9 Post – 171 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

GDPR was designed around the "Do not Track" browser flag, so that websites can get a semblance of consent using those annoying cookie prompts, with dark patterns like hiding the "Decline All cookies" inside the second page of the prompt, or using very small fonts and gray colors + very confusing language. and they have carried on with complete impunity for 5 years now.

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The most moral army in the world they say, Forces of Light against forces of Darkness they say

They are reveling on spilling Arab blood unhindered, indulging in the most vicious fetish of a supremacist ideology . humanity can go fuck itself

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70 year of atrocities committed in Palestine with the support of western powers and the indifference of western media

2023 : IDF commits yet another round of genocidal atrocities in Palestine

western media: Surprised Pikatchu face 🤯

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Those who buy apple products deserve each other.

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When will the World stop Israel indulging in this Blood thirsty revenge ritual ?

when is the the fucking humanity going to stand up to this rotten world order ?

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Almost everything apple does nowadays is a marketing front, repairability, privacy, not including chargers, accessories and removing the headphone jack for the sake of the environment, and more to come.

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Contrary to many in here, I don't think this will cause another exodus from reddit. those who might be concerned by this have already left or reduced their time on the platform

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Is it against YT TOS or did they take the liberty with this decision

Second, as much as I have always found him sketchy and a very irritating person, I am very alarmed by the erosion of people's right to be presumed innocent until found guilty. even when I know that he is quite capable of the committing those allegation

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Weird how there is no mass exodus of Korean youth to countries with better living standards considering the have very strong passports.

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In the 2000(s) messengers used to warn you not send phone numbers to your chat correspondents. now without giving out your phone number you can't use those messengers

If you have enough money, you can do whatever you want!

I don't now how do we still consider France a democracy . Controlling public opinion by banning protests and controlling the narrative through billionaires' owned media, isn't what comes to my mind when thinking about democracy, reducing it to the freedom to choosing representatives is a slippery slope towards authoritarianism

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Maybe be We should shift our thinking to assume that everything posted on the internet is Fake. that's the only solution to counter the proliferation of AI. the genie is out of the bottle and can't be forced back

only believe information from official sources that is cryptographically signed.

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I call it racism

There have been more civilians killed in the latest atrocities by the Israelis in Gaza in only three months than the number of all Ukrainian civilians dead in almost 2 years. but they haven't spared one bad word of the dictionary in describing Putin's war in Ukraine while banning their journalists from describing Israel's atrocities as brutal.

If this isn't racism and viewing one race more worthy of humanity and empathy than another, than I don't know what it could be, cause maybe we need a better word to describe both "racism + hypocrisy "

I bet they will keep adding loopholes to keep websites bullying their visitors.

why bother making legal frameworks when you can't enforce them, there are hundreds of thousands of website including very prominent ones that hide the "reject all cookies" button after a second screen prompt. or flat out force you to opt-out of every second cookie category , just so you give up. they haven't been fined. and they know EU authorities aren't bothered either, so they keep infringing on the GDPR.

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Have you seen His hand gestures and talking style lately, He is imitating trump so desperately it is pathetic. Even the most hardcore republican can see that he is a con artist.

They can destroy the organization. but they won't be able to quash the resistance movement. they will only make the current generation even more determined to avenge their ancestors. and the cycle keeps going

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Now the Ethnic cleansing machine can carry on with the support of the west.

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When contracts don't include prices

They have no shame on deflecting the blame

It must be a very precise and fortunate failure for Israel that an enemy rocket failed and landed exactly on a hospital and killed hundreds of Palestinians they deem unworthy of humanity.

The western world has blood on its hand by supporting such a criminal state

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They have freedom of the press, but no freedom of speech they way it is guaranteed through the US constitution. in fact they have laws against hate speech and antisemitism.

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Imagine any other citizen doing the same. they would be rotting in prison.

I always thought about why don't FOSS projects that are at risk of getting sued by big corp like (NewPipe, Popcorn Time, streamio, tachiyomi ....) embrace the dark web or git over torrent via VPN, so their projects don't get threatened with take downs. z-library ended having to move to the dark web after all.

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He is waiting for trump to save Xitter, but trump is taking his time

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Out to where ? mass displacement of population is called ethnic cleansing. mass murder of innocent lives is called collective punishment and genocide. I bet the US has a long track record of doing both but they only dare using those terminology with enemy states.

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They know which side they stand on and they want all their citizens to align to it.

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Google's ranking algorithms are also to blame. If you publish anything on a new website it will take you eternity to rank up against copycat sites and websites that have nothing to do with the search query, they will outrank your publication just because their websites have had 5+ more years presence than you, have paid their way through the ranker, and their article has only one of the six keywords mentioned in the search query but isn't relevant to the whole search query, your article will linger on page 10. you will put 5 times more work to move your post to the 9th page than the time it took you to research and write the post.

google has shaped the internet into what American democracy is, those with more money get more exposure

This is Beyond "Can I interest you in some Tracking cookies ?" , this is "You MF better put these cookies down your throat or I will shove them up your Ass".

Western media: Israel is a beacon of democracy that mast be defended by all means

also Western media: nothing to see here, you an are anti-Semite, you need re-education.

I don't know where you are getting your numbers. maybe it's your selection bias, but facebook's userbase keeps groing, and even if its getting less teenager engagement, those teenagers are flocking to Meta's other platform Instagram.

Because everyone is just hoping to someday becoming rich and joining the upper class.

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You can't give away what you can't control

Being forced to see a GP before a specialist even when you clearly know you have an ear problem and you'll end up being referred to the specialist anyway. money grab policies!

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I have been following the DMA closely, and so far it has been a big disappointment, just as I expected.

The way the EU approaches this walled garden problem, is to try and offer ways for other competitors to tap into the user base of the bigger players instead of trying to allow all EU citizens to chat with any other EU citizen who uses META Products regardless of their host platform. meaning "us" people who wish to self host an xmpp or Matrix servers and chat with facebook friends, It won't be straight forward or entirely possible for us to do so. unless maybe by doing a KYC with META. and signing up very stringent service agreements.

Meta will be creating all sorts of hurdles the DMA laws will allow them to, to cripple interoperability, from making other plateform signing up to special permissions from Meta, to hiding interoperability settings and making them opt-in, and building a scary rhetoric why you shouldn't be allowing other people outside of META to get in contact with you. There are some valid concerns, but I suspect Meta will implement the most spiteful procedures they can get away with, then spin up a rhetoric about proving their users being massing against interoperability.

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Still waiting to hear about this news or the 400 children killed in Gaza on the BBC, CNN, SKY NEWS, DW, FRANCE 24, LCI and the rest

Way to easy to paint any criticism about Israel as hatred towards Jews. Lobby groups with big money define the limits of the discourse.

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It's like trying to complain about god's unfairness to an non-existing higher authority.

Been there, done that, and came on top.

It is also about conflating legitimate antisemitic hatred with anti-Zionist sentiments. look at how EU countries are banning Pro Palestine Protest under the pretext that those protesting are systematically anti-Jews. look at how UK's Suella Braveman is trying to quash any criticism of Israel actions under the banner of antisemitism and is working on passing lopsided authoritarian laws to imprison any critics of Israel's genocidal records.

I will believe it when I see it.

Let's not forget that more than half of its user base don't have access to online payment. so I don't know how they are planning on keeping them

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