
3 Post – 335 Comments
Joined 4 months ago

Using Windows I can tolerate most of their shit. But their Administor stuff and security model in general..

Next time I meet a conspiracy theorist in my workplace, I probably have to confirm he's right...

I think this is a universal fediversal problem. We are rather informed, but the problem is the rest of the world.

They aren't purposefully ignoring it.

It's just that it's not newsworthy for academics, either because it's not surprising or there's no funding for such studies.

In the animal kingdom, females are rarely faithful to their mates, so there is probably sperm from a number of males inside a female reproductive tract.

How can I buy a plane ticket to that Animal Kingdom you all're talking about.

Literally me irl

You can fund it. A huge funding to change even the journals.

As a professor I have to say... the site admin skipped the class that taught them to include always the color bar.

I prefer Fedora. I think Fedora lost the war on easy Linux branding to Ubuntu 15 years ago.

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Kinoite shows the future of noob Linux I think, but it's still new and has some rough edges. I installed it on an ARM and couldn't make it wake up from sleep.

I really like Jobs-era Apple and hate M$, but didn't feel the urge to defend A this time.

Agreed. If flatpak can continue to gain more control around GUI and hardware, I would finally be able to hop on the wagon completely.

How do people even find the legitimate sites for Win apps these days? I mostly can't. Even the legitimate github repos occasionally link to Sourceforge wtf

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This one's fixable. Just hold Meta accountable. It should be illegal they don't manually filter ads when submitted.

I think one has to gather more proof before concluding that the gap is due to LLMs. It can also be that the engagement was lost due to third party app drop. We don't have stats to distinguish them.

The funny thing is that this is probably lobbying from NTT Docomo, who lost their own app store monopoly for feature phones the moment smartphones arrived.

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following pressure from a conservative think tank that holds shares in the company

Yeah, while I hate to say I rather support capitalism – living in a milder capitalism country in which the bigger problem is commercialism – I admit capitalism is broken fundamentally. Any bad actor can push their conspiracy just by putting money.

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Someone has to rewrite this...

You have to read thousands of words past Executive Summary to see what's going on, which eventually turns out to be the usual left-right culture war (aargh...) The worst is that this actual theme is hidden in the links and is never directly mentioned in the letter.

The letter also stops short of taking side between left and right although the links clarify it's obviously the former.

It instead accuses the NixOS platform of having "systemic" problems in "leadership," "structure," etc. etc. I was like, "just say it, you simply believe in a more progressive NixOS team."

They only say "bad behaviors," then define bad behaviors with abstract terms using one paragraph. That's shortly after the text uses the metaphor of "missing stairs in a staircase", without explaining what these missing stairs are about.

So abstract, without examples for all this depth of abstraction.

They go on with their "bad behavior", bad behavior, bad behavior, and finally there are links. If you click on the first (?) of these links, you finally see that this one example was about minority representation in NixOS development. In the rest, you see examples of the usual conservative vs. progressive culture war.

There are proper ways to do this.

I think I won't be able to convince you, but one could say RH is leaching on FOSS projects anyway. Well, that's also what FOSS is about. Products people use should be open source, and this extends to business products. (And free as in freedom.)

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I guess they turned to experts instead of making it a political issue led by conservatives.

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This sounds like an exaggeration though.

To me it seems like these researchers are saying the switch is confusing and complicated. That is not to say that Apple secretly collect data after lying to their users.

The problem with Siri, first example, is more about Apple's (characteristic) terminology garbage. Siri's voice control has nothing to do with Siri's search suggestion, yet they marketed both as Siri. Actually, you can turn them both off, but since the voice control is just called Siri, they confused their users.

That's different from "collecting data even when supposedly disabled.

(Tbf, even if they were better termed, my mom would still manage to confuse herself... mo matter what Apple do, the average user won't be able to turn off anything.)

That said, there's no point trying to convince someone on the internet anyway, and so I don't really know why I wrote this comment.

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I am a manager at a big tech and I hate capitalism. CXOs really only care about profits, and thus everybody high-level proposes new enshittification strategies.

Sorry to hear your situation. I've heard a similar story from a friend, where cronies bully one "colleague" after another to push that poor person to the edge. These morons climb the company's career ladder in that way, hacking the HR evaluation. It's truly disgusting.

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The current internet search is becoming obsolete. People are able to tell apart BS, though. This means, there's a possibility for a smarter filter. Hard to tell whether we will see one in the near-future.

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For C it makes sense. The point of C is that it can work as a low level language. Basically, everything doable with assembly SHOULD be doable with C, and that's why we don't need another low level language that's basically C with goto.

Even though almost all of C users should never use goto.

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I don't like Lemmy's stance on mod features, but I still don't appreciate people who stress devs to add features because users are the most important.

It should instead be we will not use your software otherwise.

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So... why don't they just write that people (or they) want a more progressive NixOS management?

Would be more to the point.

Edit: if you doubt, just check all the examples in the letter.

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Yet, it runs on massively parallel hardware like GPUs, with near-linear speedup

What a bold claim...

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Exactly. I do understand their anger, but leaning to Trump is just ultra stupid.

Or they don't want the tool of specifically the CCP.

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While many of the issues with Debian can be resolved by compiling from source, this has been one of the main causes of system failure for me in the past. It also requires equal or greater effort than playing with Nixfiles.

I guess you are doing something wrong here. I can't imagine that compiling stuff on Debian would be trickier than tinkering with NixOS.

Maybe you have been following advices on the web instead of taking the time to understand problems and keep your Debian tidy?

Besides, between an expert niche like NixOS and the popular Ubuntu, there are more than a dozen OSes you can consider when it comes to preferences on maintenance. You don't have to consider so many, but a blog article on your particular three / four (NixOS, Debian Ubuntu + Mint) looks a bit off.

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You have a nice friendship :) That's more important than Linux.

sometimes-correct summary without needing to click on a single result

Crazier than it sounds. We don't see the page contents AT ALL by default.

I have this unpopular thought: If I had to choose between Canonical's Snap Store and Apple App Store...

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Come over here to beehaw.org. We have nice admins.

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I don't like Reddit, but r/science is still worth checking due to its critical culture.



Most sane Debian package management

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Hell... As a researcher maintaining one technology on my own, I feel this. This is another reason one shouldn't do things for free. There needs to be an incentive. And professionalism in the community. Sadly, both are hard to find...

NixOS is a reproducible OS. I wouldn't call it immutable.

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Suse deserves more users.