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Joined 4 years ago

"Sure we destroyed the planet as we knew it, but for a brief moment in time, we increased value for shareholders!"

Why did the coup occur? Do the citizens of Niger support the coup?

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Seems like everybody like you wants to spend money without diligence when it's the public money.

Proven methods of combating climate change are being ignored here. Hell, the government need not even invest in proven techs like wind farms and solar.. they could put that money into modernizing the power grid and even that would be better than... whatever shit this is.

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To do something equitably when reality is not equitable is disengineous and immoral

If management weren't lazy they would make work much much smoother so engineers can actually solve problems they are excited about instead of workaround shitty management policies and decisions.

You can spin up your own instance or go to one of the servers that did choose to stay federated to threads.


Boring is good. I too would like to live in a boring village, Just loaf around and watch leaves fall or something.

It's PR by Microsoft. I am beginning to doubt the intelligence of many humans rather than that of ChatGPT considering these kinds of comments.

It’s more depressing than we weren’t paying for lunch

Because billionaires lobbied congress to reduce budget for public schools

Behqving like my dad: whiny, removed, gaslighting Son of a moron who blames the person if their process doesn't work.

That's like saying we should gouge out our eyeballs if we don't want to see banner ads in real life. Fuck that noise.

It's also something somebody can't control. So it's still shitty to ask them that.

Touch luck world, i will be too out of touch to care. Full boomerism here i come!

Lol the person who thinks one person makes the world go around.

Don't treat existing code/design/archtecture is sacred until it's backed up by static analysis proving it is bug-free.

I think I can distill many of the replies to this question in a few checks that may apply generally (exceptions abound, and i could just be wrong)

  1. Are you intimately familiar (subject matter expert level) with the nasty outcomes of what you would be doing on a daily basis at this company? If yes its better it was YOU and not somebody else.

  2. How much separation is there between what you do and the nasty outcomes? If you pull the trigger on a drone.. I get thats unacceptable to some people.

  3. Does not doing the activity make something else even more worse? (Frying pan vs. Fire dilemma)

  4. Are you only doing this because there's no other real choice? (Poverty)

Fake my death, Collect the paycheck, Settle in Hawaii or something.

Constant outrage isn't healthy or productive. Context is important too.

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Why is it dumb? Can you tell me how restricting rights of women to bodily autonomy is any of the state's business or that of it's conservative constituents? Why is there an effort to stamp out a section of society over made up fears?

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Oh I am thinking of them.. how to murder shareholders in various unique ways... could be neat game idea too!

My Opinion is this:

  1. Racist/Able-ist words were once normal words. Gay used to mean "Happy" (this applies for other words probably, but I am not able to recall at the moment)
  2. Many people had no idea that ricing was a racist slang. They wanted to use it to describe a cool new thing that's inclusive.
  3. Would you agree that a word whose racist meaning is forgotten and it now referring to something inclusive and cool is a good thing in general?
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I guess most people can't afford (both time and money) to run an LLM just to have a saner browsing experience. So i suspect the key to adoption would be for the community to band together and spawn some LLM servers for the community backed by donations or other sustainable practices.

The future is probably once again crowd computing. We could probably use the federated network to distribute LLM requests from the community and load balance among those that are running LLM endpoints.

Oh ok i am dumb. I misread the comment

Wow what a brave person arguing for the rights of those who can't speak for themselves! How do you know what the fetus wants?

Lol, remind me when threads changes activitypub and damages our community.

We already paid for the Internet though.

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When you kill people who say otherwise... all there is left is people who praise you.. either out of fear or out of stupidity.

The AFD disagree with you

Ok then hear me out. Let free content supported by ads die out. Make everything paid.

This doesn't sound in line with the moderator reasoning on the source post. They wanted better moderation tools to handle the influx of new users. Sure one can read between the lines as much as they want... doesn't make it anything more than a wild accusation.

Young people may perhaps be even doing it deliberately as a protest.

Because Redhat has IBM hands shoved up through it's ass upto it's brains so it's days are numbered.

Don't underestimate IBM honchos to fuck up a good thing. Recently heard Redhat dropping dev support for a bunch of packages in fedora or something.

The moment someone fucks up.. open source always brings alternatives. See: open office vs. Libreoffice.. the bunch of firefox derivatives.

Why don't businesses do away with free and go to a completely paid model?

Let's continue on this path of thinking: Customers already pay using their data. So if you want to show ads you have to pay customers since you are scrapping their data?

So people never accomplished anything on Unix?

Then you should hopefully limit your distrust to Covid and not extend the same to Measles vaccine.

This post made sure that it will not be forgotten. Good job for opening an old wound!

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Not OP, but.. Looking for things to be outraged about is not good for a healthy community.

Microsoft terminal. It has profiles for each connection and Ligature support for fonts. Font rendering is good. Theming is nice.

Edit: in the linux world i like konsole and xfce terminal.

Not OP but, You're missing the point. This fact about the word rice is new to a lot of folks here, including me. You're hellbent on proving that everybody is in on some racist circle that's perpetuating the use of this word.

If a word changes it's general meaning in normal day use... from something so bad to something that's no longer associated with said bad thing... is it really bad? What about gay then? That term has be co-opted by homosexual men. Do you suggest we stop using the word gay? Then I would call you a reactionary.

"Authoritarian-left" hmmm....

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