The Stoned Hacker

@The Stoned
10 Post – 189 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Just passin' through

I've spoken with a colleague who's more experienced with physical networking (my work is mostly cloud based) and it seems the issue is that i have a dumb switch in-between my server and my managed router/switch so nothing is crossing VLANs properly. We figured this out because I did a packet capture on my network and did two DNS queries, one from my machine on my VPN network to the DNS server and one from the docker container to the DNS server. Both sent the same query except my machine got a response and the container did not. I am a bit skeptical that it's purely a VLAN issue, but this DNS server hasn't had any other issues with other subnets that aren't dealing with VLANs so when you've eliminated the impossible all that remains is the improbable.

its not

boy pussy, so just a man's ass

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I was there in 2017. It was glorious. I refused to participate in 2022. It was a cheap imitation. I won't even give it an ounce of thought in 2023. It's a disappointment.

As a user of a small, privacy respecting VPN, Cloudflare is both great and awful. It's great because Cloudflare captchas are single click usually while Google captchas go for infinity. It's awful because just as often as I benefit from Cloudflare, I also get blocked by Cloudflare.

I hated the chat function. DMs make sense, that stupid chat never did. And as I didn't really browse Reddit from my desktop (it was always a mobile app for me) and I used Boost, I never consistently checked my chats.

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First ex would threaten to kill herself everyday if I didn't bend over backwards for her.

Also shit that my parents did but they were young and dumb trying to raise a kid and our relationship is actually very solid now

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This is really interesting because I'm a very casual bird observer and occasionally try to whistle to get their attention, but I hadn't thought about this aspect of it!

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Holy shit dude that's not a perspective i had considered before. that's massive damn. i need to chew on this for a sec but i genuinely appreciate this. i think your analysis is very accurate and helps me reframe the issue. it would explain why i feel like im making so little progress, because I'm not debugging the actual issue. thank you again!

scientists dont tell you not to, the government does. scientists say it's probably not a good idea, but not that you can't.

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Thats terrifying, especially given that the ocean is potentially more dangerous than space. the power of water is not to be underestimated

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This is really dumb imo (the other people). My friend and I both like to be agents of chaos sometimes, so when we play Secret Hitler it's a nightmare because even if we're not on the same team we just cause so much mayhem and have everyone doubting everything. Isn't the fun in the chaos and confusion???

i keep up with the lore in a very small capacity, and im confused how they can eat the pasta so hard.

I think it might direct the sound so it may sound louder if you're the one getting shot

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I am a psychonaut. I am someone who explores myself and the world around me through the use of perception altering drugs in order to give me perspectives I wouldn't be able to achieve otherwise. Cannabis is one of those drugs and has genuinely helped me in treating my depression and anxiety, as well as connecting with other people. Additionally, it has given me a lot of cannabis related skills and knowledge which helps a lot when you live in a legal city where the weed is often stronger than a lot of people can handle. Through the use of weed I have helped many friends and myself discover things about themselves and their situations that would be difficult otherwise. I've made great friends and lost important relationships because of drugs, but yes it is a hobby even if you do not consider it one.

I was about to swipe away because I have no clue what Stash is.

I'm still about to swipe away but with the knowledge I might actually use this.

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I hate when that happens. The groups i used to play in were super open to everyone, kids women queer people anything. If you passed the vibe check (basically are you having fun and helping others have fun) then they were chill. It's awkward for me when I'm playing with someone and suddenly they're being super bigoted

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oh shit yeah i feel you with realizing things you do as habit really are learned because of shitty things that have happened to people.

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this is the vibe im getting too. i just started with photography and am taking a digital still photography class and got a D300 for cheap. My lens is meh and i can't do everything i want with it, but I've been able to take better photos than i ever have been before with a camera a decade plus old.

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so you're telling me we can use babies to fight rising sea levels???

