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i worked for a hybrid hosting and cloud provider that was partnered with Electronic Arts for the SimCity reboot.

well half way through they decided our cloud wasn’t worth it, and moved providers. but no one bothered to tell all the outsourced foreign developers that they were on a new provider architecture.

all the shit storm fail launch of SimCity was because of extremely shitty code that was meant to work on one cloud and didn’t really work on another. but they assumed hurr hurr all server same.

so you guys got that shit launch and i knew exactly why and couldn’t say a damn thing for YEARS

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jesus fuck i cannot wait for these old bags to fucking croak and take their outdated logic with them.

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i’ll spell it out really slow like for ya if it’ll help.

israel’s treatment of the palestinian people is that of an ethnic cleansing.

they are removing their heritage sites.

flooding their farmlands during winter so they’re fucked in the spring.

constantly boxing in all palestinians that live in any of the palestinian territories that still exist.

shooting palestinian women, children

shooting journalists and medics that choose to help or report on the situation.

bulldozing their land and homes to make room for new israeli settlers that will happily steal that land from the palestinians.

responding with disproportionate force after palestinians are goaded into defending themselves. one molotov should not equal days of missile strikes.

they have consistently “accidentally” targeted school buildings and hospitals for missile strikes during disproportionate responses.

basically all of these actions amount to ethnic cleansing, which is a facet of genocide.

israel’s M.O. is to act like nazi lite, then when the world takes notice and outrage occurs, they back off. during that time, they lobby the US government and pull strings and make threats.

and if you criticize israel at all for their behavior on the world stage? well then you’re just a fucking antisemite, and they’ll be quick to call it that.

they spend some of the most money of any world government using social media teams to protect their country’s interests.

you’re looking at smarter nazis with better PR and lots of money.

i’m not even gay and id buttfuck a twink just to stick it to the man. then i would claim it’s not romantic because i’m not gay so how could i feel romance toward another male.


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“oh your son of god died on a cross and now you gotta wear it on your chest and plaster your car? it was 2000 years ago get over it!”

that’s a spicy take rudy.

also my favorite part of the entire article is “guliani doesn’t elaborate on other instances when the red sea was parted”

like, obviously, but this felt so needlessly hilarious to add in as a detail in the article

thanks margot!

i really appreciate you taking the time out of your normally-busy schedule to just be in the river of shit with the rest of us. really makes us feel like our trudge work is worth some respect.

loved you in barbie, btw.

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arrest them and form a completely redrawn map.

fuck them at this point. like “aha! we refuse! checkMATE!”? bitch please.

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sheit, i’m not convinced this is isn’t an official effort driven by the studio to promote the movie by some viral means

this is some genius fuckin advertising if it is, and it’s hilarious free advertising if it isn’t

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this is coming from a staunch fucking ally that has been there for more than a couple of friends that have transitioned.

but you gotta realize the outside world is not beholden to your preferences or desires. and if someone else runs counter to that, it’s literally as simple as not dating the guy.

he stated his preference. he likes breasts. he doesn’t like dicks. he would likely say that he likes breasts because as is obvious, the dude likes em. so it someone had a problem with that type of complimenting, it’d probably not work out.

sooooooooooooooooooooo there’s literally no problem here except you’re feeling attacked. with the amount of things y’all have to put up with in society, i understand y’all’s bitterness and anger and exasperation and frustration with any interactions. but this seems a silly hill to die on. it’s a dude’s preference.

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oh there are lots of ways.

unfortunately a lot of the time, it doesn’t get any easier.

that being said, it all starts with knowing and understanding that, if you love who you are, those mistakes helped make you who you are.

personally that helped me come to peace with the fact that i had fucked up so badly.

next is atonement to yourself and others. that means learning to prevent the mistake from occurring again in the future, helping others that you recognize are making the same mistake so that they don’t have to suffer like you did, and if you hurt someone, apologizing to that person for both their and your own healings sake. sometimes it also means apologizing to yourself.

you do have to understand, though, that people change over time. our mistakes make us who we are. and you are not the same person you were when you originally made the mistake.

last and most unpleasant advice i can give is to allow the feelings to wash over you. our brain is capable of experiencing so many emotions, and each emotion serves a very important purpose. we tend to lead lives that shy away from the unpleasant emotions, but there is value to be had in experiencing them. feeling the shame of making a mistake can drive you to never make that mistake again. that’s valuable, even if it is unpleasant for a time.

signed, a guy working his ass off to be a perfect candidate for a liver transplant after a series of stupid shit decisions and drinking occurred during a divorce and a layoff.

it gets better bro.

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fuckin libs bro, i can’t stop lusting after hot pink ryan gosling! this is what the left wants! THIS IS THE FUTURE IF YOU GO WOKE! WAIT!WHERE’S EVERYONE GOING? COME BACK!

NGL adidas, being one of two companies that were started by essentially heirs to the dude who got rich designing and manufacturing the nazi boots, then later saying “ol antisemitic yeezy isn’t that bad right?” for hopes of more money.. is admittedly a really bad look.


