
1 Post – 41 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yeah it's fucking disgusting. I just googled what is it in google images because I used to watch a lot of porn in the past probably from that brand too. I seen those faces, those women that probably some of them at least were forced to do it...

Nowdays I don't enjoy consuming mainstream porn at all because like it's... violent in a way. Consensual or not it always looks like something is seriously off, wrong like someone is waiting with a gun behind the camera you know. Like they just treat the girl like a doll and throw her around, cum, then away. Guys are ugly as fuck

There is this bellesa stuff, amateur vids, lots of things that seem more enjoyable for everyone and of course old good hentai

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Beautiful end of western civilisation. Being a doomer finally paid off.

My excitement for the fall of western civilisation cannot be overstated

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I like starfield overall but it definietly is a weaker game than skyrim

Never feed the trolls, the only winning move is to downvote and move on

Nothing is as maddening as writing an elaborate troll post only to be completely ignored.

I do all my riling people up on Reddit though because that site is collapsing anyway and a shell of former self. Hard to bring yourself to respect it and not throw some spicy fake made up posts into the wild and see what happens

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I hate how Reddit conditioned my brain to see score before the actual content and make up my mind about it before even reading it.

I don’t say scores aren’t important to have some kind of loose groupthink quality control but it all has as many cons as it has pros and there isn’t really a perfect solution just least bad.

Also it is the main thing making social media so addicting when you receive points and I want internet to serve me and not I serve the internet.

If a phone/site/program makes everything possible to be as addictive then it actually makes you a slave to it imo instead of it being a useful tool enriching your experience and serving you to maybe get more useful information or show new ideas.

That’s why these new designs get more pretty to look at but less useful because they are made to hijack your time from yourself for ad watching. So in a way ad based companies literally do everything to steal the most valuable resource from you - your time and by extension - your life.

It’s very entertaining

I don’t have a job. Idk what am I doing with life tbh. I should be coding as I am naturally good at it and it’s fun but… procrastination

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Ah I know these traits, CEO of kagi is narcissistic 💯. Just like me 🤪. Would probably done the same and clown myself in the eyes of the web.

Maybe all of the CEOs are narcs but this one is like extra super insecure even for us.

That’s relatable haha I wish it was that consistent. Deadlines make me do 3d modelling in blender maybe I need some 3d modelling deadline and then I will code for 10 hours in ecstasy then completely forget about anything for a week then panic then feel guilty then switch to „I want to be an artist” mode after which is I want to be a game developer mode, and then there is I want to be a mobile developer mode

I am entry knowledge level at sooo many things. Maybe if ai assistants materialise in sufficient form it will be era for people like me that know a little bit of everything but lack the willpower and consistency to ever master anything.

This week is a music artist week for me I am producing stuff in Ableton maybe it isn’t good but it is the only thing that makes sense right now

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Ugh I hate all these subscription paywalls nowadays. Internet is so far from the initial ideals

It’s pennies but if I had to track every subscription and there would be hundred... It should be covered at ISP somehow as optional news network^tm^

Is this legit? Is this site trustworthy? Do you have maybe another source?

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Probably give milion to someone that really needs it in person and to see how they react.

Money is just such an overrated thing to pursue. Sure you can try to drown your worries in it, try to escape but the happiness is always inside

I remember this mindset when I was 17. Unwavering faith in the unlimited human potential. Head loaded with science fiction didn’t even need drugs. Ray kurzweil. Longevity escape velocity. Flying cars.

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Why is .ml bad?

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Same. It’s just never worth more to me than 30$. I can after all buy a book for 10$ and have simillar fun. Or watch tv show. Games are too expensive for what they are really.

One exception is when I am mentally unwell and purposefully get addicted to competitive online games as an elaborate self sabotage.

Okay but how do you keep a job and make money like this ya know this isn’t the exact mindset they are looking for or makes it possible to finish serious stuffs

Might as well surf the waves of privilege except that sucks and feels bad

I think it is a good time to gdpr request my tweet data

Hey by the way because I am admittedly quite green. Do you have anything other worth advocating from the same vein? You know decentralized, hard to shut down, privacy focused. I am sure there is ton of things I haven't heard about

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I have my stats disabled usually cause they kind of manipulate my emotions and views and what is correct or not.

