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Joined 12 months ago

Biden could trot out as a half-rotten corpse and I'd still vote for him over a serial liar and traitor to our nation.

Fyi: people often take out more than one loan, and leave the lowest interest federal loans for last...

This becomes suddenly far more understandable when you open the article and notice the band director isn't white.

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Young people have jobs

Old people are retired.

Voting is on a Tuesday.

One of the underlying reasons for turnout is pretty simple.

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It's only stupid if you think Microsoft wants to retain employees.

The tech industry is contracting after over expanding during the pandemic and, instead of layoffs, MS is hoping to get to their budget cuts by attrition.

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Paid mods is almost never a good thing for the game itself.

Almost every mod out there is addressing some (real or perceived) deficiency in the base game. Good game studios look at what's popular and either pull those features into the base game, or work with the modder to do the same.

Adding a paid mod system changes that cooperative relationship into an adversarial one, where modders see their revenue stream attacked by the game maker.

(Except maybe the make everyone nude mods)

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The story I'm hearing elsewhere is he pulled the alarm to delay the vote, as Republicans are violating their "72 hours to read the bill" rule they agreed to at the start of this Congressional term.

While I don't condone the actions, the result was a delay, long enough for representatives to read a bill they are voting on, which is something that should always be allowed.

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Remember: When dealing with any IOT device, the "S" is for "Security".

That used to be Google, when they were interested in providing quality results and showing ads alongside those results, instead of just.. being an ad company.

Before that, it was Yahoo, when they were interested in providing quality results, and showing ads, instead of just being an ad company.

Before that, it was AltaVista, when they were...

...Ask Jeeves...

We'll see who's next.

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Is it really a boycott if you simply can't make the payments?

Not that I mind.


Private, less about $275,000,000 in federal funds, sure.

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I think a bigger effect is familiarity.

Bingo. It's not about making you buy something right now, it's about brand recognition and such.

To wit, if you listen to podcasts, do a little thought experiment. Name a VPN company.

Was it "Nord VPN"? Ads work.

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Even in the US, the GDPR means companies have to at least pretend to care about data privacy,

A company I worked for a few years ago quite literally "noped" out of GDPR compliance by spinning off all its overseas business into a new company and walking away from the market entirely. That was a pretty big sign for me that the company was a piece of shit and when I started looking for a new job.

Republican opponents are now trying to shut down the administration’s efforts to build a charging network by choking off its funding.



From the article, the linked Swagger docs : https://web.archive.org/web/20240120071238/https://mycscgo.com/api/v1/docs/static/index.html#/

And a little more detailed account : https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/technology/tech-news/how-this-security-bug-in-washing-machines-can-help-college-students-in-the-us-do-free-laundry/articleshow/110277923.cms

It looks like these laundry machines are controlled by a mobile app, and requests are routed through The Internet(tm). The flaw appears to be the web service presumes a user is only able to gain access to their API endpoints via the mobile app, which only exposes certain functions to a user.

Once authorized, though, there's no further checks like oauth scopes or even user roles, to prevent someone from doing a little bit of lateral movement to admin-style endpoints.

Lazy. The machine makers should be ashamed.

The sun could've gone nova 8 minutes ago and we wouldn't know for another 20 seconds or so.

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The damage is done. Even if the laws are repealed, there's no way this guy would go back. The culture that let these laws exist in the first place is still there.

It's worth noting that even if "your guy" Republican hasn't actually voted for or said anything bad, they are complicit in allowing their colleagues to do so.

I.e., it's not just McConnell, but him and 49 other senators that allow him to lead.

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This is terrible! What half-witted shit-for-brains monkey crapped this craptacular crapfest out?! I swear to Kaballah Monster, as soon as I figure out...

git blame


"Please teabag the web cam to boot."

The enshitification of Assistant is what prompted me, a few months ago, to embark on a quest to remove Google (and other cloud-based services) from my home automation setup. I've since swapped over to Home Assistant using Zigbee for almost everything.

I had to keep the Alexa integration going, or the other half would lose their god damned mind because apparently, that's the only way on the entire planet to turn the light by the couch on and off.

But yeah, next up is just replacing all the light switches with zigbee-enabled ones so I can go full scary motion detection in a room thing. It's going to be super futuristic in here, like 1998!

Mirab, with sails unfurled.

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They're apparently for things that are already heavily tested in prior models and haven't changed.

Like the cockpit door is the same in a bunch of planes, or something, no need to test it in every plane model, etc.

What is it like being a hateful, angry person all the time?

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I do one, the other senior dev does the other. We fight about it in pull requests.

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It's worth remembering that the WGA negotiation team is in a self-imposed media blackout during negotiations. Anything we hear is from the studios.

Dude is like grandma with 30 toolbars in Internet Explorer and mad at Compaq for making the Internet hard to see.

Remember, the only reason Tuberville is able to do this is because 49 other Republican senators are complicit in enabling it.

The mark of a great teacher.

Perhaps not great, but effective. This attitude is exactly how working in the corporate world works. Reality and being right are rarely, if ever, the important thing. Following the rules, doing what you're told, and sitting the fuck down and shutting the fuck up? That's what this teacher was teaching their students.

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Not ban. No.

However, I would tax it at exactly the same rate as the corn and farm subsidies lower its cost, to make its actual price reflect reality.

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The "label" in question, from the article:

Yelp said it currently applies the following label to crisis pregnancy center listings: “This is a Crisis Pregnancy Center. Crisis Pregnancy Centers do not offer abortions or referrals to abortion providers.”

Paxton is mad that their preachy religious bullshit centers masquerading as abortion clinics are being called out for what they are.

But more importantly, this isn't about winning. It's about election-time performance art. Paxton wants to show voters he's still totally against abortion and please re-elect him.

It's worth noting these are the firmware / microcode fixes.

There's already a software solution available,

There is a software workaround, you can set the chicken bit DE_CFG[9]. This may have some performance cost, and the microcode update is preferred.

source: https://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2023/07/24/3

AMD has also already released a fix for the big boy - the EPYC processor.

Look what Democratic control of regulatory agencies does.

Ding. The SCOTUS ruling is wildly unpopular. Republicans literally just took one of their cornerstone issues -- abortion -- and said, "Nah, we're done with this," and handed it to the Democrats to use in elections for several cycles.

I knew a guy that had a roll of custom-printed "I park like a jackass" stickers. They weren't very large -- I think they were originaly labels for folders or something.

But they were on tamper-proof stickers, the kind that were metalic and broke into a bunch of tiny pieces when you tried to peel them off.

He'd slap two or three of them on the driver's side windshield and window out of the main line of sight, but you couldn't miss them when driving.

They're a pain in the ass to get off. I know, because he put one on my car that said, "I lick sweaty ballsacks".

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It's not just politicians. That entire generation clings to power and jobs, refusing, either due to ego or that they have trickle down economics'd themselves out of a social safety net and pension.

A huge majority of the leadership positions in major companies are old people. They need to learn to retire and step aside.

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Oh no.

Not undermine the legitimacy of the Court!

Those fucksticks did it themselves. Anything the Executive does to put it back on course is an improvement.

Seventh time's the charm.

It's not only ludicrous, it's straight up suicidal.

Developing wetlands will literally kill us.

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The stove thing is soo stupid. It's not even a ban on gas stoves, it's just requiring you to properly ventilate areas when they are installed.

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