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Joined 12 months ago

Microsoft is not only a bad market leader.
It is a bad loser too. Remember the Nokia purchase? They sunk billions into the company too boost their worse mobile OS, and when it failed they shut down the whole company.
Imagine they would to something similar to Nintendo.

I don't think that's the job of Valve.
They tried to push Linux gaming a decade ago by providing a Linux distribution optimized for gaming and invited hardware vendors to sell machines with that distri.

At that time a gaming optimized distribution was hardly needed, so they were pioneers at the time.
And they still maintain their SteamOS, although it is only supported on Steam Decks.

But there has so many happened since then. Gaming Hardware is working from Day 1 with Linux. Proton - wich is supported by Valve - is supporting latest games on Linux, mostly from Day 1. At least if the developers don't actively sabotage it.
As a result we don't have that one SteamOS distribution which would ultimately put us in dependece from Valve. We have several different gaming optimized distributions that you can use.

It's great that Valve does so much for Linux gaming, but I don't want them to manage everything.

Wasn't this the case with any other Rockstar game before?

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I am playing this toghether with my kids.

I won't miss the creeper

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I made some heavy mistakes in Act 1 of Baldurs Gate 3 and the game is still continuing, now with fewer options for characters that I can include in my party, because one died permanently, one left and one even refused to join.

If that's want you meant?

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I am not a console gamer. But afaik the extra money you have to pay goes not towards Larian. It's a toll that Sony collects for allowing the game to be released on their system.
I return you get easy to use hardware for a somewhat decent price.

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I haven't seen OpenTTD mentioned yet:
If you like it you may also check out OpenRCT - although this one needs original game files from RollerCoasterTycoon (a few bucks on Gog or Steam)

So it will be a purchase on their website.

I was a day one buyer of World of Goo back in... 2009?
And of course I want to play the sequel too. Glad I don't have to use Some horrible web store, although I had preferred to have a choice where to buy.

That's a great initiative.
I haven't bought games from big publishers as EA or Ubi for years because of this issue.

I tried Pioneers of Pagonia and Foundry yet.

Pioneers is a building strategy game in the tradition of the Settlers series, of which I was a great fan until Ubi ruined it.
Foundry is a mix of factory/automation simulation comparable to Factorio or Satisfactory - and minecraft. With a big priority for factories, and decent system requirements.

Both make a great impression for now, although there are no story elements yet, and no enemies.
So it's just building up your economy. Which is okay for a start. I put both on my wishlist, and I will most probably buy into pioneers on start of EA indecember.
I have small doubts on Foundry whether it will be fun in the long term. Because by now it's "minecraft part" consists only of the materials dirt and stone. And since the factorIes themselfes look rather ugly (compared to satisfactory) I would wish for many stuff to build pretty buildings around them.

No. Just killed too many Tiefling.
First they held my friend Laezael hostage.
Then they got aggro when I tried to read their mind. Then they wanted to imprison me for looting the corses - as if the corpses had any use for their possessions any longer. And in the end they interfered when I wanted to bring Zazza home through the remains of the Tiefling camp. As if they had not learned to that point...
But even though i helped defend the grove (and the few surviving Tieflings) and they showed great gratitude to me for helping them, Karlach was no longer willing to join my team.

Same for me.
I simply show what´s doing well on Linux, and have fun with that games on my favourite platform. Since most of my favorite games run out of the box I can`t even show how to get them running.

Last games I was streaming were Gwent (the Steam version), Satisfactory and Pioneers of Pagonia.
Tomorrow I want to do a retro special and show OpenTTD.

If you want to avoid the hassle that it takes to set up a Microsoft account you may try Minetest instead of Minecraft.
It's an free and Open Source reimplementation that needs no Java, and the game mode "Mineclone" is very close to the original.

Regardings RTS I can recommend Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance

I you want to try out a business simulation you may look at OpenTTD which is free (and free of ads) over Steam.

And don't forget Among Us.

When my so was in first grade he once came home from school and told me that he learned about a famous painter called Pablo Pikachu.

But van Gogh is also okay. My son is called Vincent. But he still has two ears.

you have two problems here:

  • save and config files of linux native games. They will usually create a directory somewhere in your home directory - usually under .var or .config
  • and then the save and config files for wine enabled games. They are saved in the steamapps/compatdata directory tree together with all the (windows) files wine needs to run the program. One folder for each game.
    you would need a separate compatdata structure for every steam account to keep the saves separated.
    A possible solution would be to create a start script for every steam user that links the respective folder to compatdata, and then starts steam with the correct credentials.
    You may need to separate other folders too, although I am not sure which those may be. Steam itself can do several users, since it's based on the same code as on Windows. So you may just test with swapping the compatdata folder and check what it's doing.

