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Joined 3 months ago

So it's morally fine for assholes to pay money and buy up rights to creative works and deprive people of enjoyment just because their imaginary concept of ownership trumps ours?

So anybody suspect lead poisoning?

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Lol these people were sleeping till now because it was just a bunch of brown people getting murdered en-mass. The moment some white folk died they care.

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This is the last panel on that Bernie Sanders meme were he gets more and more excited.. Sign me up!

When it does snap usually the steel and concrete remain intact. It's the stem of the bridge that's most vulnerable to shear or buckling forces... at least that's how my stuff fail.

Sorry to nitpick: They knew people would just work fine without them. But the scare is that now the truth is out in the open and they lost leverage.

The latter.

It's tough when people like us sit here online and bicker at people for not doing their jobs.. when we can see they are literally overwhelmed by an avalanche of attack from rightwing douchebags who have infinite resources and infinite bootlickers to mindlessly repeat propaganda.

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This implies the people handing out these conservatorship judgements are infallible, which they aren't.

don't accept the easiest conclusions too though. Israel is punching down on civilians. That much is fact.

Check what changes in lspci command between not having the GPU connected vs. Having it connected.

I am suspecting that your PCI-E bandwidth is getting exhausted once the kernel activates your GPU.

Edit: Although I could be wrong about this. So makes sense to try passing "nomodeset" to your kernel parameters and see if that changes anything.

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Sounds like skill issue.

Maybe your entire religion is a problem when selling socks deserves.. petrol bomb?

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You're deliberately saying that's the only reason and blaming that "men" only want a sex slave. Hence the downvotes.

You should get your head out of the gutter.

Yeah sounds more like a threat than a prescriptive statement.

You're simply wrong. Arranged marriage is not a strict definition of no consent. In fact, a lot of the time the girl has the final say in going ahead after an initial exchange of photos and talking face to face, at least that's how it works in cities and urbanized areas.

The reason you have this myopic view is that you're misled into believing that arranged marriage is forced marriage by watching horror stories on the news. We all know the News cherrypicks for shock factor.

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Because that's usually the cheapest part that manufacturers can get away with cheapening iut further.

This is one of the speculations among many in the great filter hypothesis.

Then you should have not bought it

I mean the CIA can kill U.S citizens if needed but I laugh that you think the U.S government can't mobilize when enough motivations appear.

(I am not the person you replied to)

The problem with this argument is that you are ruling out entire countries for the acts of corrupt governments. Thing is there is no such thing as a clean government. Everybody has skeletons in their closet.

Europeans get salty when people remind them that their wealth and renaissance was built on colonialism.

Worse.. we're the butt of it

40 is definitely higher than 10 but if its a failing score then you still deserve criticism. the debate was never about republicans. It's asinine to claim that criticism of Biden and democrats is automatically "Both sides are the same" material

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Right, all the anti-genocide protestors will disperse because a U.S bill that hamstrings any attempt to stop the genocide MAY fail.. and hence critics will remain eerily silent.

Its a loaded question with disagreeable premises.

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All those other things happen in capitalist hell. It's incredibly selfish to think everything is fine if only you are fine.

Yeah but only people like you think that is UNFAIR as if Eric Adams is your brother and should get away scott free.. just like Trunp.

You're simply out of touch then. Everybody has a right to decent livable wages. It shouldn't be that people have to almost give themselves mental illness to survive.

US and UK governments look like cucks to Israel

Yeah people get real defensive about inanimate objects but when some people lose lives it's like their empathy turns into animosity and suddenly culture is more important than lives.

His own claims contradict his viewpoint and whatever the advice he is pilferring is to "move out and buy your own home". Only way anybody with a normal wage can afford a home is via going into debt forever.

To be fair I as a 30 year old feel like things were a lot less hectic 20 years ago.

Or... think like an adult.. they have support contracts in place.

Re-enforcing it after demonstrating it clearly works without makes it look scummy and greedy.

Day 1 policy was that PSN linking was mandatory. Arrowhead execs knew this. Players who bought the game in non-PSN countries should have gotten a pop-up banner saying as much instead of the payment screen.

People have done all of what you have mentioned here but still living paycheck to paycheck. They did it because they already know they can't afford stuff. Now they're starting to stop eating healthy too. You going to claim vegetables are luxury? Fuck you if you do.

It's not so straightforward like that. Many countries like Afganistan, Iraq, Vietnam are still reeling from Direct American meddling. I could sit here and type several chapters if I also talked about the indirect meddling.

As if anybody here is arguing that Islamic schools are pious. You really should stop with whataboutisms.

This is incredibly naive of you.

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To make it illegal to fight for lives vs. Fighting for right to own a gun are not the same. I guess nuance is not your forte?