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For an amusing read on how well their navy did against the Japanese, in 1905, check out Battle of Tsushima.

The Russians lost 5.045 and 21 ships (more captured and/or damaged). Japan lost 117 and 3 torpedo boats.

Here's an entertaining video on their journey to Japan.

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I guess he was ready to play.

PSA: I'm probably old enough to be your father, let me have my terrible jokes/puns.

This reminds me of the early days of the Model S; a friend of mine was an early adopter and he himself was surprised if it went two weeks without having to bring it in for something or the other.

Oh, and the dashboards that would occasionally freeze while driving. Luckily, Tesla knew it was a piece of shit, so you could just press and hold two buttons to reboot it.

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11.000 people bought one?! I figured just a few museums would've picked one, to display in their abstract art sections, or the "even when we knew how not to we still built shit" section.

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I just picked that up.

More evidence he's a challenged 5 year old trapped in an old man's body.

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Whoever thought it was funny to parasail over the village, it was in extremely poor taste. Take your twisted hatred somewhere else

Hate of what? Gravity?

This woman should make herself available to studies of the mind.

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  • Proprietary charging ports/stations, $50/KWh.
  • Increasingly slower acceleration as the vehicle goes out of warranty.
  • Any attempt at repairing faults with the car is a breach of TOS.
  • Turn signals, headlights, stereo.. all features are $5/month on the Apple Store.
  • Apple Maps will guide you into ravines and gardens.

Apple lovers would mortgage their home just to be on the waiting list.

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A couple of years ago I interviewed a guy living in SF who wanted to come over to Norway, to work as a software developer. I asked him why he wanted to make the move and he went on about how he had to get outta there, how he had lost all faith in the country and did not see a good future for himself if he stayed.

At the time I thought to myself that he was being a bit dramatic, but the more I read about how the US is treating its people these days the more I think understand what he was on about.

He made the move, btw.

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Perhaps we're beginning to see the effects of spare parts shortage.

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Well, if that's what God wanted. /s

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I had a conversation with ChatGPT on that subject. It could not stress enough how terrible it would be for the duck if I brought it home with me, and that was despite me informing the AI that the duck in question was special, that it could talk and had specifically requested to come home with me.

You need to be two people to pull that off, and the corpse must be wearing beach attire and shades. The shades are important. /s

Personally, I'd love to see a Dick Butt made from clay. Preferably with an inscription reading "the internet made me do it".

I'm Norwegian and I've never really been worried about Russia setting foot over here. Even less so now, after they insisted on showing the world just how incompetent their military is. Lethal and capable of massive destruction, yes, but also disorganized, flailing, incapable of progressing a mile without throwing massive resources at it.

I just don't see how they would get far anywhere in the Nordics. They might be able to roll across the border into any of the countries, but not with any significant amount of weaponry, and the response from the west would be swift. At least I hope and assume so.

Let's just make sure Trump isn't elected and declares his love for dictators, again, yeah?

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Perhaps the perfect opportunity to stop buying Apple products?

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The partisans are already safe and promise more such explosions in the near future

Keep it up!

A country, looking after its people?! Get that communism outta here!

Don't want to pay your employees a decent wage? No need to worry, that's for the customers to sort out!

American tipping culture is off the rails, and business owners are rejoicing, I bet.

A fast one, too, barely managed to catch it on camera.

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Isn't Harvard pretty much just "pay to play"? Just like the government, he.

I applaud your time traveling prowess, Louisiana, even if you're only capable of going backwards.

Their members feel like boys the size of men, incapable of realizing that the public view them as a moronic nuisance, and not cool or tough.

fag /faɡ/

noun: fag; plural noun: fags

A person who owns or frequently rides a Harley Davidson motorcycle.

(South Park)

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Great! Get lost, Elon.

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I like it when youtubers use thumbnails that scream "this is crap, don't watch". So many use them, too. Thanks.

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Two years later you could get an Amiga 500, with 512KB for £499. They were such a deal when they arrived. I bought a 20MB hard drive, an extra 512KB of RAM, a second floppy drive and a monitor. If I recall correctly that set me back around £1400.

Even if it were true, I reckon the whales would rather stay away from wind farms than have the entire planet go to shit.

Trump isn't reliable?! Who would've thought..

I like how it was in use recently enough to apparently have received a plastic seat/lid.

Looks can truly be deceiving He looks straight up friendly, wearing his suspenders and all:

Trump: I will make this country such a terrible place to live, you won't believe! You think Russia is terrible? Just wait and see!

Millions of Americans: Fuck yeah! Let's goooo!

Oh jeebuz how I loathe pinterest in my search results.. "Ah, cool, there's the photo I'm looking for some more info on.." > "Hi, I'm pinterest, you can fuck right off because there's nothing for you here"

This is a replica of a Count Trossi-bodied Mercedes SSK, 1930. At least I think that's what it's meant to resemble.

Here are some photos of it.

That roof looks like it could potentially be a bit.. leaky. Good thing the inspector is up there to take a look.


It's just such.. such a terribly shitty thing to do. It boggles my mind, the thought of how big of a douch you'd have to be to launch rockets/drones at grain storage facilities and still think you're in the right, and doing good.

Getting caught with 10 grams of blow is, of course, way worse than being a front figure in an attempt to overthrow the government. /s

Don't smuggle drugs kids, but attempts to take over the country can be made at your leisure.

I'm not familiar with the story you're referring to, but typically a hard landing doesn't necessitate a search/rescue team. Unless it's a very hard "landing" into the side of a mountain, for example.

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Oh no. Anyway..

There are two of them, even.

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Mhm. We need everyone to submit to DNA sampling and iris scans, so our overlords can keep more reliable records of our doings. /s