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jesus its terrible they had to go to that extent for their safety

The landlord side of it is the murkiest imo. You having a military pension doesn't mean you're in the bourgeoisie, it just means you're getting paid for having given time from your life. Similarly, selling the surplus from your own agriculture doesn't place you in the class of controlling capital because you aren't using others' labor; you're creating something through your labor and when faced with having a surplus, are distributing your goods. Yes you sell them, but it's not fair to criticize you for trying to offset your costs while living under a capitalist system so long as the price isn't exorbitant.

Imo being a landlord is usually the scummiest, but if you're charging rent at a price set to maintain the buildings and ensure that your tenants still have housing, then I don't think you're exploiting anyone. Imo the more profit you take from your rental properties, the more it moves out of the grey area. It sounds however like you don't take profit or take a very minimal amount, and that you price your property so that it's self sufficient but not much more. In that case then you aren't really exploiting your tenants. Are they still being exploited? Yes, by the system that forces them to pay for housing. Do you have a hand in that exploitation purely by being their landlord? Yes, however if you aren't trying to extort them for money so they have housing, then I wouldn't say you're exploiting them more than just owning their housing. Theres a reason that leftists tout that theres no ethical consumption under capitalism; even in trying to help people or do the right thing, you are still feeding into a system of exploitation and extortion. That doesn't mean you still aren't trying to do the right thing or be genuinely helpful, it just means that unless we find an alternative system then we will all continue to exploit each other and be exploited. This is why the proletariat must be unified as otherwise, we will never shake the binds of our collective oppression.

thank you for taking the health of the health of the animals and food safety into consideration.

This is a really interesting one i think for the reasons you pointed out above. There is very little safety oversight for this and these people genuinely have no clue how to actually use laser aiming systems. Not to mention that if you have a laser, it should be set up such that you don't need to look for it (especially not with a scope that's mounted parallel to the laser) because it's to help your fine aim. Oh well, i was young and thought tacticool stuff was cool once too.

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Although more recently they've been the (mostly) reliable first contact in the event of a school shooter, the SRO is usually first on scene and relays into to responding officers.

Well that was the idea anyways

This one upsets me a lil because I occasionally record the music I write, and recording off a Scarlett Solo is not the easiest experience, especially when I'm only using the that came with it (aside from like my own amps and instrument specific gear).

I wouldn't know what to do with a lot of the expensive gear, but I could do something with it and get some genuine use out of it for my music. But at the same time I don't wanna fall into the same trap, so I only buy gear that I need when I need it, and that's usually stuff for my instruments themselves.

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I am someone who does that because I'm objective enough to recognize my own fallibility and that if I'm presented with reasonable and logical evidence, i will accept it and change my perspective.

It also usually stops fighting and helps progress to a constructive discussion.

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I think the difference is that if you make a mistake, you hurt yourself and maybe your horse. If someone driving a car under the influence makes a mistake, they might hurt someone else. I have and will chastise my friends and family who drive under the influence. friends dont let friends drive under the influence

I am in a constant state of working on myself. I agree that the stalking is weird and creepy and inexcusable. It usually doesn't amount to much more than a google search and a search on whatever social media i have (which is not much), but it's not right to invade her privacy as such. It is infrequent but I will make sure the frequency becomes nothing.

As for the pot comment, I understand the literature surrounding pot and am making an informed and conscious decision in partaking of it. I also enjoy being a stoner and am a fully functional adult while being one.

And yes I am aware it cannot easily be made right. I understand it is not going to be healed or fixed with a simple solution. It has just been a long journey already with slow progress. It can be difficult to see how far you've come when you're in the thick of it.

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Was it not Socrates who was told by the Oracle of Delphi that he was the wisest for he proclaimed he knew nothing at all? That parable(?) always stuck with me and although I tried to practice it beforehand, it's a good reminder that the universe is so vast and we are so insignificantly small. Our entire human knowledge pales woefully in comparison to the breadth of what exists. I only wish I could see it all.

