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Also, it doesn’t specify whether the comment should be verbal or text, so I just did it verbally.

Vegeta, what's his MHz level?

Paying for the privilege of using AI to sift through the vast bleak sea of AI generated garbage. What a time to be alive!


This affordable housing measure also passed in the same election, for what it's worth.

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Yeah, I wonder how he'd feel about walking it back further, to a time when black men also could not vote. Or maybe to a time when all blacks in this country were considered farm equipment. He sure likes to talk about how various groups of people should "know their place".

Same. It says on his Wikipedia he quit drinking in 2018. I'm surprised he quit but glad for him.

Yeah looks like I may be wrong about "make do" being incorrect. Didn't know the spelling was changed in the 40s. I've always seen it written as "due". Seems like an odd word to use though. Wouldn't due make more sense? Like you're able to meet the dues that are required?

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I'm seeing a lot of people here claiming that the Philips head was originally designed to cam out/strip to prevent a transfer of force sufficient to twist the head off. While I agree this does sound logically plausible, I could find no reference to such features in the original patent: https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/0f/28/e3/3e3075abbb9779/US2046837.pdf 🤷‍♂️

Same kind of dictator mentality I'd expect from Musk himself honestly. Doesn't fix the problem because he's insulted that someone else pointed it out. Cutting off his nose to spite his face. He's good at that. I'm really surprised the board still tolerates his shit.

I dated a woman who said Adam's Apples were one of her favorite features on a man. I wouldn't say it was to the point of being a full blown fetish, but definitely something that she paid attention to. If I had to guess, I'd say she's probably not the only one out there that feels that way.

"This is competition for my product that costs taxpayers billions!"

There are so many details which are being thrown out here in order for you to lump those two quotes and events together like that and call them the same. I'm no genius at reading comprehension and even I can see that! I think you need to spend an additional 5 minutes reading about the two wars, and then some.

It definitely was a thing if you bought them new. http://i.imgur.com/zf92o.jpg

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Hillary is a downer cuck that needs to stfu and gtfo. Nobody cares what she has to say. She's done enough. Please just fuck off and go make some insider trades or something.

I read that the thing about them being designed to strip to prevent worse failure is just a myth. Or at least they weren't originally designed to. It said that the original patent never contained any feature for that. Wouldn't surprise me though if modern companies do use screws designed to strip to prevent disassembly/repair.

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Yeah I feel the same, cautiously hopeful. It seems like the implementation always gets bogged down with corruption, red tape and fingerpointing in this city...

From the article:

Breed’s office has said the measure was intentionally designed to be flexible on the treatment component. Treatment options could range from out-patient services to a prescription for buprenorphine, a medication used to treat addiction. They noted it doesn’t include a requirement for participants to remain sober, recognizing that people often lapse in recovery and shouldn’t be kicked out of the program for a slip-up.

Yep, still hate it... I realized now that make do is the accepted agreed upon spelling.

That same measure also allows the use of drones and other technology to follow and track the suspects, so may not necessarily mean more automobile persuits. We'll have to wait and see I guesa.

One of the strangest fetishes I've heard about was from a dude I used to work with. He told me he was into watching girls eating hamburgers. Especially when they take a big bite. He really emphasized that part to me. I feel bad because I remember struggling to keep a straight face and this guy just wanted to open up to me about something he normally hides. Ugh

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Lol yes. This modern spelling and technology is too much for me.

Thank you! People here getting all riled up without even reading the damn article. What else is new?

Nobody uses hub motors on production EVs yet as far as I'm aware due to the much higher unsprung mass this creates. That is to say it is a bunch more weight flopping around on the opposite end of the suspension from the frame. This leads to handling, ride quality and reliability issues. Rivian does at least use a 4 motor system though.

Possible trigger warning...

I read an article a few years ago about this happening in China. There were graphic photos from the ER which I won't discuss here, but If I remember correctly it was a teenager and he actually died because it ruptured an artery in his colon or something like that. Ever since then I've always been ok with spending a little more money for a quality chair. Especially if it's something you're going to use every day.

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Porsche also stole many of the innovative design elements of their cars from a Czech auto manufacturer called Tatra, after the Nazis took over the factory.

Good point on the difference in context. I guess that's how I've seen it used mostly.

Lol of all people, you're pinning this on Kamala Harris? Wasn't she a prosecutive attorney before she was DA? Wtf did she do that "made it like this"?

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SF has cops? Jk but yeah, Its so obvious that the people making comments like that don't live here. The rage bait is strong with this topic for sure.

Holy fuck this is genius and hilarious. His base subconsciously sees themselves in him all the better when he wears his baggy outdated men's wearhouse sack over his depends.

I agree. The vast majority of people don't know the difference, and have never used a pozidriv driver with a pozidriv screw. It is a vast improvement imo.

Ive never seen any credible evidence of an actual transfer of funds to Stein from Russia, but there is definitely evidence that they support her in order to siphon votes from the Democratic candidate. U.S. elections affect the entire world and it is no surprise that enemies of the U.S. are going to use every resource they can to alter the results in their favor.



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Read the article:

Breed’s office has said the measure was intentionally designed to be flexible on the treatment component. Treatment options could range from out-patient services to a prescription for buprenorphine, a medication used to treat addiction. They noted it doesn’t include a requirement for participants to remain sober, recognizing that people often lapse in recovery and shouldn’t be kicked out of the program for a slip-up.

From the article:

Breed’s office has said the measure was intentionally designed to be flexible on the treatment component. Treatment options could range from out-patient services to a prescription for buprenorphine, a medication used to treat addiction. They noted it doesn’t include a requirement for participants to remain sober, recognizing that people often lapse in recovery and shouldn’t be kicked out of the program for a slip-up.

If they don't get help to stop, they eventually progress to a point where they are definitely not using for fun. They have no choice anymore. They have one goal and that is to be high at any cost. I work in a part of SF where there are a lot of them and the things I see them go through are horrendous. It feels like watching state sanctioned torture. They are literally being left to rot. I know two people that have lost a loved one to fentanyl and it really is heartbreaking.

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Was the dew you made of the mountainous variety? Did you have to make do with what you had in order to make due on your rental payment? Am I doing this right?

What if the dude was so stressed out by all of this he just said fuck it, I'm done, and blew his brains out?

I'm not saying I think this is true any more than I think Boeing had him killed. Just providing it as a plausible motive for suicide to show that we really need more information to be revealed from a proper investigation before we attach ourselves to assumptions.

Haha true about it seeming pretty wholesome. Yeah I definitely wasn't judging him, it was just so random. But I would have felt awful if he thought I was judging him. Luckily I don't think he did, because he went on for another minute or so about it.

Oh ok that makes sense.