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Joined 1 years ago

Nice for you, fuck blind people.

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Let me just quote the top of this thread.

people please actually read the article not the headline; this is literally about accessibility improvements for blind and visually impaired people for generating alt text inside of documents and pdfs.

It doesn't just read the page to them, which is a solved problem, it generates descriptions when they're missing, making the web more accessible.

When I worked at Amazon we had data for every little decision we made. Do you want to change the color of a button? Run an A/B test and see if it improves some metric.

Want to stop supporting a 5-year-old device? Go determine the total number of impacted people and figure out some way to compensate them.

Want to get promoted? Get 5 people you worked with to answer specific questions about your work over the last year.

Want to make an entire workforce return to an office after they kept your company afloat during a pandemic? Want to increase commute time? Want to increase cars on the road? Want to make new parents spend less time with their kids? No need for any data, some guy says he knows better.

Then throws the notes away and calls everyone commies, guaranteeing their own low wages, long hours, and unsafe work conditions.

I'll believe this in 7 years.

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If you're on a work visa and you don't want to get deported then you do what daddy Elon tells you.

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Yeah, creators, just build, host, and maintain your own streaming video service.

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I know it's sometimes informative, but I really hate the popularity of "$x quietly does $y" in headlines.

You want Google to run ads on TV or something? It's a tiny feature.

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They used to have a nice obvious detail page for every app, now I get some small entry, a bunch of other apps that I might also want to install (spoiler, I don't), and it's harder to see useful information.

Do they really think I've gone to the Play Store to install my bank's app, but I might also want to install a different bank's app?

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I'm glad for the EU, California, and other places that are big enough to force this sort of stuff nationally or globally.

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So he's about to rehire all those people he laid off, right? Surely he's not just saying this, but still expecting everyone who's left to cover all the work he's surprised by. Surely he knew these details before he fucked over a bunch of workers, right?

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We really need a compelling alternative to the Play Store, both as users and developers.

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The word "recall" in the context of a product clearly means the product had to go back to where it came from. Do Microsoft, Apple, and Google recall devices running their software every time there's an update? No, it's called an update.

There 100% needs to be better phrasing for this, and for all manufacturers. I don't give a shit about Elon Musk.

At least you sort of tried.

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VPS hosting coparison if all you care about is crypto support.

I suspect they invested in companies that sell VPNs.

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I was about to ask for the other 94%...

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Amazon does the same thing. You don't own digital content you pay for, you're renting it.

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I've seen my sister going through this process for years. It's emotionally challenging, financially challenging, and risky to her health. She's had two ectopic pregnancies and had to be operated on twice. If she manages to have one baby she'll be happy, and there's no way it would make sense to implant all the other embryos given the health risk to her. So what would Alabama have her do?

I'm glad she doesn't live there.

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Here's a video of it. I couldn't see anything on the linked website.

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Only fair that AI gets a turn now we've been ruining it for so long.

Soaking in a bathtub or basking in a sauna can be a pleasant way to relax. Done on a regular basis, both habits may also help prevent heart attacks and strokes, according to several studies.

"The high temperatures in a warm tub or sauna cause your blood vessels to dilate, which lowers blood pressure," says Dr. Adolph Hutter, professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. The volume of blood your heart pumps will also rise, especially in a hot tub. That's a result of the pressure of the water on the body, which increases the heart's workload, he explains.

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As a person who started out poor and has reached the point of being pretty well-off I can say that $10k would have been life-changing in my early 20s, useful in my early 30s, and not even 2 months of mortgage payments in my late thirties.

I'm not saying that'll be true for everyone, but it can happen. My internal scale of what is expensive versus cheap has changed dramatically over the years.

I wouldn't spend $10k on a hotel room or a bottle of wine, but it wouldn't change my life any more.

It's a fucking shame that the system is rigged against normal people.

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I've never seen companies do more user- and employee-hostile shit than in the last couple of years.

These companies, who stayed afloat because almost everyone worked from home during the pandemic and got shit done while millions of humans died, are now trying to say WFH doesn't work. Let me just check your earnings reports. Oh look, billions and billions of dollars per quarter while you lay off staff to bump your bottom line.

This shit makes me so angry.

Manufacturers are being forced to make their phones last longer with sensible things like replaceable batteries, so they're coming up with fresh designed obsolescence by adding things that will wear and tear to keep everyone spending $1-2k every couple of years.

That's a quadruple paaaass from me, dawg.

Somebody think of the poor corporations!

It's not going to be long before this seriously injures or kills someone.

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"Unless you're a Boeing shareholder" :-(

I bought a few shares of Boeing just before their 737 MAX debacle, and then COVID hit straight after. I thought things might turn around, so I'm apparently just holding the bag until they screw up so badly that I can buy the entire company.

Edit: I'm glad this is happening how it is. I'd rather my Boeing shares went to zero than have NASA be held responsible and everyone pay more tax to bail out Boeing.

I think I've heard that as a Hitler joke. Say what you want about Hitler, at least he killed Hitler.

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Ah awesome, it's a shame that you still need the phone number though. I wanted my son to use Signal on my old phone to keep in touch when I'm out and he's at home, but I'm not signing up for a phone plan for him at his age.

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Fucking finally. I got one of those Google Home devices for free a few years ago, stuck it in the kitchen, and set the screensaver to be pictures of me, my wife, our son, or our dog. Every chance it got it picked a photo of me with an ex-girlfriend, which is definitely not what you want in your kitchen.

In the end I just set it to pictures of our son or our dog to be safe, because Google just flat out wouldn't let me choose people not to see.

I don't want to delete all the pictures of me with my ex-girlfriends because some of them are the only photos I've got from specific places.

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If not them then it'd be someone else. Clearly they're starting to take polluting seriously.

If you look at CO2 emissions per capita then China is actually doing better than countries like Canada, the US, and Singapore. Assuming I haven't completely misread that table.

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It's the browser, not Sync.

Oh crap, I know him. We were friends online 15-20 years ago. Glad it sounds like he's going to be ok. This is surreal.

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The people losing their jobs are just workers with bills to pay and loved ones to take care of. No billionaires got laid off.

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You can connect other devices to your TV, like anything from a Nintendo Switch to an entire laptop/PC. Obviously they have their own privacy issues, but at least on a real computer you have some agency.

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I hope this leads to Apple dropping their bullying-inducing bubble color nonsense.

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When you spend $10k on FSD do you get a map of all the places you're not allowed to live or visit?

You must have really ruffled some feathers!