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eh DHCP isn’t really important right? obviously if it hasn’t changed since the 80’s why would you need to reboot your server.

what are vulnerabilities?

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get this, there’s often times “advance notice” that a VIP is going to visit a major venue.

certainly enough time to stitch the banner together and get up in the air to let the shitbag really know how they feel.

either they had the money to pay someone for the service of doing this, or they put in the hours to get their pilots license and a plane and fuel and a banner.

either way, it’s a worthwhile investment of time and money if you ask me.

mate i think you’re remembering a different reality because BK sucks hard and has since the 80’s

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man what an age to be alive, the age of spin.

gone are the days that we saw true outrage or despair happen in the moment.

now we must properly primp and curate how we will be perceived candidly, which is just about the dumbest and pettiest shit i can think of.

“i want my profile to look like i was really sticking it to the man” is an admittedly silly look imo

that being said, go off and you be you because what matters is you got off the shithole of reddit.

what speaks louder than demonstrative curated comment history is lots of people leaving en masse and going to another service. the more people come over, the more others will adopt the new standard.

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cool let’s ban all pornographic literature too. watch the karen’s rise up at the ban of their smut romance novels.

and OLD

what like 2, 3 trips to tahiti?

¿ i s t h i s l o s s ?

this is the future the left wants, wake up people

give the editor that chose the rudy pic a fucking raise

this implies he didn’t have hamberders at any time during the sauna and fasting, and we know he has only the best food.

aaaaahahahahahahaha that bitch can get fucked for all hundred k of it.

under schedule 3 it’ll be easier to obtain than adderal.

i know the young folks think it should be an all or nothing solution but the truth is the country as a whole rarely moves that way with so many contending views.

this is how you change those views against it, by removing the demonization over time in phases.

this gives time for the private prison systems and big pharma and big alcohol/tobacco to get their ducks in a row for the changes that will surely arrive.

when the people who believe that it is the worst drug ever see what a difference in perception can do as the government no longer demonizes it, that’s when it’ll be fully legalized.

shit sucks but with over half the country filled with fucking idiots, you really need to be able to crawl before you can walk or even run. this is a step in the right direction and i’ve been around long enough to see what a fucking foot in the legal door this is.

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personally, i know it would have made me feel quite cross about the whole situation.

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so i’ll go ahead and say it, are those classic fucking sugar booger tremors he has going on? dude looks like he’s straight up coke tweaking.

found the bmw driver at heart

it’s worth noting that we should be reminded of the rosenbergs if you want to see what should and used to be done to those who sold state secrets. and those weren’t state secrets that led to unprecedented amounts of CIA assets being killed.

if it wouldn’t turn his dumb ass into a martyr by his followers, i’d say he should meet the same fate the rosenbergs had.

as it is, with how hard he fucked over the CIA, i won’t be surprised if he suddenly has a heart attack or disappears years down the line.

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there is a difference between saying what you mean, personally, versus personifying what one imagines the GOP leadership running the state of louisiana would say based on their voting record and obvious stances.

the person saying the comment above likely doesn’t think the people of louisiana don’t require doctors, but is instead saying that the state, as a whole, is reaping what they sow.

it’s unfortunate that there are going to be a lot of people that get fucked over on this. and a lot of people will have to do a lot of traveling to get procedures done. and it’s going to be painful. and that pain unfortunately needs to occur, or else the powers that be won’t realize how far they’re fucking over the citizens of their state.

it’s a hard lesson that’s being learned. idaho is learning it too. it fucking sucks.

brain drain is real. and the folks that ensured that it was possible are going to reap what they sow.

right now as far as lousiana the state government is concerned, they would rather have the coverage of a religious based rule than a gay doctor that could save the lives of so many children.

in which case: the hyperbolic statement that “there’s no need for doctors in red states, they have prayers” is, in essence, an accurate hyperbolization.

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i feel you bro. people in here talking shit like they don’t know that some net devices are literally made for webgui first and foremost, and programmatic changes don’t work for every api even if it says it’s supported (fucking looking at brocade).

if you’re used to cisco cli, shit like juniper or palo alto or f5 can be intimidating when looking at the configs.

but i swear to fucking god if you use gui instead of cli for cisco, we gon have words.

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“and it ain’t even friday! that’s how bad you need to shut the fuck up!”

we now are fuckin

well it’s not quite rome, but… when in the place where romans eventually went to and then we’re like “yo let’s bury a golden book”, then it’s time to reign in the bodacious butt fuckin?

idk it’s all greek to me.

it’s according to georgia law as far as how much they need to charge you for bail. it’s predetermined off of the crime and income and danger to society if i recall correctly.

mfs had batteries, sheit

you don’t bear the mark of being seen? the little permanent dot that’s there even when you close your eyes?

well then, bunch of pussies.

bro got a Spanish dog np np just learn Spanish

right? the fact that someone took the time to make it and then post it online.

fuckin chef’s kiss