
1 Post – 75 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

Nah, people got changed too. The younger generation is not interested in the technology that much otherwise then usage of it. Also even the older generation lost its interests because of getting older and family

Because people cannot block darn windows updates. Its a real malware only allowed by law

Photography manipulation existed almost since the invention of photography. It was only much harder see the famous photo edition https://www.history.com/news/josef-stalin-great-purge-photo-retouching

Everybody knows that tesla sacrificed lidar sensors with cameras because it was cheaper. Yes, lidar can do it easily

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That's actually a good news. Maybe we're able to revert the internet to the times before the Eternal September happened

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I think I2P will get a new wave of users willing to pirate stuff

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No, it's not the rule itself. It's rather an advice not to do as rolling own crypto is very tricky and complicated thing. You have to be very aware of many possible attacks, how they do work, to create own crypto properly

Hmm, it's strange grey area. Sometimes piracy is the only way to make the book not disappear. There are niche, low circulation books and magazines which without piracy would disappear and became almost unavailable.

Sometimes the book is no longer in the print because of many reasons:

  1. Author changed her / his mind and no longer wishes to publish it, at least in the original edition / version.
  2. Copyrights are being taken over and the final copyright owner ceases to republish it even when paid.
  3. Copyrights owner doesn't know that his the owner of some books and it leads to the legal limbo.
  4. Low circulated books & magazines don't survive until the copyrights expire - owners of the books die and their next heirs believe the books / magazines are just garbage and burn it or throw it away.

Ethics & piracy is pretty strange combination and there is no easy answer for it

There is: mdiscs. Allegedly 1000 years durability even in Blu-ray format. Should be good enough for most important things. The best tapes AFAIK 30- 100 years

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That's always problem for any type of media. Including the tape which keep changing generations and only few recent are supported for reading. I still have blue ray reader / writer though

Clearly written weight netto of the product and second weight ( it can be smaller caps ) the weight netto 1 year before for the same product

You can always fork firefox. People used to use website not requiring javascript at all and it worked well. Some people still use even w3m f.e. when graphics card driver goes bad after update and they need to watch some docs on the internet. Most current browser have most features you would ever need

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Just to say - the Polish nobleman had a duty to have equipment on their own. The Polish crown didn't pay anything for this nor for the service. If the crown require money on war, the parliament ( of nobleman) had to approve tax on themselves


Thunderbird + kleopatra? K-9 + OpenKeyChain ( android )? Where did you have issues?

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Pretty much like the original reason why napster has been created. It could resume downloads which in the times of early internet explorer wasn't that guaranteed

I know this but they can break it as well if they do remove it not only hide it ( class ids ). For me it's plain as the new windows settings are dead slow and it won't be usable if your computer is under very heavy load. Only cmd, maybe powershell and maybe sys internals will be what's left for you

Yup, I use lemmy ( at least try ) like RSS client to create "my feed" but yes, lemmy, does its three cents to the output. I'll check your points out, thanks (y)

Is there an email thread where c and rust Linux kernel devs actually discuss what's about? Because so far I see some Linux drama and I have no slightest clue what's about

Arguing with people complaining that everything is capitalism fault is pointless. Especially with people having definition "not their perfect ideal communism" equals capitalism. It's just waste of my time. I'm done with politics and I know many communities where politics mean an immediate ban

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Bash? On windows it's pretty much unusable even if you use cygwin. Python or Lua are the only reasonable suggestions here

It's still insecure. They decryption process is still in the proton company hands and they could add some client specific code to log the password on the fly. Proton is obliged to follow the swiss law and I can imagine situation that police asks proton (+ gag order ) to log certain data for specific clients like passwords and ips. Still private keys are better to be stored separately. You can sync them easily if you with with either rsync or rclone

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I used protonmail for 3 years - bridge issues have been being ignored by protonmail support in my opinion. "Clean cache and try again". I stopped using protonmail and switched to mailbox.org. So far so good.

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Well, they still can't underfund gnu privacy guard :-) It's pretty much already finished product and working pretty well.

