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Joined 12 months ago

After 10,000 years I'm free! It's time to conquer Earth!

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I came into this expecting a thread full of Stanley Cup champion, elite athlete at the highest level, and prime example of perfected male physique, Phil Kessel, but haven’t seen a single mention of him. So I’ll start it.

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What’ll really aggravate you is that way back when cable was first rolling out, it was billed as paid TV service without ads (as opposed to the ad-supported OTA local networks). Obviously that promise didn’t last long.

It’s a tale as old as time. Its happened before, it’s happening now, and it’ll happen again.

It’s remarkable isn’t it? Now we’re the ones telling our parents to turn off the TV and get off the internet or it’ll rot their brains.

The next one will be discovered On Her Motherboard’s Secret Processes

The FTC Bukkakes Microsoft Over Activision Blizzard layoffs

Can’t wait for this to be the hot button issue in certain presidential campaigns this cycle.

? GOG is a drm free storefront. Doesn’t have anything to do with the age of the game. Plenty of new releases launch on gog alongside steam/egs/Ms

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Only when paired with fava beans and a nice chianti

For the lazy:

“That class has to be the Spiritborn. Blizzard hasn't acknowledged the mistake it made in early October when an internal testing version of the game was updated and made briefly available to former beta testers for Diablo 4's launch. The few who managed to download it found text in the files that points to the Spiritborn class and its abilities, along with other hints at upcoming features coming to the game.

The leaked build doesn't paint a full picture of the Spiritborn class, but here's what we can assume from the text:

Spiritborn will use glaives as weapons Instead of mana or fury, they will use a dual resource system to cast skills The Spiritborn class mechanic will have something to do with "deities" Spiritborn skill names suggest they'll have a pet or minions of some kind”

Yep. Just set it so it launches to desktop instead of BP and you can launch anything from anywhere. There might be some finagling to do with controller input/mapping depending on the game/launcher but it should be fine in most cases.

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Yep. It’s easy to complain or change your profile picture or share a link but if putting your money where your mouth is results in even the slightest discomfort or change to your comfort zone, that’s usually where people stop having a problem with the latest offense.

As long as our lives keep moving unaffected we’ll abide anything 😞

Wtf wow. Dodged a bullet

Still chipping away at Tears of the Kingdom. With a newborn in the house it’s such a great game to pick up for 3 minutes, wander a bit, and put down instantly. Or to play for 2 straight hours while he sleeps on your chest.

Im pretty close to the end but I’m finding myself putting it off as much as possible, leisurely wandering around the map to take on quests or shrines. There is so much to do and see. 120 hours in and it still feels like I’ve barely started it.

Exactly what I was thinking. I’m still running on the fumes of gfe+moonlight while thats still working. Hopefully Steam RP has taken cues from all the recent competition.

But as with all RP options it’s probably still gonna be a ymmv situation.

I stand corrected. Appreciate you setting the record straight. Apologies if my response misled anyone.

I mean in fairness it is Saturday. He’s probably phoning it in today so he can watch YouTube on the toilet.

I don’t think it’s so much that they’re out of ideas but that they’re too scared to risk new ideas. These games are so expensive to make now so they squeeze out as much as they can with MTX and season passes to stuff their pockets as much as possible. The longer they can keep you playing, the more money they can make off of you with minimal additional effort. Wrapping up that plan with a nice widely-recognized Call of Duty logo makes them a lot of guaranteed upfront cash.

Doing the same thing for a new unknown property won’t have that guaranteed audience, will require a lot more marketing effort, and possibly years of underperforming results before it starts becoming worthwhile. And even then it’ll be impossible to catch up to the behemoth of the biggest shooter franchise in gaming history. So it just makes financial sense to keep remaking and rebooting the tried and true. Their CEOs and shareholders demand it and their audience (for now) is happy enough to keep it that way with their wallet votes.

tl;dr With development costs growing exponentially, publishers looking for the easiest path to the most profit, and gamers already primed to keep buying the next installment no matter what, sticking to old ideas is what makes the most sense. Goes for movies too.

