
2 Post – 87 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

Hi 🖖🏻

Nothing much, just use them when I want to discover something new... news websites, books, series...places...etc

If lunduke reports on it, yanno there's an agenda.. A browser for humanity he said !! 😑 we haven't even started yet...lol

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And now you're here, arguing with kids, because you're also a kid.. Nice try.

Not just you :)

the idea of a console like layout ( Ui ) Out of the box ( if you so choose ) is awesome..

but that installer 😮‍💨

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I can endure it, but it's kinda confusing and looks outdated.. I hope they make a new one like Ubuntu did

Because it's gay.. 😅

X is just a BAAAAAAD brand that it's almost insulting the people who uses it, honestly were I'm from it sounds like an adult website..

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Yep, this is why I lost faith in these giant tech companies, my next phone will be Fairphone

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If you're going to use WhatsApp ( and not Signal 😮‍💨 ), at least use it in a separate profile ( using Shelter ) so it doesn't scan your contacts ( and probably everything else )

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In Android operating system, work profiles can be enabled using Android's Admin panel ( I think that's what they call it ), which requires a Google account, in a degoogled Android, we use Shelter which can enable the Work profile, apps in work profiles are isolated/separated from the main one, and they don't have access to your main profile's data, unless you allow it, you can also freeze apps when you lock your phone, ( apps like .... Ahhm excuse me, I mean SPYWARE like Facebook, Tiktok keeps running in the background sending data and that might be a useful for that )

In CalyxOS you can set the VPN ( ProtonVPN ) to route all your traffic ( including the work profile ) thru the VPN tunnel, giving you extra layer of protection. ( I don't know if it's possible on LineageOS )

Personally I won't take the risk of using Big tech apps from Meta, especially Meta,Tiktok and Google even in the work profile, I consider these apps to be spyware, and what spyware does is bypassing your guards and firewalls, working in mysterious ways ( proprietary Software ), and finally gathering as much info as possible from the infected device ( in the background off course )

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So.. does it block Ads ?

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Moving to Firefox will make a huge impact too

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second, because there is no one else to pass the project to.

If I ever maintain a FOSS Project this one will be one of the things I need to figure out along the way, surely there's someone trustworthy out there, surely

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they do, ever since Signal blew up companies started lying about E2EE left and right

It has to exist, it's crucial... People won't come to your platform if theres no mobile app...

I'm not sure what you mean by ; keeping in line..

I mean they're collaborating with them to spy on the American nation and the entire world, with their creatively named secret projects..

😹😹😹, awesome, welcome to the club 🍻

Great, now you're giving the glowies your eyes while looking like an alien

Apple fanboyism is beyond me..

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Exactly... 🤣.. Been looking for Social media alternatives for years and never heard of this one before..

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They are taught about it from childhood

in one single word >> Indoctrinated

OP this is why people believe in religion, and it's nearly impossible to get them out of it, you can't reason someone out of something they weren't reasoned into in the first place

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But why take a chance?

This could be a simple answer as : I don't wanna cause inconveniences to my users to a more complexe one such as.... umm, ideological reasons... I don't want to see a project I started get archived or taken down..

Let them prove themselves.

It's a requirement..

to me finding mainteners is part of what makes a FOSS project successful

Ok, but you still can age? so imagine being much older than your peers, they'll think you're sick ...lol

Oh, the headphone jack... using a phone without it is so counter productive and annoying, wait for the phone to fully charge, now wait for your headsets to charge too, I don't know why we're moving backwards 🙄

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I'm not sure, if you're involved with the project, but if so: you really need to work on your communication

Looking at your username, it makes sense you say something like that

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Yes people seem to undermine "background" related updates, but they should pause and appreciate having a stable and secure system

Pinterest, their recommendation algorithm is so good , and scary the more you learn about tech and how things can be used against you, it's impossible to take advantage of that service without letting it learn more about you ( based on your saved pins and interactions ), it's just how it works, and it works it's just there's no transparency or ethics involved, they sell your data

So a FOSS alternative would be awesome, there's Pinry but it's self hosted

I'm not so sure about that... See 👉


Edit : it's becoming the new dystopian trend now

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whaaaaaat !! 😆

I hate IGN they somehow can manage to make the most exciting news, less existing... boring even..

In my country mandatory military service, aka conscription, is used to take away men's freedoms, you can't travel, you can't work, you can't participate in politics, you can't go to hotels... Etc.. And it's all necessary for thé but not for me, meaning the generals and the minister's children don't go to the military unstead they go to a business school and start companies all over the world, with people's money.. of course

Using the same client and everything works flawlessly, do your updates buddy

Seriously ! 😑

Which Country ?

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but just for releasing a product is very low on the list.

It's not about releasing a product it's about how they go about it ( the marketing, the pricing... Etc ) it's so manipulative and relies on people not knowing their Digital rights and what they should expect from a Digital product.

The thing is that they abused their monopoly so much, they manipulated people so much, they enslaved people ( both on the Digital realm and the physical one ) so much, that now I and so many awakened people are so critical of everything they do. And it's understandable why we're like that, we simply don't trust them.

Had HTC or Valve released this, there'd be constant praise on here.

This seems like a logical fallacy, we're talking about Apple here, HTC and Valve can wait for their turn, and you can't predict what people will say !!

how so ? he isn't saying anything really... because he rarely says an opinion of his own, and when he does he does so briefly... like he grabbed it from someone 👀... yeah.. why I'm not surprised every video idea he has is LITERALLY stollen from a Reddit post or a comment ( source : him )..

plus anyone can go and read from a blog post or a github discussion and come out with same amount of information if not more...

lastly quantity over quality: this complements my last point, because the only way to make a quality video is by doing deep research، these YouTubers skip shit ton of critical information, and it makes people have a flawed perspective

less than 2 days to research, record, and edit and make a thumbnail ? Seriously ?! It should tell you something is off

You should take note of other services that are blocked since it could give you an idea of what your government is trying hide, by using OONI probe

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A lot of comments seem to disagree with you, so define Negativity? ( what do you consider to be negative behavior )

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Xiaomi has big issue with phone ownership, I think their new OS called HyperOS is step solely to make it as hard as possible to Unlock the bootloader..

I just want my menu icons back.. 😿