Having taken a look at your post history, I don't really think you're actually radical enough to pull off what you think you can pull off. I think you're just an angry person without an outlet and are choosing to externalize your emotions towards politics than actually work on yourself.

Why do I say this? Because I whole heartedly believe that direct, forceful, and violent actions are necessary to fix the way things are. Your methodology is just idiotic. Eliminating 10% of the conservative vote won't change a thing because you're more heavily radicalizing the other 90%. You are making martyrs and validating the persecution complex that they claim exists. You have no reproach to what happens afterwards, nor do you acknowledge that yes they are people. There are conservatives who want constructive change and simply are more skeptical of progress than not, and there are those with the multitudes of brain rot. Will you be the judge, jury, and executioner of their lives? Will you be the arbiter of morals for an entire country? If not you, then who? Because someone will be, and revolution with no posthumous planning is doomed to fail because it creates a power vacuum for the worst types of people to fill. Almost every progressive revolution in the past century has failed because of this. From the Russian Revolution where the Bolsheviks were unhappy with the election results as took control of the government, to the Arab Spring which collapsed as iron-fisted individuals took charge.

A true revolution takes a lot of planning, foresight, domestic and foreign support, resources, and buy-in from the people, amongst other things. It must be robust such that the provisional governmental structure that transitions from the revolution to proper statehood cannot be corrupted before, during, and after the revolution. A true revolution does not seek to eliminate your enemies in their entirety (especially not if they're your fellow countrymen with differing ideals; that's genocide) but to separate you from them so you may have your own self determination. It is a push for freedom, and as such it is also the most authoritarian act you can take. A revolution not only frees but it imposes that freedom on everyone else who is not involved. This may seem like a no-brainer, but not everyone thinks that way. Simply calling for a violent revolution is idiotic because all you're doing is worsening the situation. There is so much more that must be done to even plan such a feat and here you are saying that it must be done now. I agree that time is slipping away, but your approach is juvenile and not based in reality.

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i try to mimick some bird call but yeah it's usually just to try and get their attention if I'm taking a picture. i don't play bird noises or anything else, just look at them and maybe take pictures

For the first point, does it help if the person repeating it acknowledges that they were just repeating what you said? I find that in conversations in general sometimes people don't get heard so I try to repeat what they said so it can be heard but I always try to start along the lines of "Going back to what you said...".

For the other two I completely understand and I think it's just a weird form of gatekeeping.

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well obviously as the treat distributor, you skim a treat off for yourself. And as the treat deliverer you get one too. As the treat consumer, you already are getting your treat. and the corruption and embezzlement only expands from there. soon you're consuming entire bags at a time but you need to keep the system fed. everyone has more and more mouths to put cookies in. eventually the system will need to collapse.

π=5 for most hairdressers

By whose metric? I'm a weirdo and by and large it's seen as more of a good thing, usually.

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It's believed to be that Google will serve different websites to non-Chrome (maybe non-Chromium) browsers, or they specifically use features that only they implement to ensure that it performs worse on other browsers. And I don't mean they add a new feature and it's only them, but that they use deprecated features that only they have. Honestly, fuck Google.

Yeah I used to play Magic and D&D. Lots of overlap there but the D&D groups are hit or miss if you get some weird people but generally everyone is chill and just wants to not die and have fun.

Magic gets crazy competitive and I can't stand walking by some people. While a lot of D&D players I've met are heavily overweight in a lot of the same ways Magic players are, it seems they're much more socially and self aware. The people at my table also were well groomed so while after 4 hours of sitting and playing while eating chips and soda there may be a bit of funk, it never really reeked.

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agreed. a good stoner doesn't force anyone to smoke (although they may accidentally hotbox the room) and just wants everyone to be at their ideal level of high, even if thats not at all.

I'm sorry that was your experience. Out where I am all the hams have been lovely people and been very welcoming and open to all people and radios.

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