separate SoC. This was not properly contained by the stock OS and we put substantial work into addressing that problem.

Baseband modems were not isolated from kernel memory in stock Android, GrapheneOS had to do it themselves using the IOMMU. We do not know for sure due to the proprietary/closed-source nature of baseband modem drivers, but we have no reason to assume any OEM (Samsung, Xiaomi etc) implemented proper isolation of baseband modem and system memory.

Ubuntu LTS has the exact same problem. And unlike Ubuntu, with Debian you have the choice to use sid which is as up to date as Arch usually

GrapheneOS has strict sandboxing for all apps. App A cannot talk to App B unless given explicit user permission. Google Play services is not installed by default, and if you do install it, it's subject to the same sandbox. This basically addresses all userspace tracking concerns, unless you actively choose to weaken those defaults.

On the contrary, I addressed the central point. Your argument is that it's cheaper to supply allies than fight a ground war yourself, guess that's true and does apply to Ukraine because the adversary there is a credible threat to the West.

In the case of Israel, I contend that the savings are there only in the sense that you "save" $200 if you go and buy a $1000 TV you don't need that's $200 off, but if you never bought the TV in the first place you'd be $800 better off.

Something like Amazon Glacier is your best bet if you don't access data often and are okay with paying a (per-GB) monthly fee. Otherwise, you may want to build a NAS PC with high levels of disk redundancy (RAID5 or RAIDZ2)

They removed that clause. Ctrl-f "video" on their ToS page gives 0 results


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Fair, although you're probably fine for "hosting jellyfin for your family" levels even then. If cloudflare boots you, swap to a free tier Oracle Cloud VPS and set up an nginx proxy.

People getting stuck in queues and kids being put in concentration camps have nothing to do with the H1B system. You could give a H1B visa to every sponsored individual and the concentration camps would still exist because the people put in them exist entirely outisde the immigration system. You could give a US passport to every kid in a concentration camp but the Indians and Chinese would be stuck in queues even though they do everything by the book.

This guy is right that the H1B system is unfair. The fact that H1B is a lottery creates a huge amount of problem for e.g. graduates of top US universities who want to transition to work in the US. Other countries (Canada, Australia, UK) have point based systems that prioritize highly skilled immigrants over less skilled ones, which work much better than the US system. Lotteries are inherently unable to prioritize top candidates.

Think it's not supported for the root filesystem anymore but that's not my usecase anyway. Still supported for non root filesystems.

GrapheneOS has strict sandboxing for all apps. App A cannot talk to App B unless given explicit user permission. Google Play services is not installed by default, and if you do install it, it's subject to the same sandbox. This basically addresses rid of all userspace tracking concerns, unless you actively choose to weaken those defaults.

(There are still concerns associated with the closed source firmware of the baseband modem)

Unfortunately, I think no. Nvidia sells every AI chip wafer they can get from TSMC, so if gamers won't pay the same margins as datacenter customers Nvidia will simply stop selling to them. As such, Nvidia does not need consumers/home users anymore.

As for AMD, they just decided their pricing strategy is "whatever Nvidia does, but 10% cheaper"

defense versus more globally-threatening adversaries like Iran?

If US/Europe withdraw entirely from Middle East, there would be no reason to be afraid of Iran. Iran never carried out hostile actions against Western nationals, companies or forces outside the territory/coastal waters of Iran or its allies. Conversely, Westerners shot down Iranian airliners full of innocent people (Iran Air Flight 655). I dislike theocratic regimes of all kinds, but the West has been constantly belligerent vis-a-vis Iran (most recently by imposing sanctions on Iran after US explicitly said they'd lift them if Iran stopped their nuclear programme, which IAEA said they were compliant with) They are an evil dictatorship, but they are harmful to themselves.

Or maybe that Israel is a worthless ally to the US in the region so we shouldn't care if they get wiped off the map?

The premise that the strongest military in the Middle East will be wiped off if they don't receive US money is absurd.

Or is the claim that Israel doesn't need the US's aid, it will be just fine without it and breaking off that defense relationship will have no negative impacts on the US?

US has gained NOTHING from allying with Israel. Israel does not fight any entity or state that threatens the US homeland. Israelis bombed US ships (USS Liberty). Israelis were caught spying on the US government and selling US secrets countless times. Meanwhile US got involved in countless wars in the Middle East for Israel and received zilch back. A worse relationship with Israel would be a huge win for the US.

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AI models are universal approximators f such that y=f(x,w) with optimizable weights w that minimize some metric L(y). You can come up with a hand tuned approximator yourself that matches/beats an AI model. Does not change the fact that any approximator attempts to guess (i.e. "hallucinate") the output y based on the prior x.

Both team green and team red thought they could charge pandemic era scalper prices this generation, which of course wont happen because ETH mining is dead

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Russia has a nuclear arsenal that can flatten all US and European cities. Comparing Russia to Hamas is silly. Hamas can not threaten anybody they aren't immediately adjacent to. Hamas is not a threat to US/Europe more than, say, Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka or PKK in Turkey are/were.

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Hallucinated frames like DLSS3. Completely unnecessary, just like the hallucinated pixels of DLSS2/FSR2. Dialling a couple of settings down to medium looks much better.

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Trump: Started 0 wars. Caused 0 economic crises. Bush: Started 2 wars (Iraq, Afghanistan). Caused the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression.

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