
1 Post – 79 Comments
Joined 4 months ago

Didn't they and Manchin and Sinema promised to block it?

well the USA was circling the drain after Trump's first win... they are now at the toilet gargling stage

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And with this final blow... the entire government of the USA is up for sale!

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We wish... the good/bad neighbour analogy is very apt here; whatever happens in the USA spills over here all the time.

We are about to enter our own Trump shit show when PP is elected next year.

For me personally, it was all about balance.

15 years ago, Gmail/Inbox was a great email client, the domain was great and popular (so no need to spell it out for people) and I would "pay" by getting ads based on my emails read by a bot.

Now Gmail is a terrible email client, the best updates are ridiculous things like moving buttons around and it takes Google years to roll out. The thing loses emails, mislabels and misclassifies stuff and the rules work for a week then blow up. On top of that, google is now basically a proctologist considering how far up my ass they want to go

The balance is broken... Google now officially sucks (IMO)

Exactly right... what should happen is that the Satanic Church, any Islam denomination, the Spaghetti Monster, etc should all start putting up their own billboards everywhere...

While SCOTUS is compromised, there is no point in playing their game

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Precedent? I don't even know why they bother when they can simply legally and openly bribe whomever wins anyway

who cares about those?, when the Secretaries and all the high level officials running everything can be bought

regular federal officials were up for sale way before this... the combined "corporations are people" and "money is free speech" nonsense meant anyone can openly throw money at anyone up for election and that's A-OK because free speech

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wait what? the cops were addressing a noise complaint and that, somehow, gave them permission to break into someone's home? (never mind they got the wrong home to begin with)

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So Americans... at what point do you finally realize you have a two tier legal system and actually act on it?

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The UN: how can we be more of a joke to the world??

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and it will never change....

A grand jury declined to indict Indianola Police Officer Greg Capers (pictured) on Dec. 14, 2023, after the May 20, 2023, shooting of Aderrien Murry. He remains on the force

In person I can’t go anywhere without someone wanting to ask me about it and gushing about how cool it is.

That's just confirmation bias my dude...

I have seen people out there with clothes, accessories, hairdo, make up that makes me want to vomit... but I am not an asshole and this is not my problem so I do nothing....

On the other hand, I have seen as many people with clothes, accessories, hairdo or make up that makes me want to say "wow, that is so cool"... being a positive thing, I do sometimes tell them "Bud, what an awesome shirt!"... "wow those glasses are super cool!", etc

The point being, it takes different types of people/attitudes/effort to go out of your way to give a compliment vs an insult... insulting people is harder and riskier, therefore you will see much less of it (how many people go out of their way to warn you you have a bugger hanging out or lettuce on your teeth?)

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Right on... I was watching this bootleg movie "Saving Ryan's Privates" and saw more skin than I expected... I'm suing


Ps: it's Madonna, nobody who bought a ticket to her concert should have been surprised by this...

Got my last Pi (RBP5) to try to set up a simple TV player under linux... unfortunately the performance was shit... had to go with Android and it's barely OK (bang for buck)

With the IPO I expect RBP are going to become more expensive and significantly enshitified... so that's that

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These apps are so bad they have recorded people "hard braking" when they are home watching TV (just check the Play store for any of them and read the reviews)... there is no way this isn't ripe for abuse

how is this news? we already knew Romney was a turd

I respect people who have faith... but those religious idiots out there using religion as a weapon and the scum of society, and those from, the ones that think Trump is a kind of messiah, are so completely utterly brained fucked that should be legally declared incapacitated

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Neither does ChatGPT... they over-hyped this tech so hard, I am afraid they are makers of their own demise...

A horse?! that guy is delusional... most men won't have the ability to defeat (unarmed) anything bigger than a medium size dog...

Anything bigger will likely overpower a regular human, most smaller would just be too fast or have different, naturally occurring weaponry to defeat us

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Evidence #4564734 that these CEOs are more figure heads and actual strategist and absolutely do not deserve the multi-million dollar packages they constantly give themselves

Fuck those comments man... I have a daughter and she is fond of sleepovers... if I ever get a text from her asking for help, I would show up in that house like the Kool-aid man from hell

the sad thing is, the amount of people who could actually discern, and take advantage of, higher end audio are a small minority... the rest are just admiring the Emperor's new clothes

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... but you know what will eventually die? People who do not believe in vaccines

Too bad they will take many with them because of their wilful ignorance... but eventually the problem will correct itself

Someday I hope to live in a society where confidently saying something idiotic is shameful as crapping your pants in public or realizing you have a bugger hanging off your nostril

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I’m not saying Trump is a billionaire, or even a good businessman, but holy shit how crazy is it that people are trading $35/share for something their grandkids could put together over a long weekend of free time?

I think you are interpreting this wrong... people are paying $35 a share because one of two reasons:

  • they are completely deluded and think of Trump as a literal messiah
  • they think $35 a share for a complete slut that would do anything but with the powers of the US Presidency is a bargain

What evidence?

The fact that is was cut 60% just because Donald said he wasn't going to pay

They are tolerating him so that he has no avenues for appeal

This is literally the opposite... they are bending over backwards to give him a better chance to appeal

Stop being a doomer and take the win.

Where is the win?

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It was... I was accessing my work email which unfortunately runs on Exchange... having said that, sorry, either support whatever crap MS puts or out don't... "losing" emails cannot be part of a ready-for-public email client

Now, from what I read at the time, it was not "Owl for exchange"'s bug, it was Thunderbird. It apparently happens with other email sources as well, however you can "repair" your mailbox to get them back when you notice

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Adorable... Like gizmo

Who cares what the "company" does when, as CEO, you rake almost $400 MILLION a year


PS: and this is while receiving "no salary" (which they sell as if they were running a charity and meager $1.4 million in "other" compensation

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so it's performing better than most Trump businesses?

So my grandpa is almost blind and his hands are shaky... the chances of him hitting me with that gun he is waving around are slim to none... so I guess it's just fine to help him load the gun and make sure he has access to it whenever he wants... right?

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They already do that... so nothing is lost

Exactly! What's not to understand here?

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I never said it was the judgement, I knew it was the bond but the point remains... Why does he get a break?

Also, he needs to post the bond to appeal, that's the whole issue here... They are giving him a 60% discount to make it easier for him to appeal.... Maybe take your own advice and read about the case more

How dare your family ease the boot off a neighbour's neck?!

Good preview of most "AI" products being peddled by force

She’s held to the same standard as any other judge.

which seems to be no standard at all...

All the more reason Smith should file a motion for recusal.

yet he inexplicably does not... hmm I wonder

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So my grandpa is almost blind and his hands are shaky… the chances of him hitting my with that gun he is waving around are slim to none… so I guess it’s just fine to help him load the gun and make sure he has access to it whenever he wants… right?

Those people never realized their stance is just as idiotic as "I cross the street without looking both ways because if they run me over, they'll have to pay"... or "I have the seat belt on, I can crash at top speed and nothing will happen to me"