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The problem of sun radiation can be mitigated by dwelling underground as many early humans did so


Especially with the fact that: 1) deminificafion of the javascript code is not simple 2) you cannot "freeze" the code version you use. Still your computer does allow it ( minus the windows which follows the Microsoft thinking way, kidding about windows updates )

Yes, while desktop is mostly working well, other clients are far from being usable. I totally agree with this and choices of matrix foundation are not making it any better imo. Their inventing "new features" and not polishing current ecosystem, is not a best strategic choice

I tried to use tox cli client and it's barely usable. Gui clients just half baked barely products. Adding to the piling bad reputation of the development team ( some fraud, adding backdoor ip leaks ) I think it's enough to bury tox

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Nah, she knew about his husband and Epstein ( and his at least strange occupation ) far lower than she's wiling to admit.

Exactly, if you see troll, just block him and declare "damnatio memoriae". It works exactly like this in fms usenet like forum for old freenet / hyphanet. You can even subscribe block / allow lists ( -100 to 100 weight lists ). In my opinion, it's very good mechanism. One of the best I ever saw

We can, closed communities with some effort to enter the group. I pretty much ditched most main stream social media and use what it used to be mailing lists and discord servers. It's not about technology. Internet and access used to be simply exclusive and we have to create exclusive channels to communicate about f.e. arts, history, technology or even occult where there is no "free riders" with no knowledge. That's what I mean and this may happen imo. Quality over quantity

And also the same who wrote the bundes trojaner :-) ( I know it's most likely the German intelligence but still funny )

The email plugins for various clients make it easy to mistakenly think you’re sending an encrypted email.

Ok. Now I know what's the issue but this is not the problem with gpg. Nah, gpg integration with thunderbird is so flawless that it clearly says when it's encrypting when not. Also you can see the raw email content and then you see whether it's plaintext or ciphertext. I'm using thunderbird with gpg very often so I know how it works nicely with gpg

I agree with you. The idea of tox was great, unfortunately implementation was not that much. Indeed imo loss for messanger apps / protos ecosystem

Which client do you use? Desktop is the best working, second android element slow and laggy but fullest implementation so far, worst are element x which they created only to test still draft phase feature speeding up syncing but otherwise half backed. There is no other third party clients which would be significantly complaint with the protocol

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Preferences are debatable and some people actually like that crap you don't. F.e. I never understood American hype on "superhero" movies. I'd sooner watch American wresting which may be more plausible than any modern superhero movie

I think it's better to present a valid point against somebody's statement than straight down voting without giving a reason "just because don't like him". I think it would create positive discussion environment in lemmy. We are here after all to exchange ideas on lemmy. Aren't we?

If you interpreted my last comment that I called you communist ( which I didn't intend ), I'm sorry that wasnt my intention. However, in my home country we say that best way to finish a meeting or party is to start politics. That's why I'm allergic to politics because I know that most people even don't try to argue, they only repeat "their opinions" same one form or another and call themselves names and labels. People have too far opinions to reconcile and I'm fine with this

Unfortunately, it's not bullet proof solution. I still see multitude comments in technology communities about "it's capitalism (greed)". It's an uphill battle to block it all. You can't block whole instances like lemmy.world or lemmy.ml :-)

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It's informal way of transferring the money. You give your money to Hawalardar which contacts the Hawalardar in the destination country. That person gives back the money minus fee which you pointed out or any person who knows the code. It works like money transfer but outside the formal payment system. That's why it's hated by most governments in the world. In many countries it has names like in China "flying money"

I don't use mailbox gpg sevice simple as that. I use mailbox perfect imap (k-9) / pop3 (desktop) integration and use gpg natively in case if that person uses gpg. Thunderbird (desktop), k-9 with openkeychain on android. I don't say proton is bad. It's quite good if you never want to export mails outside our webmail. I do want it so protonmail is not for me. Most my protonmail issues were with their bridge they, until the moment I migrated to mailbox, have not resolved.