
3 Post – 117 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

If you’re branching logic due to the existence or non-existence of a field rather than the value of a field (or treating undefined different from null), I’m going to say you’re the one doing something wrong, not the Java dev.

These two things SHOULD be treated the same by anybody in most cases, with the possible exception of rejecting the later due to schema mismatch (i.e. when a “name” field should never be defined, regardless of the value).

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You wish it was like that in the medical industry, but it absolutely is not

If you think they had impenetrable security before this, I’ve got some bad news for you…

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The damage was not the actual pricing (which was cheaper than Unreal), the reason people are going to leave for Unreal/Godot and never come back is the loss of trust. Nobody wants to be chained down to a company that’s willing to pull the rug out like this.

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These are not "mistakes", these are willfully evil acts.

I'm just going to quote another comment here:

Billet Labs sent their best prototype (as in, the only one they had) to LMG for review. Linus proceeded to strap it to a video card where it didn’t fit, so bad that there was a 1mm gap (which might as well be a million miles when you’re talking about cooling). Of course the performance sucked due to it being strapped to a card it wasn’t designed to fit, linus trashed the block and the company. And here’s the part that just fucks me off. Billet Labs SENT THEM THE CORRECT CARD WITH THE BLOCK! There is literally no valid excuse for putting it on the wrong card, Billet Labs sent them the correct one!!!

Combine that with the image in the OP, and there's just no excuse. These are not the actions of someone that "intends no malice". This is not an "accident". This is not a "learning opportunity". This is not a "mistake". This is a person doing everything in their power to selfishly extract every dime they can from both their viewers and this startup.

They intentionally lied to the viewers because trashing a product gets more views. They intentionally lied to the startup because they got more money from selling the prototype.

They do not deserve any sympathy.

The problem is that almost all electronics available online (not just on Amazon) are rebranded Chinese bargain bin garbage marked up by 10x and people think "it must be good because it's expensive".

Really your only option is to either accept that everything is disposable and will need to be replaced frequently, or to find the "good" brands and stick to them.

That last part is by design... it's why a lot of this shit is perpetuated by the same parent company under a different name, to create a "hostile environment" to make it so you can't shop around for cheaper prices.

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The worst part is they're also removing all of the existing gold awards from old posts as well.

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Git was specifically CREATED to facilitate this exact mailing list workflow.

Your own rock, in this economy?

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It’s the API that ALLOWED the misuse in the first place, so the developers are the ones to hold accountable.

I don’t think that last part is entirely accurate. The reason the weak gravity causes tides is actually because it’s acting over the entire ocean all at once.

It turns out that the ocean is a bit heavy… when you add up the entire mass of all of the water, this imparts quite a substantial bit of potential energy. This can be seen as a “bulge” outward in the moon’s direction, making the planet look a little “squished”.

If the planet were perfectly smooth, this probably would be fairly stable as the bulge wrapped around the planet… however, because we have continents and the sea floor, this movement of water crashes into the land and causes ripple effects with a huge amount of kinetic energy.

I don’t think it would take more that a few years for this process to ramp up to our current level of tides, if there were some way of doing such a ramp up in a controlled way.

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What this shows is how terrible raw JS is, when all of this crap is required to fix all of the edge cases and make things actually work the way it’s supposed to.

Except the fediverse is highly resilient in this regard, since all of the data is replicated. If an instance goes down, all of that instance’s posts are still available on every other instance.

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And the only thing even worse than SCRUM is literally every other option

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Local communities are totally irrelevant when deciding which instance should host your account.

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There are only 3 hard problems in programming:

0: Cache invalidation
2: Race conditions
1: Naming things
3: Off-by-one errors

Sure, just like the “leakers” guessed it would come out last year, and the year before that, and the year before that… don’t worry, just keep moving that goalpost, you’ll get it right one day.

