2 Post – 167 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Well, if it isn't the Streisand effect in action.

Horrible local story becomes massive story because of the coverup.

One person you're destined for by a grand design of the universe? No.

Someone you connect with on a deep level that goes beyond rational considerations and even emotional sensations? Yes, absolutely.

This is why it's possible to meet more than one in a lifetime. Timing is also a big part of it, I've met half a dozen people over the last thirty years who I would have spent my life with, where I was in my life at the time made all the difference of how those relationships played out.

I been using android since version 2 and never encountered this. I guess it depends on the device a lot, as I've worked a lot in the mobile industry I've tended to have the more powerful devices.

Which makes sense, smart phones being small computers and all, the slower ones are slow sometimes and the faster ones tend to be faster.

Androids diversity has always been it's strength and weakness

"Fake News"

There's been good and bad journalism for as long as there's been journalists

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Today I learnt my sexuality is USB

I think you literally just described to secret to a content and fulfilled life.

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My personal methods for this, may or may not work for others.

  1. don't take personal responsibility for things you can not personally control. This is the source of despair.

  2. choose where you get your information from carefully. If the source is pushing a particular version of events too strongly they're trying to get a reaction from you. Drop em.

  3. Getting more than one source prevents being pulled too far in one direction. Having too many causes confusion and uncertainty. Two or three good sources of news is enough.

  4. study history. Read about politics and events throughout all of human history. This gives you context and can be very soothing as you get a perspective broader than any single human life.

  5. focus on yourself and your life. Is that improving? What small steps do you want to take to improve that?

  6. drop the scripts you're given. You've been told what Your life should look like but it's rarely possible to meet those expectations and the news re-enforces this. Drop the scripts and live your own life based on what is possible and desirable for you.

There's probably more I could say here but that feels like the heart of it.

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Don't waste energy trying to live life with zero irreversible or undesirable consequences.

Plan to avoid them, sure. Make good choices, sure. Accept that a lot of your learning, growing and opportunities will emerge from irreversible and undesirable outcomes

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Tried the big two didn't get anything out of it.

Dropped Reddit during the big storm.

I'm fine with things as they are now.

The lower amount of content on Lemmy is balanced by the increased quality and the fact I can't spend all day on here

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As appalling as this is, it's what was predicted if these bans came into force. Horrible that people are losing such basic autonomy.

What I'm shocked by today is the amount of rape happening in America. If these numbers are accurate then that's really alarming

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That fairness doesn't exist, everyone has their own idea of it based on their background, experience and belief system.

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Are you aware of what a big deal Baldurs Gate series, especially 2, were when they launched back at the millennium?

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And yet when I think about it, it really doesn't seem that mad. If god is real and can make people he's certainly capable of making people with belly buttons.

The massacres have been occuring through all of human history, the world does not see any years without wars and atrocities.

The question I'd ask people is how they suddenly notice when this is happening.

If you're struggling to ignore it and carry on with your life, think back to the point where you were blissfully ignorant of the suffering in the world and return to that state.

That is all true and I'm not claiming to understand the cause here of the mission failure, I do want to add to the conversation that failure rates on space missions are high for all nations historically.

We've gotten better at it but it's never reliable throwing things into the cosmos!

Out of nowhere? Luke tells her she can use the force in RotJ

To answer your question though, "I've been wondering. What are middichlorians?"

Sounds like a really bad film they made to show in schools for when teachers are uncomfortable with the subject

And of course the prequal, "28 days", staring Sandra Bullock is overlooked at as always

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The show would be very revealing as we'd learn what 12 men think the signals look like!

I couldn't possibly pick one! Depends on my mood, on who I am that day 😁

I believe what they're saying is that the issue isn't a lack of people able to do the job, it's a lack of people willing to do the job under the current system

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The reason is because of the bias in the studies themselves.

For example, there's more studies showing that internet addiction is bad for teenagers because more studies have been run on teenagers.

Addiction of any kind of harmful to all age groups. The ways in which it impacts people depends on their life circumstances. For example, older people are more likely to lose a job or a marriage due to addiction than a teenager is, that's not because of the nature of their addiction.

The simplest explanation is that some teenagers are depressed or otherwise struggling and turn to social media and internet because that's what they have to help them cope. It's a natural correlation, this study is saying that we don't have the evidence to imply causation.

It's easy for some people, especially those unfamiliar with online activities and particularly those who don't value online activity, to see the correlation and blame. This is really helpful as it means they can avoid addressing the cause of the initial depression.

I've seen that movie. America did all the fighting by itself

There's a short film called "Homoworld" where straight people are the marginalised group. It's on YouTube. It's kinda fun

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In a lot of places these don't apply, most western countries cops are not allowed to lie

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That's a lot of medication for someone young.

I imagine he could feel very angry, sad and resentful about that. And the yet he can't express it to the thing that's being so unfair to him how do you tell your illness it's being unfair?

So it's just sat there until someone comes along and reminds him of how unfair it is and how angry he is by telling him to take his medication, and again he's feeling powerless.

So he takes what little power he has back, he refuses his medication and attacks the nurses.

Extreme situation, given it's potentially life and death stuff, regular human behaviour. Who hasn't snapped at someone when we're in a bad mood when they were trying to help?

When I die I also want to be scattered in the McDonald's ball pit. But not cremated.

In terms of Carbon, they produce about one third of the damage which an equivalent internal combustion engine car would.

There's a lot of factors that go into the final figures, like the specifics of the vehicle and the source of the energy used to charge it.

It's a bit like vaping instead of smoking. Neither are good for you but one is clearly worse than the other.

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This is an interesting bit of writing, drawing that distinction.

It seems focused on what a protest isn't, could do with more on what it is. What does it look like to think systemically when you turn that into action?


The far right symbol looks like a fat butt.

Fat right.

Yes, I literally teach classes on how to do this, and why it's hard

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I don't think it's a problem that trump can run for office, there are supposed to be sufficient safeguards to ensure someone like that can not be elected.

The trouble is with those safeguards, called voters, not working as intended.

The mathematical solution to the prisoners dilemma depends on how the variables are framed. The standard values are chosen to represent your point and so don't provide evidence of anything.

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Talking about any ear or hearing trouble and someone replies "pardon?"


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First place I'd look.

Run MSConfig and see what's running on startup.

Turn off any services you don't want and any programs you don't need. I suggest hiding Microsoft services unless you're confident, it's easy to break something and they're unlikely to be causing that.

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To quote Al Pacino, "we're coming out! Guns blazing!"

That seems like a solvable issue

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I've been shocked by the way people will believe violent Demagogues who convince them horrible things are okay if they're doing them for the benefit of their group of people.

The number of conspiracy theories people of the past were willing to believe about queer folk, foreign people and anyone who didn't conform is absolutely staggering.

Glad we out grew that.

That's the best figure I've seen for the total lifetime impact.

It depends on a like for like comparison. A really massive and inefficient EV will not stack up so well against a small efficient ICE, for example.

There's just too much variation for any one figure to be both simple and accurate

Two would be ideal.

Three would have greater benefits, greater complexity and problems.

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I sincerely hope people do not notice that they've not been killed.

It was be a sad state of affairs indeed if you are all making it to the end of the day and that's noteworthy.

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