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Joined 10 months ago

Can't agree more. And the issues go beyond data harvesting. For example, recently, I lost my phone and carried on for a while without it, only to realize we're building a society in which we are slowly losing our citizenship rights if we don't have a phone. I found myself locked out from many things, and having to go so many alternate routes, that I had to get a new phone quickly.

It all happened so subtly, and I saw it happening, but still, it's hard to believe we came to this point without the people manifesting some sort of opposition. I get even more worried about the developing countries, where not everyone can properly afford a phone.

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At one hand, I like lemmy for being smaller and cozier, but on the other, the possibility of reddit becoming unprofitable due to lost users is so awesome to be missed.


Hey, don't be hard on yourself like that. Sometimes things happen or don't happen, and we don't have a clue why. Time can pass so quickly and we can lose ourselves so easily.

But that doesn't diminish you in any way. I know what I'm talking about. I lost the best years of my life, and no one will ever understand or have some sympathy for it. People are too quickly to judge or to give weird "advices" that feel much more like a kick than anything else. Our lives are so complex and can't be reduced to simple encouragement words.

I'd advise you to explore yourself a bit more. Perhaps you're restraining yourself somehow, perhaps you had a too restrictive environment, perhaps you have some undiagnosed condition (that was my case), perhaps something else. Sometimes we try to live life forcing ourselves to be what others expect of us, and we will fail so miserably, but we can live as who we are, and things start to improve progressively.

I hope I didn't confuse you even more.

What about webview-based browsers in android phones?

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My batteries, who are located in a geographic region with common room temperatures above 35ÂșC:

Until they make advertisements aimed specifically on autistic people...

Is there a remindme bot on lemmy?

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Me neither. I wonder if that's even true, because i see a lot of people changing tastes with age.

Less painful than looking at yourself every day in the mirror and staring at your with missing teeth...

But what's the problem with having an analog component?

Also, your last claim is weird, because the headphones will ultimately require an analog signal, so, it just changes the place where the conversion is made, either in the user device, or in a digital circuit inside the headphones, and the cable diatance is small enough for adding interference. Your better sound experience is probably due to manufacturers making better sound actuators, not due to the digital data transmission. Try some really cheap bt headphones, and you will see what bad quality is.

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If you make it all, and in a small frame, I'm buying right away.

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Curiously, I used to work teaching tech-illiterate elderly people how to use computers/phones and they always expected the behavior to be like natural scrolling. Perhaps, it's indeed the natural way...

It's not just a matter of discomfort for something new, but at something highly dangerous. Deepfakes have several bad and disturbing use cases, like itentity theft, sexual exploitation, marketing abuse, political manipulation, etc. In fact, I hard to find a significant good use of such technology.

What's the lemmy equivalent of r/lostredditors?

Do people still use Google search?

Google literally has more than 90% ofthre global marketshare

Thank you!

Those google apps are also the number 1 reason of phones getting slower over time and leading people to buy new ones. Fuck google.

People told me that I could pick any server and it wouldn't matter, but I noticed that not all the content in the communities I follow from other servers appear to me. It's confusing.

Well, thinking about it like that really puts things in a new perspective.

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I mean that we may think that supporting fm radio isn't worth it, but, if it's only a matter of software, it could be done without much trouble. For example, if the android ecossystem was truly open, this feature could be supported by the interested part of the community, allowing users who want the feature to have it, while not bothering anyone else.

That's so cute >.<

Its a bit funny how I find that model to be too big. People like me have definitely been abandoned from the market.

But thanks for the recommendation. I ended up grabbing an older model that still works as a low end phone, but I wonder for how long I will be able to use older phones...

It would be nice if we could choose our bias. Sometimes, we might want it biased towards scientific sources, sometimes, towards user-generated content, sometimes towards institutional sites, etc.

I was so hyped for project aria back then... It was so sad that it was discontinued.

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Me too. my phone is from 2017 and I'm fine with it. It's part of your personality, to preserve things. Associating personality traits to being "old" or to any stigmatized aspect in our society is a dirty trick to manipulate people (in this case, used to force people into consumerism). Just be yourself, and don't feel bad about it.

What do you mean by foss being orderless? Wouldn't this concept be more associated with the development structure of each project?

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Indeed, interference is the greatest enemy of analog signals. It's not impossible to shield, though. Other parts are already shielded, but I can see how it could have become more challenging.

Btw, I thought it was more related to frequency than components size, but now I'm confused, I will look more into it when I have more time. Thanks for bringing this into the topic.

It would be the solution to phone obsolescence. This concept, paired with project treble would allow us to run our phones for as long as possible. Want a screen with more pixels? Just install one. Phone getting behind on specs?Change the cpu or add ram. Want a better camera? Just get a new one. At some point, the chassis would need to be replaced, but even then, you could reuse some of your installed conponents. It would be so awesome.

Have you tried a rugged phone?