Yeah, this time the “leaks” are “different”, just like they were “different” last time, and the time before that, and the time before that, and…

Except WEI is going to make it so the website can detect and block you if you don't allow the ads, regardless of your browser and extensions

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And there’s nothing wrong with that

So what? Malicious extensions can do anything. Don’t run untrusted code on any computer you care about, ever. This is true for any IDE extension, any NPM package, any mod pack, etc.

We should be giving even more respect to the ones that kept their own salary reasonable in the first place so that a pay cut wasn’t necessary.

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This is not useful now, nor will something like this ever be useful.

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If you’re using assembly, then you’ve already given up on the easy ways.

I only use the Subscriptions feed, and use an extension that blocks recommendations and shorts.
Additionally, before watching any video I'll check the channel page to see if YouTube is hiding any of that person's videos from me (which they do even on the Subscriptions feed sometimes).
Fuck the algorithm.

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“Discord said users will be able to turn off the ads in their settings.”

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Lemmy has Hot, Active, and Top sort modes, all of which are different indicators of engagement.

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Buy a keyboard and monitor

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If you get ghosted, it only proves that that person is emotionally immature and wasn’t ready for a relationship anyway, so they did you a favor by outing themself.

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This is not even remotely accurate.

If that were the case they would just revert to the old version, it doesn’t need to be constantly trained.

Given that the API version hasn’t changed, it’s most likely the just scaled down the compute allocated to the free chat version.

Opera 12 was my main browser until it died and was replaced by a completely unrelated and terrible browser called Opera 2013. Opera 12's spiritual successor is Vivaldi, and that's what I still use now.

Vivaldi is the only browser that has all of the UI features that I want... No amount of extensions and customization of Chrome, Edge, or Firefox has been able to come anywhere close to matching it.

So what? Malicious extensions can do anything. Don’t run untrusted code on any computer you care about, ever. This is true for any IDE extension, any NPM package, any mod pack, etc.

"Hot" just needs to weight the upvotes by the relative size (or average post upvotes) of that community, so you can see whatever is "relatively Hot" within each.

Considering that the vast majority of comments on every thread (including this thread) are from users on different instances than OP, I’m going to answer: “literally everyone on Lemmy, constantly, and on every post”.

It sounds like what you meant to ask was more about interoperability between different platforms, but keep in mind that even if other platforms didn’t exist, Lemmy would not be what it is without ActivityPub federation.

Some games don’t even have fucking KEYBINDS, which the most basic of accessibility features.

This will only change when stores (like Steam) start cataloguing these types of features and letting people setup default filters to hide all games without them.

The users have to make them hear that releasing any game without basic accessibility options is unacceptable. This will only happen when the majority is pushing for it, not just those that need the options.

Until then, make sure you leave a negative review and get a refund when you see this kind of thing, even if the game is otherwise good. Pirate the game instead if you still want to play it anyway. They have to be told that this is unacceptable.

Anything that uses any machine learning techniques is AI

Yes, this is literally true, since ML is a subfield of AI. You seem to be confusing the term “AI” with “AGI”.

Even Deep Blue was (correctly) considered to be an AI and it’s not even even complex enough to count as ML.

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There is no such thing, nor can there ever be such a thing, as an accurate deepfake detector.

Transferring is theoretically technically possible (Mastodon does it), but Lemmy hasn't implemented the option yet. There's an issue for it on their GitHub.

Sounds like the heuristic is taking multiple samples only uses them if they are within some consistency threshold, to hedge against the cases where the field has random data.

The reason it only fails rarely and randomly is because it only happens when multiple actually random timestamps happen to line up around the same time.

Sort of like how several applications (cough git cough) have failure modes when two different files happen to have the same hash.

Turns out developers are bad at statistics and probabilities and don’t understand the birthday paradox.

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This is why .NET code compiles to platform-independent binaries that get JIT translated to machine code and optimized for the target CPU. Developers don't need to do anything (the applications don't even need to be re-compiled), they will just get conditionally optimized when appropriate.

Instagram completely mangles image quality, and Threads seems to be tied into Instagram stuff on the back-end, so I wouldn't be surprised if that's what's happening here.