There’s no point in arguing with folks like that. They’re way more interested in platform wars than an honest argument. When they stick to the tired “planned obsolescence” lines from 10 years ago and try to argue that having a 2 year old phone that no longer gets security updates is a good thing, you know they jumped the shark years ago and are just posting in bad faith at this point.

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Your belt onions are looking spiffy today

I’ve been using it almost exclusively for the past 4 years or so ever since Google Maps missed multiple exits on the way home from Newark airport. The next time, I tried Apple Maps and it didn’t miss the exits and I haven’t really had to look back since I made the switch.

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Not saying you’re wrong. There certainly could have been mental degradation over the years. Or he could have gotten investors lined up by being a really rich kid from a rich family. Money can do a lot of heavy lifting for a piece of shit.

I think it’s a bit of both. To me the coolest thing he ever did was make Tesla tech open source. I have a hard time seeing that Musk in this dude anymore. I used to think he did it altruistically but lately I’m thinking it was probably an ego thing after all. And now that all his ventures are starting to sink he probably regrets the move.

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There are dozens of us! Ripped all my GC discs on my Wii and installed them on my Wii U. Such an incredible homebrew scene.

It was what now?

This. I’ll be the last one to defend any of these megacorps but folks calling it greed are being reductive. These are publicly traded companies which means their loyalty is to their shareholders and their #1 goal is to make them more money than they made them last quarter. So it’s more than greed, it’s their job within this capitalist system. They have to do that every quarter for as long as they exist. The only ways to do it are to increase revenue or decrease costs. If they can’t make enough money they have to fire people. That’s the world we’ve built.

But it’s not only about making more profit than last quarter, but also the amount the profits increased by has to be higher than the amount they increased by the quarter before last. That’s how you end up with companies seeing record profits and still laying people off. They made more than last quarter, but only 2% more. The quarter before they made 3% more so now people have to go. It’s insane.

Yep. Gog is probably where we should all be getting our games tbf. Being mad that a game is available on one drm store instead of another drm store is kind of silly. In either case we’re only buying the license and not actually owning anything.

Lol fair point. And its old game library is 2nd to none. But its homepage is also covered in Cyberpunk DLC and BG3

Believe me I get it :) It’s hard for me to resist too but sometimes there’s no winning. And winning isn’t even what we’re after usually. Just an honest back and forth about the pros and cons about the tech we all enjoy. It’s too bad that kind of discourse is so hard to come by these days :/

I mean if you want to dig into it, Apple is a company that makes most of its from money from selling tech. They spend a lot on highly effective advertising, but they pay actual advertising companies to do that. So I don’t think that qualifies them as an advertising company unless you’re just trying to be dismissive. You make your money from making and selling tech, you’re a tech company first.

Google and Meta make the vast majority of their money by selling ads and selling user data to other advertising companies so they can create their own targeted ads. That by definition makes them ads companies more than tech companies.

Microsoft sells mostly software/services to enterprise clients, they’re a B2B software company. Amazon too with AWS, etc. I read the other day that with how big NYT’s word games have gotten they’re more of a gaming company that also sells newspapers these days.

Anyway, yeah you can call Apple an advertising company or a fashion company or whatever but the fact is they’re more of a tech company than most of the other companies you probably think of as tech companies. Apple-produced tech is regularly compared to the likes of Nvidia, Intel, and AMD. You can’t say the same for the other top “tech” companies.

I was so pumped for this until I saw your comment and realized there’s a 0% chance this doesn’t end up exactly like that. :/

CoD is the shoveled GaaS nonsense, and "everything we publish day one" has basically been their promise to subscribers from the start.

That’s the part that gets me with CoD. They make so much money on the backend from MTX and season passes that making it F2P via gamepass doesn’t seem like a financially risky move. And it could net them more over time than what they get from asking people to pay $70 up front on top of everything else.

But I’m guessing that with gamepass falling short of expectations they need to hedge their bets to help make the ABK acquisition worthwhile. It also explains them opening up more games to up front purchasers on PS and Switch. This is MS getting defensive after missing the jackpot on some pretty big bets.

Whoa TIL. Thanks for the info, I stand corrected.

Piholes don’t actually block the traffic. The ads still make it from google to your home network. Pihole just intercepts them and sends them off to nowhere before they get to any of your devices. So I believe they won’t be affected by this.

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