A funny thing: Proton/wine seems to have a mechanic to provide a username. Because on my games installed by Heroic Launcher i find the windows Profile folder (in the Heroic prefixes folder which is equal to steams compatdata) under "c:\Users[Linuxusername]" while in the steam compatdata the folder is just named "c:\Users\user"
I found that out because I recently copied my saves files from some games that are not cloud- saved to their folders.
but I haven't seen a setting in Steam to use different profile folders in Proton. Which means you will most probably break cloud features when trying to enforce this by start parameters.

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That's funny how they spell "moral rot".

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Thanks for suggestion. I checked the trailer, but I don't think it's worth for me to try the demo. It's just not my type of game.

I myself addded 3 games to my wishlist after checking out the demos on steam this year. First one was manor lords back in march. then came Pagonia and enshrouded in october.
I am sure that releasing demo versions of games can make a difference. Many studios lack the financial power do do months-long marketing campains. Many players are even bored by such campains are are more impressed when they can get their hands on an upcoming title instead of having to watch the same trailer 50 times on youtube or in commercial TV. Many gamers do even avoid platforms as twitch or tiktok, and can't be reached by avldvertising via this platforms.

Which elemnts did you use? And are they available in Minetest too?

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Maybe because they inteded to launch later?

No one is even using Netflix' games.
Thay just make sure it will stay so.

My last survey was in November.

But yes: Selection is random. And since Linux users still make a small perecentage of Steam users it can make a huge difference when the randomizer selects fewwer Linux gamers.

Time for Star Wars season.

Yep, correct. Steam and Gog charge a provision of 30% on every sale.
Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo als charge this 30% on Top of that they chage a toll for releasing your game. And they charge you if you want to play online with the console you already payed.

Epic is not a good comparison here because they are subsidized by chinese money.

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...from what games you want to play, which hardware are you using, and so on.
I built up a new pc last november, mostly for gaming. So nobara was a great choice and all my games are running fine on it. Including Baldurs Gate3, Cyberpunk 2077, Satisfactory and Everspace2.
If you are not into buying the top-notch games on day one, you may look into other distros too. Nobara is grear, but I had some issues with my display setup (2 monitors with different rosolution) that may not have happened with mint or another more stable distro

Yep, the components. I see redstone and switches.
But I don't know those stones that lift the boat up.

I enjoyed a few of them. GtaV, or Borderlands 3 (altough part 2 will be my favorite part forever)
Civ6 was merely only a demo version, and TW:Troy really sucked and helped me save some bucks.

But mostly I just add them in the hope that Tencent will pay a few cents to The developers who created those games in the first place.
But I won't buy anything there. Games that are only sold via this platform don't exist.

Sorry mate.
I did not intend to be xenophibic.

Let's just state that the money comes from the same un- democratic country that also brought us Tiktok

Just vaccine and all be good.

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Great words: "Enjoy these games"

I did the mistake to back this project on Kickstarter. So I can tell you it's not a great loss.

Depends from how many games you want to buy during the life span of your console. If you are happy with one or two games, and only interested in Singleplayer then go cheaper with a Playstation, Xbox or Switch.
If you need assistance in using a full flegded Desktop Environment you could even buy a few games more because you will never need to call an IT professional to reinstall your Console after you clicked to wrong link in the internet ;)

especially if he has additional health issues he should go for his vaccine. Of course it's not a guarantee, but it lowers the risk for a serious illness significantly.

And it's still not an excuse to stay away from a courtroom.

Thanks mate. I love you too :)

I will check out Paradox' Millenia as well as Homeworld 3

I played the Hobbit and Ninjago the Movie together with my kids Both are very cool.
My kids play Lego City on the switch, and have much fun with too.

Valve and CDPR have (significant) investments from Tencent? link please!

Yeah, I don't have a solution for this neither.

My suggestion with creating a start script for each user would require to install a more traditional distro.

Nope, they can't. Because they have signed contracts that allow them access to the build tools for Playstation, and require them to pay the fee in return. There is no way to avoid it, becuase Sony will sue you if your "pirate- relase" a game for Playstation.

If you want to see an abusive party here, your finger must point to the Console developer.

I want to add OpenTTD and Battle for Polytopia to the list.
OpenTTD is a free as free can be transport simulation. You have to get used to the controls, but I had some fun with it on my android tablet. Although I prefer to play it on PC.
Battle for Polytopia is a Civilization style game with awesome Voxel graphic for mobile devices. One game in standard mode lasts about an hour. It is free2play in a way that you get the game and the first 3 civilizations for free and can buy additional ones for a small fee. Offline playing is possible and I've never seen any ads in it.

Oh, and of course try Gwent.
This is a CCG in the world of The Witcher - known from the books, the games and of course the Netflix series too.
It's free to play, and very generous to free players. No ads, no pay2win, and you gain ressources to craft your cards very fast.
If you want to see some gameplay: I am streaming it every wednesday on Twitch.

Thanks. I already had my portion of phun.

can we have the creeper back?