3 Post – 41 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Shame, it was really a good game and because the dlc were more ambitious than just 3/4 cosmetics, I awaited the reveal of the 1st image of the sequel...

A 2D-HD remake of this game would be an instant buy for me. Hope one day it will happen...

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I took journey for the third time (1st time I will play the pc version, hope it's the most gorgeous version) and the quantic dream complete collection. The leitmotiv for this summer is "chill and cinematographic games to play outside"

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2 ideas for next years edition:

  • open the canvas to mastodon account in order to show the full force of the fedivers
  • show the handle of the person who put a pixel so we can contact and negociate


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this is NCD, so anything is possible, but in a more serious way of thinking, Turkey is still a member of NATO so even if US fleet can't enter the black sea, they can stay in national turkish water as long as Erdogan does not explicitly eject them and having a US fleet inside the Bosphore is a good way for US to show muscle and put pressure on any nation bordering the black sea without even entering the black sea.

Even if it's true, drones are not like missiles: send on surface drone in sacrifice to open a breach and control the others to enter the breach. It will cost Ukraine one more drone for every attack but from I understood those drones are not that expensive.

And if I had that simple idea from the safety of behind my computer, it's 100% certain SBU has 10 more realistic idea to bypass that thing... 🤣

NATO allies don't want Ukraine to join while at war with Russia but to get a fastpass after the victory

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Well if something bad happen, it will be the end for Russia, Stoltenberg said multiple times that ZNPP is off limit and both US congress and senate already voted preemptively for an article 5 trigger in case of a ZNPP blow- up. I know putler and vatnicks are stupid but they can't be THAT stupid by doing the only thing that would bring NATO armies on Ukrainian soil.

If I remember correctly, Stoltenberg said that NATO missiles already track down russian ships and it would take less than 30 minutes to wipe out the entire russian black sea fleet. So a really bad move to force NATO enter military in the conflict...

Just replace a drug by another one. Just like e-cigarette is used to replace the old product. Maybe you just need to inhale more Lemmy to change your addiction (and good news Lemmy is healthier) XD

oh no, no, no, no, I'm not ready... I don't want to cry again to Sif backstory 😭

Russian propaganda is right, only a few scratch, the hole is not due to the explosion but because russian air force is testing convertible bomber so pilot can feel the air flow and the sun when it's summer

No but they don't ask to, allies ask biden to do all the paperwork now so Ukraine can become NATO member after their victory

they will not enter the Black Sea, they will put high pressure from the entrance, like a golgoth outside a room that you know will transform you into a moskva if you dare exit the room. even if you stay in the room, you still fill that pressure ^^

Already have it on Steam ^^

Thank you, didn't knew that ^^. So only option 1 would be interesting to add next year if PM works the same with every ActivityPub services. Mastodon, Peertube, MissKey, Funkwhale, kbin, etc... All united to create a better r/place than the original ^^.

A game across the fedivers <3

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you may try "blanc". A good coop game with simple gameplay mechanics

look like a complete reskin of Stellaris sold as a new game but with a limitation of 4 races to choose from...

Based on idiocracy documentary there are not enough NSFW post so I call it's a photoshop, not a true screenshot 😛

your drawing is being attacked by a pro russian account, I try to defend it but without the template it's hard to do so.

Arkham knight is the perfect ending for the trilogy. I would definetely take that one

I know bout that remaster and no a remaster is not like a remake... 2D-HD treatment is the best FF6 can hope. A glimpse at octopath traveler 2 show how this technology is the perfect dress for a game like FF6

In France the "pixel war" was the name of the second r/place and every news media talked about it. Even Zinedine Zidane, or most beloved french soccer player made a video thanking one of the french streamer that lead the "French army" in the pixel war". It was the biggest reddit ad ever made in the country.

Ok, I really need an update on warframe timeline now... If Arthur is the first excalibur in 1999 but Orokins looks like Orokins in the sacrifice flashback how is it possible that now they looks like humans in 1999...

If you want a mech game where mechs weight and movement are closer to what AC was, you have Gundam Battle Operation 2.

Assassin's Creed Origins in a marathon to end Origins/Odyssey/Valhalla in preparation for Mirage (I have been spoiled about a major modern day spoiler that makes me hype again for the modern day story in the franchise and by extension I'm once again hype for the franchise after years without playing the games because of modern day story deception)

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the US will not be the problem, Hungary will be (not Turkey on that one, they are building military facilities on Ukraine Soil meaning the tide between Ukraine and Turkey is strong enough for Turkey to accept Ukraine NATO accession). But US can pressure Hungary (just like what is happening with Sweden accession). pressuring US is pressuring the whole NATO because a lot of NATO countries relies on US military technology and intel (and the countries that don't rely on US: France and UK have already voted for a fast Ukraine NATO accession in their respective parliament)

Well in France the defense historical budget has been voted few month ago and Nexter has already double the ammo production for Ukraine and is expected to double it again before the end of the year (so a 4x the production since the beginning of the war)

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Well since the update my bluetooth has all it's mapping shuffled each time I connect it to the Steam Deck. First time it happened I wondered why when I want to heal on crisis core I parried instead XD

For people wanting a work around: after connecting the bluetooth controller, use the steamdeck controller to go to parameter > controller > select your controller > test input and with the touchscreen select "reset the input mapping". After that it will be good until you disconnect the gamepad or put the Steam Deck on Sleep.

I hope a patch will arrive soon to fix that...

glad to see ! is already spreading everywhere on Lemmy 🤣

Hum more Age of Empire than Empire Earth I think

well that was expected... Today I also saw a news about Microsoft wanting to push every Windows users to cloud version with a monthly subscription (Windows365)

strange way to commit suicide... And not necessary the most effective. They are a lot of story of flight deck men on aircraft carrier being ingested by fighter jet engine and survived

1 more... is being DDOS by all the Reddit migration that is happening. Should be fixed when the waves end

you are very welcome here, just like the dark force we have cookies here ^^

France has a doctrine of not depending nor trusting anyone, including USA and since France inject directly money to private arm industry with a budget voted for the period starting from now until 2030, the arm industry does not have to care about duration of the war. From what I know a lot of countries in Europe does the same (vote for a defense budget over a long period) unlike USA that vote every year. But USA prepare itself for a possible conflict over Taiwan and needs to buy a lot of arms and ammo to the private sector so the are not takeb by surprise so it would be better for them that the Ukraine war that empty their stock end soon.

they do that because people are more aware of how to protect their privacy and the stance free because you are the product is no longer profitable. People taking care of their privacy in mass is a good sign for humanity :)

My bad, it seems that you are right, 8bitdo use the gulikit joystick.

so it's the same stick for both controller, so they differ only with their form factor which is a more subjective element to compare. I really like the Xbox Elite Controller design of the King King 2 Pro Controller.

I love both games but I have a big problem with how TotK handle the power. for the base power BotW gives more freedom to choose how to do something and whether or not use your power. TotK on the other hand scream "USE YOUR POWER" everywhere. For the support power, the fact that the IA can litterally flee with your power when you need it is infuriating. So in some way I prefer BotW for being more immersive sim than TotK, while I prefer TotK for its story, music and map.

A controller with HAL joystick implying high precision, no deadzone required and will never drift. I personnally chose the Gulikit King Kong 2 pro controller and love it ^^

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yes, once you have tested HAL joystick, you can't return to classic gamepad 😄

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