Better to focus on the factual content of the comment or post than on the up or down points.

Reddit was really bad about this because you constantly had a number to your name and it was addicting to score them points and defeated the point of normal discussion.

I like my tea red with a taste of fruits and natural sweetness

I used to. It was you could say „severe hormone imbalance”. Now after fixing that I have more energy than I ever would need honestly to the point I need to go running or something.

Unless I don’t sleep well then I just wait for the night whole day which happens more often than I’d like to. I need to be asleep already at 12 am and wake up at 8-9 to sleep well.

Problem is I work/think/focus best at 10pm-12am and I need to time my cbd oil into that to sleep. And considering the stuff makes me high for some reason even tho it shouldn’t theoretically then it gets complicated to schedule it all for optimal sleep.

In any case the oil removed anxiety from my life so that’s nice, maybe not completely I still get nervous some times y know but it’s big difference

ml is okayish compared to hexbear lol

I thought at first it was some fun leftist lgbt place but quickly I ran into violent bloodthirsty comments that made my skin crawl. there are also many of my lovely fellow transfems over there ugh. it is really sad when people are lost into the void of extremism. But I don’t really blame them however I grieve them.

Kindly thank you

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You are right and I thought it was my cat doing litter business

I don’t really subscribe to any belief system or ideology based software choice. I guess feel free to round the rough edges as you preach your favourite software. We are all a little biased on the best days

*Reddit ceos plunge user engagement

Cmon Linux NVidia drivers are garbage. You can’t possibly run everything to the same extent or performance. Not to mention ray tracing etc. Let’s not delude ourselves or try to peddle some fiction unnecessarily

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I am saying you played stuff that happened to run okay and not some other use cases where it struggles. I must probably take your word and pretend that it is true in some way even though everything I know about VR nvidia experience on Linux disagrees with your comment.

Bg3 or alyx is not a good example. Rather consider skyrimvr 1000 mods and cyberpunk pathtraced.

It’s just how it is when megacorp pours money into compatibility with one ecosystem and specifically refuses to provide support for another. It could work amazingly if they only had minuscule amount of goodwill

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My use case is extreme as I stated before I think? I thought 4090 is enough indication of extreme tbh and that you wouldn’t want to run 3/4 supported Linux with a card like this.

I am definitely not an average gamer. There is nothing average about 4090 and VR. Not to mention elaborate expensive router setup for wireless VR.

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I don’t know what’s your point honestly. Great if you have fun then that’s cool.

I just like to use the best tool for the job at hand and that happens to be windows in this case.

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No. It was just a cult of science and technology instead of real understanding of it. Some kind of naive belief that no matter what, the direction is only up and even accelerating. It was like being a sciencey golden retriever

Thank you! I may have created this post to rather quickly and crudely check the local narrative which I see aligns with the mainstream. That means lemmy is doing pretty great nice to see

Apple watch siri set timer

I wish I wasn’t a vr gamer sometimes so I could unsubscribe from this os permanently

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I am too far into nvidia windows things. I run really extreme games with 4090 and tons of mods. Unreal, unity, blender all that stuff. If there is one thing that windows does okay it’s my use case.

I guess they have me right where they want 😂

Also I am not sure if virtual desktop works on Linux

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I think that one is better off not discussing these topics online at all.

I have never seen anything good come out of it, anywhere. Ever

Eh who cares about these cryptoschemes really i mean yeah I can understand that. They always were stinking of fraud

Shitcoins they were called iirc

I only love crypto because it evades facist gov. Seems more and more needed as time goes on

But then imo we are heading into cyberpunk reality

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Okay but this is the price for true freedom vs police state

Crypto is absolute true freedom <3

Monero is the greatest invention since internet to fuck govs and corps in the butt and if you burn yourself sometimes as a side effect, it isn't too great of a price.

Doing the illegal stuf is the main greatest purpose. Idk why everyone thinks illegal equates evil automatically but it is a flawed worldview.

It is just a tool like guns or hacking

I absolutely love it and this is my love letter to it

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It is an anarchism heaven, I love it

No regulations, no control. Decentralized

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