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Joined 1 years ago

Did you know I have a pet?

gets out wallet

Here let me show you!

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we're not part of the EU anymore and therefore not covered by the EU's mandate that is forcing Apple's hand

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100% πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ the BBC did a great docu-series on Raynd. If you're wondering what it is that you can't quite put your finger on about her work, it's that she's utterly miserable. A person whose geat intellect can't even make them joyful is a person whose intellect has turned against them.

The core issue is soil quality. Without sufficient organic content in the soil, all our food, whether it be plant or meat, has drastically reduced nutritional content meaning we need to consume more for the same effect. We're heading for a global food shortage because of the one key issue. Healthy soil also sequesters an enormous amount of carbon from the atmosphere. So instead of fighting the beef vs tofu wars, we should be focusing on encouraging agricultural practices that enrich soil rather than destroy it. We have about 50 years of crop cycles left before the majority of arable earth turns to sand.

Shifting your diet to be more plant-based is a good idea, but it's not the crux of the issue.

Thinkpads tend to have excellent build quality, solid firmware and well thought out design. Price to performance on second-hand models is always outstanding and their popularity ensures hardware compatibility with Linux.

Of the brands you named, I just don't trust the hardware. Tuxedo computers for example uses Tongfang white-label computers that they just slap their logo on. Quality control isn't as thorough as Lenovo's, firmware is sketchy, TDP tends to be all over the place and keyboard quality doesn't come close.

Thinkpads also have-- and I can't stress the importance of this enough-- a nipple. I don't really use it, but if you try to take it away from me I'll bite you.

Holy Jebus, that is the absolute most bleeding edge phone I have ever seen, and it costs less than a Pixel 7a...

But agree with others that the software is a deal breaker. Loading this up with stock android would be a much better experience, but of course with roms there is a price to pay in terms of stability and compatibility.

Same. 3h or less usually. Love my colleagues, the work is fine. But the requirements are so low that I'm able to manage a startup during work hours 😌 #softwaredeveloper

I'm all about the side-folders (Z-Fold), the flip folders (Z-Flip) are cool but gimmicky. Never owned one, but probably will one day!

song by a band that fitted with my habit of nuking my PC every couple of weeks, either because I wanted to try a different Linux distro or because I got some kind of Limewire chlamydia

oh my god, too real πŸ˜‚ except I was there, my scar is more brutal and I'm all the more stupid for letting it happen. I'll explain, and I'm going to do so in more detail than I ever have before.

I was living in China in 2017 and I got an infection on my guy. In hindsight because I had a new girlfriend, was having a lot of sex, and wasn't cleaning very much. My girlfriend takes me to the local hospital in this "small town" (different meaning in China), and I sit down in front of this miserable looking bloke with a fat, fancy golden wristwatch who says: "δ½ ζœ‰δΈ€δΈͺ选择 。。。either take this medication and the infection will probably return, or 'peel skin' and be free of it forever."

I looked at my girlfriend with a grin and asked what she thought would be best. How bad could it be anyway if they do it to babies. Probably like getting your ears pierced.

She drags her thumb across her throat and screams "off with his head!" or more likely she calmly says "peel skin." All I remember is that she said it without hesitation. The slimy looking doctor slithers upstairs to the operating room and I get on the table where there's a large light above my head which, turned off, is acting as a mirror. I can see everything as his assistant passes him the syringe to knock out my guy and then the scalpel to begin the scalping. All I could see was a bloody mess when his phone rang in his pocket. I could smell the blood as his assistant removed the phone from his pocket and answered the call. "They want to speak to you" she said. So the doctor puts the phone between his ear and his shoulder and continues cutting and chatting away. "That's my dick you prick!"

The next day my guy is bandaged from head to toe. I tell my girlfriend to stop visiting because every time I get an erection I drop to the floor in writhing pain. Limping along the pavement a group of 80-somethings breeze past me. The pedestrian light goes green and I barely make it to the island in the middle of the road before it goes red again. I lie awake every night, plagued by spontaneous erections and excruciating pain. As the wound healed a grotesque scar formed as a reminder that the body is sacred.

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Everything we think of as owned is only borrowed from the Earth

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Had no idea American's couldn't do that 😲 No wonder they don't travel!

  • I have not heard the fans once in over a year of heavy use, I'm starting to doubt they exist. Fan noise is a far more prevalent issue with Windows machines so I'm very curious to know how you've managed to convince the fans to spin up at all, let alone at a high volume.
  • No window snapping is a glaring omission, but easily resolved with a 3rd party app.
  • Fortunately as a programmer I hardly use Finder, but yes it's not very intuitive.

I could list fifty problems each with Windows, Mac OS and Linux, but am comfortable enough with all of them because I adapt to their weaknesses (the ones that can be adapted to anyways).

The worst experiences I've had in my life always make the best stories πŸ˜„

I am a kind of laptop addict. I sell and purchase laptops every 6 months or so. I've tried everything on the Windows side, and have had the most beautiful machines in my possession, but they all had some critical flaw that made me look at my work laptop (Macbook Pro M1) and think... "I get it"

They currently have a monopoly on the best computing experience, that's why it costs so much. The developer experience is 10 times better than Windows, but it's doesn't suffer the lack of software support that Linux does. It has the best battery life BY FAR of any laptop, which is important to people like myself who find themselves working on trains and planes. And the overall build quality and performance is so good that it can be resold 5 years later for 75% of the original price.

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oh my god this is incredibly exciting! huge fan of e-ink. I wonder what the refresh rate is and how much impact the tech will have on battery life.

EDIT: should have read top comment πŸ₯²

It just works the best. Ad-blocking is unrivalled. I've tried Firefox+extensions, Duduck Go browser etc, but none match Brave's ad-blocking capabilities on mobile and desktop.

And I'm all on board with the dream of users receiving a return on their attention. Yes the quantity is small now, but that's because it's just starting out.

wipe the linux partitions and get back to a life of convenience and productivity. until another 6 months have passed and I think "maybe this time..."

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