im stuff

40 Post – 90 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

honestly we should have collectively realized way earlier that putting all the useful, readable, un-touched-by-SEO help content for basically every niche hobby fandom and ideology in the hands of one for-profit entity was not very wisdom-pilled of us

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the car absolutely kills people. that same big mac licking driver on a bike or bus or scooter causes 0 deaths. it’s the cars

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mental health is not a joke friends, not even when men and boys are the butt of your funny 😌😌

i kind of feel bad for deluging other people’s feeds, but at the same time i’m so thankful as 196 is the community i’d miss the most if it ever vanished :(

while you are factually correct that the human is a part of the chain of blame, it is systemically inefficient to blame the driver

in order to make systemic change and make cars safer, we CANNOT say “oh lol drivers fault, get good.” expecting that order of change from hoards of people is unrealistic.

however if i blame unsafely sized cars, fast, wide unsafe roads, a failure of US public transport—these are also realistic points of systemic change that i can point to.

tldr cars are unsafe, cars need to get safer, no amount of blaming the driver will solve things

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how dare the opposing team strategize and gang up on us

—players who created the game to be unethical and to serve them from the beginning

i feel like really the best way to find out is to ask them

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that is a thing not to be found in a place such as this

i love making blanket statements about a demographic on twitter

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pr strategy, it’s the user’s fault, make investors and employees fear and hate the user mob and not the poor defenseless company

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no, defederation does not “just” do those things

defederation refuses to give them an in to slowly make changes to the platform that will eventually give way to a centralized power dynamic over the whole fediverse

see also: the chrome/chromium monopoly and its effect on the modern web

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this is a cool fact and a valuable contribution to the conversation thanks homie ☺️

my first exposure to the paradox its ambiguity was being used as an excuse to platform literal nazis on the basis of “being mean makes you the oppressor ☹️☹️☹️”

i for one welcome a philosophy that is more concrete and specific and doesn’t allow for such openings. tolerance as a contract does that for me. though as this comment section shows trying to express this position gets you labeled as maga so huge L for me i guess.

theoretical vision of web3 versus the actual manifestation built to serve capital 👍

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where is c/ISO8601

get a pack of redbulls from the corner store and ur good

thanks pootzapie i don’t often make OC but when i do i remember to slay 💫

kafka metamorphosis good ending:

get some chocolate chocolate chip

kid named contrastive focus reduplication

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if my securely generated password to gets leaked in a data breach, my only options are to ignore the leak or regenerate all my passwords with a new master password?

i don’t think this works for me

i dont know a single child who has the same fears kids in movies do

you think the government knows the truth pshhhh

u still get the strings smh cant handle this misinfo

surprisingly accurate analysis

yall its an intentional typo for the funny lmao stop reading into it plspls

we fancy like apple bee s

there is a spectre haunting starbucks

thank you for you concern, this is just a funny ad i clipped out of context tho 🙂

you should read the article linked in the post, i hope you can reconsider this accusation :)

[Tolerance] is an agreement to live in peace, not an agreement to be peaceful no matter the conduct of others. A peace treaty is not a suicide pact.

cool facts but not as fun as mine 🥰

good content op tysm for ur service 🫡

ur so right; at the same time, locked-down, ad-ridden apps are a very low-effort way for lazy developers to cram as much perceived value into blockchain as possible without actually benefiting consumers

this meme addresses a symptom of web 3.0 rather than the root cause or definition

is there a tool that makes searching reddit (etc) posts easier?

unions mmf 🤤

SEO as a concept needs to die. dont get me wrong i want Lemmy to show up in google results but doing that by spamming keywords and unrelated “related” posits is not the move

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she oscillate on my blinker till i self-replicate



capitalist enabler

corporate wants you to tell the difference between these two pictures