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Joined 1 years ago

Looks to me like she's found herself the ol infinite money glitch.

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When I was homeless and super desperate for a roof over my head I'd pull up some real estate app and filter by foreclosures. They were always empty and I never got bothered by anyone. Do gotta be super sneaky in case there's neighbors or something but there was almost always a window unlocked or something.

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No... Actually they switched to killing homeless and drug addicts and the police don't actually investigate them.

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Well what with the whole Republican party gearing up to pay all his court stuff might as well take them all down eventually.

100% wishful thinking I know.

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One wouldn't be too foolish to assume that a "psychedelic mushroom alternative" would be psychedelic. Fact of the matter is, these mushrooms are not even close to a psychedelic and to advertise them as such is scam levels of misleading.

Furthermore, lately amanitas are being proven very useful for benzo withdrawal and recovery. Now, I do not disagree with knowing everything about a substance and the science behind it... But come on! They're comparing it to fentanyl in the article! Things like that are only going to get them made illegal and stigmatized. This makes medical research harder to do and takes potential medicine away from the people who could actually use it!

Other than that, I was mostly just trying to give the people who clicked the thing some straight information. If they're clicking the thing they're likely already intrigued by it or psychedelics.

I wasn't particularly intending to attack the article in any way other than the premise set by the title. I personally really enjoy amanitas but their effects aren't exactly what most people are looking for.

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I've been here about a week or so and so far I think the absolutely perfect candidate would be Vermin Supreme.

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It's when she's riding you cowgirl style and gets violently explosive diarrhea when she cums.

This is the best, most comprehensive review on Taco Bell this planet has ever seen.

I'm not having an argument about semantics with you. I am simply a lover of amanitas trying to spread information. Have a nice day or whatever the fuck.

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The kalimba is super easy to play. Basically anyone can just pick one up and make something that sounds good!

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Old homeless secret I guess. When you're in a decently suburban area there's always at least one close by.

Those used to be all over the place. The girls were pretty scantily clad but never naked. A lot of them did get shut down for prostitution though.

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This is the truth.

Cops don't do anything about it around here because they see it as some kind of Dexter situation, it "reduces their workload," and whatnot.

Way back in my homeless/drug addict days I was chilling with this bigger time cartel dealer guy. Everyone knew that he was definitely a serial killer but his target was always heroin addict girls and I am neither of those. We're driving around and cops just swarm us. After some questions, they ended up giving him back his gun (he's a felon) and telling him that their agreement was that he is not to ever leave the more ghetto area of town. They then openly gang stalked us until we went back to that area.

I'm fairly certain that police commonly know exactly who the serial killers are in their area and I think they often times have agreements with them.

Delicious in dungeon!

I was wondering when this would show up!

I said good day.

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I too came here to freak out about their battery level... But you did it much better than I would have.

If you have access to LSD you can try a microdose of it. Just put one or 2 hits in a pint jar of water, shake it up really good, and take a sip to a shot. Don't overdo it, if it doesn't work you don't want to be tripping with a migraine. It's never failed me though.

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I grew up in a very ghetto area so sometimes I drink 211, cheap 40s, or hobo wine and it reminds me of my childhood. Bonus points if I can find the glass 40oz bottles but they're super rare nowadays.

Yes I can absolutely afford actually good beer and I actually have a pretty good taste in beer (at least I think so)

Many many years in the future, long after the great mushroom war, that is what they will call the Earth.

(Adventure Time)

Aar-Aar la egg salad sandwich?

To be honest, I prefer my coffee to be prepared by fully clothed people and I never really went to one. And coffee makes me feel really freaking weird so I just make my own if I really want some. I just remember the news stories and the sarcasm about it in my friend group.

I think I've seen a few of them lately they're nowhere near as common as they used to be though.

I mean they did a while ago nightclub called Foundation. But it's been a couple years...

Doesn't excuse this though. Like at all.

I got a really cheap one off Amazon for about $35 and my dad loves playing with it and is quite capable even with his Parkinson's. Just make sure you get one that comes with a tuning hammer.

Well I was talking more about a microdose. Taking a tiny fraction of the amount required to actually trip. You don't get high at all from it.

Either way, I hope you've recovered from your migraine!

Have you tried kratom? Especially the red leaf types?

I know it's not the same, but I have bad knees and a bad back. Kratom basically turns off the pain for me. Idk it's worth a shot if anything.

Hey! That one was great! I'm actually listening to the sequel right now!

I got a pretty good view of it in Washington but I kinda live in a slightly darker area

Yeah this just further solidifies my belief that birds aren't real

I'm with you on that boat 100%!